We sculpt an avocado from plasticine

You can make countless different crafts from plasticine. It can be not only cute dogs, cats, birds or dolls. Vegetables and fruits made from plasticine mass are very beautiful. In this article, we will figure out how to properly sculpt an avocado from plasticine.

How to make from ordinary material?
Avocado is an evergreen plant. Its fruits are highly recognizable. It is difficult to confuse them with something similar. Despite the fact that the avocado has a fairly simple shape without excess, it still needs to be sculpted, adhering to a certain technology. It is quite possible to make an avocado from the most ordinary plasticine. The craft can be complemented by a charming little face. To dazzle such an unusual character, you will need to prepare a number of important components:
- green, yellow, brown and black bars of ordinary plasticine;
- a stack made of plastic or wood (as a rule, this tool for working with plasticine comes with it in the kit, but sometimes it is not in the kit, so you have to buy it separately);
- sculpting board.

Complete instructions for making a cutie avocado from classic plasticine in stages.
- At the first stage, you will need to tear off a piece of green plasticine mass. Knead it well in your hands. After that, the plasticine should be rolled into a ball.
- The made ball will need to be lightly pressed with your fingers, gently pulling... The workpiece should take the shape of an avocado (pear-shaped). It will need to be flattened slightly. The result should be the basis for the future craft.
- In the next step, you need to take a piece of yellow material, knead thoroughly in your hands.
- Next, the rolled ball should be given the same shape.as the shape of the green base. Flatten the yellow part.
- The yellow component should follow the shape of the green element, but the dimensions of the latter should be slightly larger.
- The yellow flattened part must be glued to the green... These blanks will need to be flattened a little more.
- Then you will need to take a piece of brown plasticine, knead in your hands, roll into a ball.
- The finished brown ball is stuck in the central part of the yellow surface of the future avocado. This will be the fruit bone. It will need to be flattened after attaching to the base.
- You need to take a stack or other similar instrument. With its help, in the upper part of the plasticine fruit, you will need to make a small hole. You will need to stick a small piece of an avocado sprig to it. It is better to make it from a small piece of brown plasticine.
- The plasticine twig can be slightly bent.
- Next, you should take black plasticine. You will need to twist 2 very small balls from it. These will be the eyes of an unusual character. They are glued to the surface of the bone.
- One more small piece must be torn off the black plasticine. The thinnest flagellum should be rolled out of it. He will play the role of the mouth of a smiling avocado.
It will be possible to correct some elements by means of a stack or a toothpick.
For information on how to mold this cute plasticine craft, see the next video.
How to mold from airy plasticine?
Cool figures of any type are obtained from airy plasticine. This is a very popular material because it is as convenient and pleasant to work with it as possible. Light plasticine does not have to be constantly kneaded in your hands so that it does not lose its softness.
If a small child is going to make a craft, it makes sense to prepare just such a kind of plasticine mass. Let's get acquainted with the step-by-step instructions for making a beautiful avocado from high-quality airy plasticine.

In avocados, only the skin will have a characteristic green color. It is necessary to tear off a small piece of soft plasticine of this color. If the craft is made on a table, it makes sense to lay oilcloth or sheets of paper on it beforehand.
The work will be cleaner if you use a special sculpting board. From the torn off green piece, you will need to roll a neat ball.

Next, the ball will need to be rolled into a part that has the shape of a real avocado. Excess material can be cut off in a stack and put to the side. It is advisable to make the front of this blank be flat and the back round.
You can use white or yellow plasticine to make the core. You need to take a small piece of light soft mass, make a ball, and then roll it out until it is as flat as possible. When the "cake" is ready, you will need to carefully cut out the outlines of an avocado from it. Thus, it will turn out to make the "pulp" of the fruit. It must be slightly smaller than the green peel.

The finished light piece is applied to the green base. The elements are fastened into a single structure. Now you need to mold a bone from brown plasticine. The part must be made such that the front is convex and rounded, and the back is flat.
This part must be attached to the light pulp with the flat side. We need to make two more small round or drop-shaped green elements. These will be the legs of the avocado. They should be secured at the bottom of the fetus.

You will need to roll two short green parts - these will be avocado handles. They are attached at the edges, just below the tapering half. Small black balls will act as eyes. They are attached over the bone.

Glare can be made on the eyes by sticking very small white circles.The small green ball will become a pretty nose. A neat smile line should be cut under the stack.
As an additional decoration, you can mold a charming bow from yellow plasticine and stick it on top of the fruit.

Modeling recommendations
Here are some helpful tips on how to properly sculpt an avocado and more.
- To make a beautiful craft, you need to use only high quality plastic material. It is recommended to use branded clay that has been stored correctly. If the material is of poor quality, then a good craft will not come out of it.
- If the clay is simple, it must be kneaded at each stage of work.... If this is not done, the material will quickly become stiff and less pliable. It will be more difficult to work with him because of this.
- If you don't have a stack on hand, you can use a toothpick, needle, match, or pencil.... Of course, they will not be able to fully replace the special tool, but for extreme cases they are quite suitable.
- Before starting work, it is recommended to think in advance about what exactly and how the young master will do. If you have a certain plan of action, then nothing will complicate the creative process.
- If a small child is engaged in modeling, then leaving him completely unattended is not recommended.... All manipulations of the young sculptor must be carried out under the supervision of adults.
- If the child is not yet familiar with plasticine, it is recommended to do the simplest and most understandable crafts first.
It is advisable to master more complex options with many decorative and original details gradually.