How to mold a cow from plasticine?

Sculpting is a very exciting activity that children of all ages enjoy. You can mold whatever your heart desires from plasticine. In today's article we will learn how you can make a cow out of plasticine mass.

Classic version
The smallest craftsmen are advised to first master the simplest scheme for sculpting a cow from plasticine. Having familiarized yourself with the classic version, it will be easier for the child to master other, more complex, instructions.
To mold a simple ladybug with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following components:
- plasticine bars of orange, red and brown colors;
- black and pink (or beige) plasticine bars;
- stack, toothpicks and matches.

Let's consider a sculpting scheme step by step. To obtain a plasticine mass that has a suitable color, orange, red and brown bars should be mixed together. The prepared mass must be kneaded well in your hands. Once the color is uniform, you can start creating a charming craft. Roll the mixed mass into a ball. After that we give it the outlines of the torso and a small head. To do this, first press the workpiece against the board with your palm, and then pull it out from above and below.
The front part of the part should be made narrower in the form of an animal's neck. We make a sharpening in the head area.

When the workpiece is done, give it smoother outlines. Stick a small round cake on the front half of the cow's face - this will be the animal's nose. Next, let's make some small holes for the eyes. Insert small black balls into them.
Next, attach the ears with slightly pointed tips. Use the head of a match to push through the nostrils on the cow's nose.After that, you can stick long and pointed horns on top of your head, just above the ears.

The next step is to make the cow's hind hooves. To make these details more stable, it is advisable to use matches. Stick the finished legs to the back half of the body, gently pressing down the plasticine mass with your fingers.

The front hooves and tail must be fastened to the matches. Between the hind hooves, stick an udder made from a small pink ball and several small pieces of plasticine attached to it. On this, the manufacture of a plasticine cow can be considered complete.

How to make a funny cow?
It will be especially interesting for a child to sculpt a cow with a funny and cheerful face from plasticine mass. Such crafts are a little more difficult to make, but they turn out to be very interesting. To create a charming, cheerful ladybug, you should prepare black and white plasticine, as well as a small amount of yellow and purple.
The following blanks are useful for manufacturing.
- First, we twist a ball from a third of the white plasticine, which will then serve as the head of the animal. Next, let's make another small ball of yellow material. These will be the horns.
- Next, we will prepare 3 more small balls of black plasticine mass. Ears and bangs on the forehead of a cheerful ladybug will be made of these components.
- Roll up very small eye balls - 2 white, 2 black and purple.
- Now, from the remains of white plasticine, we will prepare a ball, from which the body of a cow will then be made. You will need 3 small black balls to make spots on the animal's body with their help.
- You should also take white plasticine mass to roll 4 balls for making legs and 4 balls for hooves.

Let's consider step by step how to make a funny ladybug from prepared components. First we make the head. We take the ball prepared for her, give it the shape of a pear. Next, roll up a yellow plasticine sausage with tapered ends. We bend this part in the shape of horns, and then attach it to the head. With a match we make the nostrils on the nose. We make sausages from black balls, narrowed to one side. They must be crushed with your fingers to make teardrop-shaped details. On one such drop we make cuts to make a bang. We fix all the prepared components on the cow's head.
Next, we sculpt the eyes. First, roll up the sausage from the plasticine mass, which has a purple color. We crush this element with our finger. After that, on the prepared purple base, stick the eyes, made up of a white and smaller plasticine cake. We fix all the resulting constructions on the face of a cheerful cow.

Now you can proceed to sculpting the body. From a large white ball we will make a pear-shaped piece, and from 3 small black balls we will make small cakes. The latter must be glued to the white body. You can pick absolutely any place. Then insert toothpicks into the body of the ladybird. They should protrude slightly from the plasticine mass so that you can put your head on them.
We will mold small sausages from the last blanks. We carefully fold the white elements in any way. These will be the "hands" of a cheerful cow, so the young sculptor can choose their position at his discretion. Cut the black sausages and then attach them to the white sausages. After that, we attach the prepared legs to the body of the animal. Now all that remains is to carefully draw the mouth - and the funny ladybug is ready!
If you do everything according to the instructions, the craft will turn out to be very original and funny. The process of sculpting such a character will definitely interest and captivate the child.

Helpful hints
Children are very fond of sculpting various animals from plasticine. This activity turns out to be not only exciting, but also very useful.Modeling from plasticine mass contributes to the development of fine motor skills, has a beneficial effect on the imagination of a young master. Consider what recommendations should be followed when sculpting a cow and any other characters.
- It is necessary to use only high-quality plasticine from well-known manufacturers. If a small child will be engaged in modeling, you should not buy an expensive sculptural mass, since it is very tough. It will be very difficult for the kid to work with her.
- It is recommended to do modeling on a special board. If you don't want to use this device, then you definitely need to stock up on paper, cardboard or oilcloth. The latter should be placed on the table. Otherwise, stains will remain on the furniture.
- It often happens that a certain color of plasticine is not available in the arsenal. This problem can be solved very easily. It is enough to combine several other colors together to get the desired shade.
- At each stage of modeling, the plasticine mass must always be kneaded very carefully. Only in this way the plastic material will be sufficiently soft and pliable, it will be easy for the child to work with it.
- When making any characters from plasticine, it is recommended to use a tool such as a stack. Using this device, you can work with small details, make various drawings on plasticine. The stack can be plastic or wood. As a rule, this component comes complete with plasticine blocks.
- When making plasticine animals, it is recommended to place wet wipes nearby. If the child gets his hands dirty, he will be able to wipe them at any time by removing the remnants of the plasticine mass.
- All parts and components that will make up the plasticine craft must be glued as securely as possible, but at the same time carefully. If you act with excessive effort, then the shape of the figure can be greatly distorted.
If a small child is engaged in modeling, parents are advised to be nearby. Thus, you can follow the entire process, if possible, help the baby, explain something to him.

For information on how to mold a cow from plasticine, see the next video.