How to mold a whale from plasticine?

The shape of the whale's body looks simple, every child can repeat it. Offer modeling of this animal to children of any age category. Adult sperm whales and funny little whales look beautiful. Whichever image you choose, the end result is a solid and beautiful animal.

How to make on cardboard?
Cardboard can be used as a stand for a three-dimensional whale figurine. But we will tell you how to make an applique on it step by step. For work we need square white cardboard, a stack, a rolling pin and plasticine in blue, gray, pink and sky blue colors. If there is no blue tint in the kit, add some blue material to the white block and mash it well.
- Roll two balls - blue and white, the first should be larger.
- Roll out the blue ball with a rolling pin, and cut out a whale cub shaped like a drop. Glue the piece in the center of the cardboard.
- Turn the white blank into an oval and also roll it out with a rolling pin. From it you should cut out the tummy for the kitten so that it fits in shape. Installing a white piece at the bottom of the figure, adjust it to size, stick well with your fingers.
- Sculpt three long flagella from gray plasticine and one from blue. Glue the gray harnesses in longitudinal stripes along the white belly of the whale, they should be at an equal distance from each other. Lay out the mouth with a blue tourniquet, positioning it at the junction of the white and blue fields.
- Roll out two gray pieces of plasticine with a rolling pin, cut triangular fins with a stack, draw longitudinal lines on them, creating an texture. Glue the fins in the places indicated in the picture.
- Roll out a piece of blue plasticine, cut out two drop-shaped pieces from it, glue them in the shape of a tail to the back of the whale.
- Let's move on to creating a muzzle. Make tiny eyes from white and blue material and attach them to the applique. Roll out a piece of pink plasticine with a rolling pin and cut out two small circles from it, glue them on different sides of the muzzle, between the mouth and the fin. It turned out cheeks.
- Now we will make a fountain that the whale cub releases into the air. To do this, roll up a long, thin rope of blue material. Cut it into 3 pieces and wrap each piece in a spiral. The ends of the two spirals should remain long, fasten them to the crown of the kitten. Place the third fully folded piece between them. Our cute baby is ready.
The applique can be supplemented with waves and sun.

3D figurine modeling
Now, step by step, we blind the figure of an adult sperm whale. Prepare blue, cyan, white and black plasticine, as well as a stack and a toothpick. First of all, we will make the base color of the plasticine, of which our whale will be composed. To do this, combine the blue and blue material so that it does not become a homogeneous mass, but acquires beautiful marble stains. Roll a ball out of it.

From the ball, form a teardrop shape. Then make the narrow end slightly curly and elongated, as shown in the picture, it will become the tail of the blue whale. Roll up two small balls.
Take one of them, stretch it slightly and sharpen the tip so that the workpiece looks like a drop, then flatten it. Do the same with the second ball. Place the two parts on the whale's tail, pointed ends outward.

On the body of the sperm whale, use a toothpick to mark the place of the abdomen. Turn the figurine over onto its back and notice the resulting outline. A flat cake should be prepared from white plasticine, coinciding with the intended pattern. Carefully combine the body of the whale with the white piece.

Flip the sperm whale onto its belly and use a stack to cut through the animal's mouth, it should pass between the white and blue fields. Make indentations in place of the eyes and insert tiny black plasticine balls into them.
Liven up the eyes with white highlights. Make two triangular side fins and place them on either side of the sperm whale where the mouth ends.

Prepare 20-30 tiny balls of dark blue and white material, flatten them into cakes and randomly place them around the tail and fins. Thanks to them, the smooth back of the animal will look textured. Draw uniform longitudinal lines along the abdomen with a stack.

It remains to depict a fountain of water released by a whale from plasticine. To do this, blind the white flagella, collect them in a bundle, and bend the free ends, imitating a small fountain. Make indentations on the back of the whale and insert the finished workpiece. The sperm whale turned out to be beautiful and quite recognizable.

Useful Tips
We address our recommendations to beginners. Perhaps they will help beginners to master plasticine modeling faster and better.
- Work the sticky material on a special board or oilcloth. This will help preserve the surface of the table.
- Before sculpting, warm up the plasticine with your palms, in hot water or in a bag on a radiator.
- Use homemade frames to make three-dimensional figures. They will help save plasticine.
- When making figures of people or animals, try to keep the workpiece at eye level. Observing the work from above, you can get disproportionate products.
- Try to cover the work as a whole, hobby for little things often leads to the "scattering" of the image.
- Use auxiliary material to decorate plasticine crafts - beads, buttons, peas, shells, pebbles, cones.
- To preserve plasticine or three-dimensional figures for a long time, cover them with hairspray.
Teach children to work with plasticine from an early age.Sculpting will help develop the child's thinking, imagination, perseverance, love of beauty.

For information on how to mold a whale from plasticine, see the next video.