
How do I clean my irrigator?

How do I clean my irrigator?
  1. Contamination reasons
  2. What is needed for this?
  3. Irrigator preparation
  4. Cleaning procedure
  5. Precautionary measures

Information on how to clean the irrigator (oral hygiene device) is always indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for use, but some aspects are touched upon very superficially. Meanwhile, descaling agents or for removing limescale when caring for the device at home are simply necessary. The owners of irrigators will also find useful information on how to rinse them from the inside or clean them outside, because hygienic cleanliness in this case is of paramount importance - all these aspects should be studied in more detail.

Contamination reasons

During the operation of the irrigator, it comes into contact with water, herbal solutions, and other liquids, which, under favorable conditions, may well lead to the growth and development of pathogenic microflora. That is why all systems of the device periodically require disinfection. Besides, inside (on metal parts) scale gradually accumulates, impairing electrical conductivity, leading to overheating and failure of the irrigator.

When using hard water, the outer parts become covered with limescale - it should also be removed in time.

What is needed for this?

Cleaning your irrigator at home starts with choosing products that can be used in the process. All of them are divided into specialized chemicals and safe formulations that every housewife has in the kitchen. Each of these options deserves special attention.

Improvised means

In the fight against scale and mold on the inner surfaces of the irrigator, all known substances are used.

  1. Vinegar. It helps to disinfect metal elements, effectively destroys mold and mildew.For washing, a solution of 7% vinegar in a volume of 100 and 400 ml of water is used.
  2. Lemon acid. The best home remedy for limescale. You can use a concentrate of lemon juice and 500 ml of water, or dissolve 25 g of a powdery substance used in cooking in the same volume of liquid.
  3. Baking soda. Another descaler with an additional disinfectant effect. 1 tablespoon of powder is dissolved in 0.5 l of water.

You should not follow the recommendations that suggest pouring sweet soda water into the appliance. Such a composition will lead to the failure of the irrigator.

Special solutions

Specialized irrigator cleaners can be purchased at medical equipment stores and pharmacies. The most popular are the formulations from the brands Revyline, "Doctor Slon". Means effectively fight scale, prevent overheating of the motor.

For disinfection, you can use medical solutions: chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide.

Irrigator preparation

Before cleaning the internal parts, it is imperative to disassemble the device, otherwise it will not be possible to carry out high-quality processing. Disassembly order may vary depending on the model of equipment. General recommendations would be as follows:

  • disconnect the device from the network, wait until its rotating parts stop moving;
  • remove the cover from the tank;
  • remove the tank from the body, this may require some effort;
  • drain the liquid in the container;
  • detach the nozzle.

After that, you can start sanitizing the device.

Cleaning procedure

In order to clean the irrigator at home, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations. After each use, manufacturers recommend rinsing the inside of the tank, especially if a liquid with flavors and dyes has been used.

Cleaning the device consists in putting it into operation according to a standard cycle using special additives. Also, depending on the type of contamination, surface treatment can be used.

From limescale

The interior surfaces of the irrigator suffer from mineral salt deposits. In order to clean the device from such plaque, it is filled with a special liquid dissolved in water in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer of the product. After that, all that remains is to start the irrigator into operation, and then drain the liquid and rinse it with clean water.

The procedure must be repeated at least once every 2-3 months.

From mold

The fungus develops on the walls of the irrigator when it is stored in a bathroom or other room with impaired air exchange. High temperature and humidity provide a favorable environment for the growth of mold colonies. They can be removed only with the help of means safe for the device: hydrogen peroxide, vinegar or soda.

Depending on the magnitude of the problem, either shallow cleaning or rinsing is done.

  1. Surface cleaning. The device is treated with vinegar solution, dried, rubbed with a brush. Then it is enough to rinse it with clean filtered water.
  2. Washing. In this case, the solution is poured into the tank. The device with the attachment is put into operation for a full cycle. At the end of cleaning, the remaining solution is drained, all elements are washed, laid out for drying on a towel or paper napkins.

From limescale

When using hard water, limescale deposits can build up both on the body of the irrigator and on the sides of the irrigator. In this case, it is usually sufficient to simply wipe the affected elements with a soft cloth without using special abrasive or cleaning agents. With regular, proper care, the problem will not occur too often.

As a preventive measure, it is possible to recommend the use of soft distilled or filtered water, its preliminary boiling before pouring into the tank.

Precautionary measures

When working with liquids, refueling with cleaning agents, the irrigator must be disconnected from the mains. Do not rinse the device with tap water under pressure.

It is forbidden to use iodine-containing liquids, chlorine bleach for filling inside. They will cause irreparable damage to his systems.

For information on how to clean the irrigator, see the next video.

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