
All about the profession of military engineer

All about the profession of military engineer
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Knowledge and skills
  4. Education
  5. Salary and career prospects

According to historical records, the profession of an engineer first appeared in the 2nd century BC. NS. This was the name of the people involved in the creation of combat vehicles. In addition, the functions of engineers were assigned to special infantry units, which were also called "pioneers". They dug ditches, trenches, dug trenches. And in 1701, the ruler Peter I created the "school of the Pushkar Prikaz", where in the future they trained only specialists in the military-strategic professions, including engineers.


It is very difficult to underestimate the importance of the engineering profession. People who decide to devote themselves to engineering play an important role in all areas of life. They take part not only in the household, but also in the industrial field, from the food industry to computer technology.

The engineering profession is divided into several main groups.

  • Design engineers. Representatives of this profession invent and develop various engineering technologies.
  • Technological economists. Their main responsibilities are production control, tracking economic and administrative work.

The profession of an engineer speaks of a highly educated person who is ready to carry out organizational work with creative addition. Society associates representatives of this profession with drawing diagrams and projects. But in practice, these are specialists who know how to combine personal qualities with technical literacy and creative thinking.

Someone believes that personal qualities are not the main factor for a military engineer. In fact, this is not the case.Military engineers are constantly working to preserve and maintain peaceful life.

An important advantage of the specialty of a military engineer is remuneration. And every year its indicator only increases. At the end of their service, engineers are given a decent pension. At the same time, the state takes care not only of direct specialists, but also of their families. For them, special benefits are provided, expressed both in kind and in cash.

Despite all the advantages, the specialty of a military engineer has a sufficient number of disadvantages.

  • Injury hazard. While on duty, any soldier can get into an emergency situation. And no one can guarantee that a person does not suffer. You shouldn't strive for safety. For those who value peace of mind, choosing the military are not recommended.
  • Lack of stability regarding the place of work. A soldier, by order of the commander, can be sent to another place for service.
  • A military engineer needs to be prepared for emergency situations from a psychological point of view. In this case, we are talking about the killing of the enemy on the battlefield and the conduct of hostilities in general.

However, now the country lives in a relatively peaceful time. Accordingly, military engineers and other specialists can calmly engage in their immediate duties: develop new designs of military equipment with various technologies.


While peace and tranquility reign in the state, military engineers perform their main duties, namely: they maintain, repair and improve equipment, strategic equipment, make drawings of various buildings and structures. But during the onset of hostilities or in the process of special operations, military engineers have to perform the following functions:

  • build fortifications;
  • set up barriers, mine and clear fields, carry out blasting operations;
  • prepare and maintain routes for the movement of friendly troops;
  • engage in the construction of bridges, the maintenance of crossings;
  • to extract and purify water;
  • counteract the enemy's intelligence system, imitate the troop mass and provide the attacker with disinformation.

For the successful fulfillment of direct duties to a military engineer it is necessary to have such qualities as quick-wittedness and communication. He must be able to organize people, have a spatial imagination.

A military engineer must be decisive, efficient, responsible and balanced. Have willpower, distribute attention correctly, be physically resilient and emotionally resilient.

Knowledge and skills

As is already known, the duties of a military engineer include the development of drawings and the construction of buildings of various types, troubleshooting, overhaul of equipment, ammunition and complex automated control systems. It follows from this that a military engineer must know the design features, understand the intricacies of preventive inspection of equipment and various equipment, and be able to identify and eliminate even minor malfunctions. A military engineer must have the skills to carry out operational repair work.

In addition, representatives of this profession must know the rules for creating an algorithm for the automatic functioning of complex electronic devices, and monitor equipment in standby mode. Do not forget that military equipment undergoes modernization every year. It is not only renewed, but also improved. Accordingly, a military engineer needs to have the knowledge of fundamental training, but at the same time to independently delve into the study of new machines. Thus, the specialist replenishes his own knowledge and at any time will be able to apply it in practice.

A modern engineering specialist must be proficient in computer technology, be able to collect, store and process classified information used only in the professional field.


There are many universities in Russia where you can get the profession of a military engineer. At the same time, specialization entirely depends on the type of troops.... For example, some cadets choose the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces. Peter the Great, others wish to study at the Military Space Academy. AF Mozhaisky, still others wish to get the specialty of an engineer, having graduated from the Pushkin Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces named after V.I. Savitsky. However, this is only a small part of military educational institutions, where they teach such a serious profession.

In general, military education on the territory of the Russian Federation has a certain specificity. Upon graduation from the university, cadets receive 2 education at once, namely: a civil engineering and a military specialty. A complete list of professions that are recruited is provided to applicants upon arrival at educational institutions. Military universities, in contrast to civilian institutions, did not switch to a two-level type of education, but retained the usual five-year plan.

After the applicant submits an application, he must pass the preliminary selection according to the documents. In this case, the commission considers the availability of Russian citizenship, education level, age, health status, physical fitness and professional suitability. But admission to the military institutes of the Ministry of Defense takes place only on a competitive basis. The most capable students, prepared to acquire knowledge in educational programs, enter these educational institutions. In addition to the competition itself, cadets pass specialized selection. It's easy to get into a military school, but to become a highly qualified specialist is very difficult.

Along with universities in Russia, there are also military colleges. However, cadets prefer to bypass the stage of secondary specialized education and immediately submit documents to higher educational institutions.

Salary and career prospects

Military engineers have very great prospects for climbing the career ladder. Initially, they undergo military service, after which they take up long service. At the same time, they receive the first or next title. Then they undergo additional training and improve their own qualifications. Demonstrating diligence, striving for improvement, clearly following the orders of senior officials, showing their knowledge and capabilities, a military engineer will certainly be noticed by the leadership... And it is possible that in 10 years he will have a high rank.

As noted earlier, any military profession is entirely associated with the risk of life. And it becomes very difficult to maintain ideal physical shape with age, which is why the military is sent into retirement. With regard to remuneration, in the process of career growth, the salary of a military engineer is constantly increasing. Initially, the specialist receives 40 thousand rubles. Subsequent work, seniority, length of service, ideal personal business, professional qualities, obtaining regular and extraordinary titles are accompanied by an increase in wages. The maximum salary for a military engineer is 200 thousand rubles.

After retirement, a military specialist is assigned a decent pension payment. In addition, they still have many benefits that also apply to close relatives. However, for the military, who retired at a fairly young age by modern standards, it is very difficult to sit at home in an armchair in front of the TV.

Accordingly, they find a part-time job at a large enterprise in the security service and earn additional money to the amount of state support.

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