How to mold plasticine carrots?

Working with plasticine in childhood is very useful, therefore, it is recommended to conduct developmental activities of this kind with children from 2 years of age. There can be many crafts made from plasticine mass: simple and complex, bright and monochromatic, large and small, thematic and abstract. That is why it is advisable for the first time to set specific tasks and implement them together with the children, telling and showing each stage of the work. The simplest, but most exciting for kids will be the creation of carrots, and it is important to correctly explain to them what and how to do.

Tools and materials
Modeling lessons with the help of plasticine are of great importance for the development of fine motor skills and various functions of the child's brain. Thanks to systematic exercises, the baby will learn to focus attention, finish what he started, strive to repeat the example set before him as accurately as possible. Classes in groups allow you to socialize the child, make the team friends and keep the children busy for a short period of time.

It is recommended to give plasticine to children from the age of two, when the baby is already old enough to understand an adult and not pull any objects into his mouth. Thanks to the variety of modern products for children, you can choose between classic hard plasticine, modern soft and plastic, modeling dough. Each of the options has its own advantages and is suitable for certain crafts.
When planning to work with plasticine, you need to take care of tools and materials that will be useful to children. These include:
- plasticine (any kind or several variants of a sticky mass);
- a modeling board;
- plastic knife;
- stacks;
- decorative elements;
- protective clothing for creativity.

When choosing plasticine, you should give preference to the option that is best suited for a specific craft. It is easier for kids to work with soft varieties, and preschoolers can safely be given hard wax plasticine, which must be kneaded well before work in order to give the required elasticity. Playboards are often made of plastic because they are thin, lightweight, safe for children and come in a variety of colors and designs. There are products of different sizes on sale, which will allow you to choose the best option.

The plastic knife and stacks are usually included with the clay board, but they can be purchased separately. It is important that there are no sharp notches on the knife blade that could hurt the child. The product must be strong enough not to break in the hands of children during the creative process. Stacks can have different endings: round, concave and convex, which helps to make various crafts.

Protective elements include an apron or a special cape that protects the hands and torso of a child in the process of drawing with paints, modeling from plasticine or other creative activity. Decorative units include beads, eyes, ribbons, natural products: cones, acorns, chestnuts, leaves. Using the right tools and materials, you can create a beautiful plasticine craft.

Step-by-step instruction
When engaging in plasticine modeling with children, you should start with the simplest figures and crafts. In order for the child to easily cope with the task, not to lose interest and finish the work, the sculpting object should be understandable and close to him, therefore, in the first lessons, it is recommended to try to sculpt carrots from plasticine. To get a realistic craft, it is important to prepare orange and green plasticine, have all the necessary tools with you and gradually translate your plan into reality.

Modeling carrots looks like this:
- demonstrate a real sample of carrots, show where which part of the vegetable is located, what is called, what can be eaten;
- knead the prepared orange plasticine well, making it plastic and ready to work;
- roll an orange ball, put it on a board and roll it with your palm, pressing on the product;
- the resulting "sausage" should have the form of a cone, for which you need to press harder on one side than on the other;
- align the future carrot with your fingers, give it the shape of a real vegetable;
- using a plastic knife to make notches and a pattern that is on a real carrot;
- when the orange part is ready, you need to move on to the leaves (knead the green plasticine);
- the finished mass must be divided into several pieces (from two to four) and rolled into "sausages" from them;
- gently press the "sausages" to the board with your fingers, making them flat;
- use a knife to draw leaves for carrots;
- connect the leaves and the carrot itself.

This is the easiest way to create a plasticine vegetable, which will not cause any particular problems for children of any age. To complicate the building or make it more interesting, you can try making a creative carrot that has arms and legs.

To mold such a craft, you must follow the instructions below:
- prepare orange plasticine, knead it and roll it; ball;
- pressing with the palm of your hand, give the ball a "sausage" shape, where one edge will be sharp and the other blunt;
- prepare green plasticine: shoes for carrots will be created from it;
- roll two small balls and two larger oval products;
- putting one part on top of another, we get shoes;
- connect the body of the carrot and shoes;
- using green plasticine, make two "sausages" for the handles;
- attach finished products to the carrot body;
- make 3-5 cone-shaped leaves from the same green mass;
- attach finished products on top of the carrots;
- use white plasticine to mold two small flat balls - eyes;
- place black small balls on top of the white eyes;
- draw a smile with a knife.

Any of these options for carrots can be offered to children, in addition, they can sculpt crafts themselves, focusing on their imaginations.
Useful Tips
To make the modeling lessons with children interesting and useful, and the result to please everyone, it is worth adhering to certain recommendations.
- Classes should be held at the most favorable time, when the child is in a good mood, not tired, not hungry.
- A place should be prepared for work: it should be well lit, comfortable for both an adult and a child.
- While sculpting carrots with your baby, you should actively participate in the process, helping the baby at every stage. If you do not help a small child, the carrots may turn out to be ugly, the young creator will be upset and will not want to do any more modeling.
- When working with preschoolers and younger students, it is important to accompany the children by showing images, videos and master classes, to help with advice and explanations. But the work itself must be carried out by the child.

It is not difficult to mold a craft from plasticine. It is important to interest the child in this process, allow him to create and enjoy work, while developing and learning.
How to mold plasticine carrots, see the video.