How to make plasticine strawberries?
![How to make plasticine strawberries?](
You can mold many things from plasticine that will be of interest to children. With a certain training, you can build entire cities, construct doll houses with small sets of dishes and furniture. But it's worth starting with simple things. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to make plasticine strawberries.
Tools and materials
Pre-prepared tools and materials for work will allow you not to be distracted from the creative process. In this case, you will need to prepare:
plasticine of red, green, and sometimes black, white and yellow colors - it all depends on the conceived craft;
a set of stacks for decorating small parts, toothpicks;
modeling board;
additional elements for decoration, for example, beads or beads;
in some cases, cardboard, a pencil may come in handy, if, for example, a picture from plasticine is conceived.
Step-by-step instruction
Plasticine strawberries can be very different, but it will be easier for children to mold a large object with the least amount of detail. Therefore, we will first analyze how to make the simplest option.
Take a red piece of plasticine and roll a ball out of it. Next, we will slightly stretch the upper part with our fingers and flatten it so that the lower part is wide, and the upper one is narrower.
Using a toothpick or a stack, apply small stripes-indentations on the surface of the entire berry. You can make small dots out of black or white plasticine by sticking them onto strawberries. This will make it look brighter and more expressive.
And at the last stage, take two small pieces of green color, blind them into leaves and attach them to the base of the strawberries. This is where we can finish.
But if desired, the craft is complemented with a curved twig and a flower.The sculpting of these components is not so difficult. It is enough to take the yellow circle, it will be the core. Then mold the white petals. A twig of green plasticine can be slightly bent, and flowers can be attached to it. Then attach this whole structure to the base of the berry.
Consider another option for sculpting strawberries. This will already be a picture that will decorate any shelf with crafts and will give a positive mood.
To do this, take a sheet of cardboard of any color. First you will need to place your shopping cart. To do this, you need to sculpt several strips of brown plasticine. True, the basket can be of a different color, which the child will like.
Next, we put the stripes on the cardboard, first horizontally, then on top of these we put vertical elements. It turns out a wicker basket. To make a handle, take two sausages and twist them together. We make the pens more authentic, because we also have to put strawberries in the basket.
Next, we are engaged in sculpting strawberries. We make them according to the same principle as in the first case, we supplement them with twigs and leaves.
The finishing touch will be the application of varnish to the painting. This will make it shine and look even better.
Another option that your baby may like is strawberries with funny faces.
To do this, first you need to blind two large strawberries, glue the leaves on top, slightly bending them up. So they will resemble a hairstyle.
Then you can experiment with the faces. Smiling is the simplest thing. It is enough to blind a thin black strip and attach it to the bottom of the berry. For the eyes, roll up white ovals, then blue circles, a little smaller black and very small white ones.
In this sequence, we will create eyes. We glue white ovals on the strawberry, blue circles on top, then black ones, and last of all - white ones. Very mischievous and expressive eyes are obtained.
For the other strawberry we will make one eye, and the other will be winking. This will require a black arc. In the end, we will make eyelashes for both strawberries from black plasticine.
Apply small strokes with a stack or a toothpick on the surface of the strawberries.
The kid can blind other faces, with different emotions. One berry can express surprise, another delight, and so on.
These are just some examples of making crafts. You always need to listen to the child's opinion and try to create different crafts, moving from simple to complex.
In order to decorate the craft, you can use any materials at hand. For example, the same points can be made from beads - black or white. And even funny faces can be laid out using beads. You just need to take into account the age of the child. Is he old enough to work with small objects?
In the process of work, it will be easier to tell your child about something new. At least about how strawberries grow, how flowers and berries appear, how to care for them.
For work, you need to prepare wet wipes and a dry cloth so that you can always remove excess plasticine and wipe your hands.
At first, the child needs help and show interest in this common cause. In addition, do not forget that the baby must be praised so that he has an incentive to learn new things and improve his skills.
How to make strawberries from plasticine, see the video.