Styrofoam crafts

Description of foam letters and their creation

Description of foam letters and their creation
  1. Peculiarities
  2. How to do it yourself?
  3. How to decorate 3D letters?

The beautiful decor of any event is an important component of its successful holding. One of the simple but effective ways to decorate any room, to create a photo zone, is to make large letters. The most convenient material for this venture is polystyrene. In order for the finished letters to be of high quality and to decorate the celebration, you need to be able to create them correctly.


Any holiday needs a beautiful decoration. Ordering the services of stylists is not cheap, therefore not everyone is able to afford them. To decorate any room, you can use balloons, make photo collages, apply textiles, but in addition there is also the opportunity to create large volumetric letters that will symbolize something.

Such letters are best created from foam, as this material has a number of advantages:

  • it is lightweight and will not cause injuries and bruises for adults and children;
  • finished products can be placed on the floor, hung on the wall or suspended from the ceiling;
  • the cost of sheets is low, so the budget will not suffer much;
  • the material is quite reliable and, if stored correctly, can serve for more than one year;
  • sheets can have different widths, which allows you to create three-dimensional letters without unnecessary hassle;
  • moisture resistance will allow you to use decorative letters outdoors without fear of bad weather.

Due to the fact that the foam sheets can be of different sizes and thicknesses, it is possible to create growth products based on the desired dimensions.

You can use Styrofoam letters anywhere:

  • this is an excellent decor for a wedding, you can make the first letters of the names of the newlyweds and put a plus sign between them;
  • an original surprise for a birthday, especially if a lot of people, friends of the birthday boy, come to the holiday;
  • quick and convenient opportunity to create decor for any photo session.

How to do it yourself?

At home, you can create decorations for celebrations that will not be inferior to the work of the masters, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly. In order to make foam letters and do the job beautifully, you need to correctly build the work flow.

For the construction of the desired decor, tools and materials should be prepared:

  • foam sheets of the desired dimensions (products of different thicknesses can be prepared in order to be able to combine them);
  • paper for decoration;
  • foam glue;
  • decorative elements;
  • suitable scissors;
  • sandpaper of different grain size;
  • ruler, marker or pencil.

The production of volumetric letters requires preliminary preparation. To make the finished product look appropriate, you need to immediately think about its dimensions. Thanks to the correctly selected height and width, you can effectively decorate any space or create a photo zone in which all participants in the shooting will look organically.

The construction scheme for foam letters will consist of the following points:

  • choose the letters that need to be cut, choose the desired font and size of the future product;
  • create a blank on sheets of paper or whatman paper, the sample should be of life size so that you can correct the nuances and not spoil the foam;
  • letters from the layout are laid out on foam plastic and redrawn with a marker or pencil, after which they are cut out with a clerical knife;
  • all roughness and irregularities are processed with sandpaper;
  • uneven places are sealed with paper;
  • on top of the paper you can apply paint, varnish, add textiles, beads, flowers, bows and other decorative elements to the product.

To do a good job for a beginner, you should watch a master class, which clearly and clearly shows the stages of creating letters of any size.

If the inscription is small, it is important to use a template for it, large letters can be drawn directly on the foam sheets, correcting the product along the way.

Most often, such a decor is used for a birthday and a wedding, therefore it is necessary to find in advance the spelling options for letters such as P, E, T, H, D, M, O, C, I, etc. There is a huge number of fonts, so you can choose the most suitable option for a child, adult or couple. The final result of the work depends on the quality of preparation.

How to decorate 3D letters?

In addition to attention to the very process of creating letters from foam, it is necessary to focus on decorating the finished product. Depending on the occasion, such letters can have either a minimalistic design and be painted in a single color, or differ in a chic design using various decorative details.

In the process of creating the first foam letters, it is important to know that you do not need to paint the foam itself, it will quickly absorb the pigment, while the product will be colored unevenly and will have an unpresentable appearance. To paint the workpieces, you must immediately paste over them with paper or newspapers, and then apply the paint. In order for the paper to lie flat, it is necessary to smooth out all the irregularities with sandpaper.

You can paint the letters with paint, or you can use other decorative techniques:

  • the use of wallpaper, colored paper, decorative paper with a pattern or glitter;
  • decoration of the product with bows, ribbons, beautiful fabric;
  • the use of rhinestones, pearls, beads, buttons, metal decor;
  • complementing the overall composition with sequins, pieces of foil, sequins, etc.

In addition, you can decorate the letters with light elements. The easiest way requires a New Year's garland, which is attached along the contour of the letters and creates an interesting appearance of the structure.Backlit letters look especially impressive in the dark.

Wedding decorations can be decorated with flowers that will be in harmony with the tone of the newlyweds' outfits. The letters themselves in this case can be either colored or white, it all depends on the desire of the master.

The simplest option for decorating foam letters is self-adhesive paper. Due to the ease of fastening, it is evenly applied to the product and does not move anywhere. You can choose options for sheets with a pattern or holographic, where the material will shimmer in the light, which will allow you to achieve the original appearance of the entire structure.

It is very important to make even cuts, if the edges of the letters are sloppy, then the overall impression of the decor will not be the best. It is necessary to start the design precisely from the side elements, gradually moving to the middle of the workpiece.

If the letters are installed on stands, then it is necessary to decorate these auxiliary elements so that they complement the main product. When the letters are located on the wall, they can be attached to double-sided tape or glued to a large Whatman paper, and then placed on the desired wall. If the festive decor does not have its own basis, then it can be supplemented with the help of balloons, volumetric flowers of different sizes, butterflies and other elements that together will create the desired effect. If you have a base, you can paint it with paints, felt-tip pens, use glue and glitter, creating a plain canvas or a certain pattern that will complement the made foam letters.

There are many interesting decorative stickers, stickers and other little things in art stores that can complete the look of the finished composition. Having correctly built the course of work and stylishly decorating the letters, you can be sure that the heroes of the occasion and guests will like this decor.

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