Plasticine animals

How to sculpt ants from plasticine?

How to sculpt ants from plasticine?
  1. Simple option
  2. Modeling with natural materials
  3. Recommendations

The ant is a tiny insect well known to every child. A keen childish gaze easily captures the details of the small body. And since the shape of the ant is simple, kids are happy to sculpt it out of plasticine.

Simple option

We offer a master class for children of any age, we will tell you step by step how to mold an ant from plasticine. For work we need a material of brown, black and white colors, a stack, a skewer and a toothpick. Separate three pieces of plasticine of different sizes from the brown bar, roll them into balls. They will form the basis of the ant's little body.

Let's start forming the insect figurine from the head. Take a medium-sized ball and slightly stretch one side. The result is an egg-like detail. This is the face of an ant. Break off a piece of a toothpick and connect the base of the head with a small ball - the insect breast.

Now we will make an abdomen from a large blank. Stretch and roll it a little, trying to form an elongated bead with a slightly pointed end. Take another piece of toothpick and connect the made part with the breast. We have got a basic element, which we will add paws, antennae, eyes.

With the back of a pen or pencil, make eye pockets on your head. Roll out two white balls, flatten them into tortillas and set in the prepared holes.

Make smaller cakes from black material, glue them to the eyes. Use tiny pieces of white plasticine to mark the highlights on the black cakes. Roll thin black filaments and cut them into pieces to make parts for 6 legs.

Flatten each foot slightly, it should not be too round. From one end of the part, draw a circle in a circle, marking the insect's brush. Do this with all 6 legs. Attach the legs to the animal's body. Place one pair between the head and the breast, fasten two pairs between the breast and abdomen.

Using a skewer, draw transverse stripes on the surface of the abdomen, and on the breast with a sharp end, depict a rough texture. Roll 2 antennae from dark brown plasticine, press the grooves on the top of the ant and insert the resulting parts into them.

If you put your figurine in the freezer for 20 minutes, it will become firm and sturdy.

Modeling with natural materials

You can make an ant entirely from plasticine and surround it with natural material - leaves, acorns, cones, making up a beautiful composition. And you can take not only plasticine for making a figurine, but also the natural material itself. We will tell you in stages how you can make an ant out of chestnuts. Prepare 2 chestnuts - small and large, white and black plasticine, stack.

Roll a tourniquet out of black plasticine, cut 4 fragments from it, 2 centimeters each. Form cute legs for our ant from the obtained parts. From the same bundle, select 2 more fragments, 1 centimeter each, roll them out thinly. These will be the antennae of the insect.

Let's move on to working with the muzzle. Roll up a graceful white flagellum, lay it out in the form of a smiling mouth. Prepare a tiny black pea for the spout. Blind 2 white and 2 black balls. Whites should be larger. Make round tortillas out of them. Place the black parts over the white ones. It turned out ant eyes.

Now we will transfer the muzzle to the surface of the small chestnut. Place your eyes, nose and mouth in their respective places. Then attach the antennae to the crown. The head is ready, you can move on to the body. Install 2 legs on both sides of a large fruit. Connect the head and body with a piece of plasticine. It turned out an ant from natural material.


For those who have recently started making art from plasticine, we will give a few tips.

  • In order not to stain the table while sculpting, use a plastic board or oilcloth for work.
  • You can warm up and soften the plasticine by kneading it with your hands. To speed up the process, place the bar under a stream of warm water.
  • Try to sculpt figures of people and animals, keeping them at eye level. If you look at the product from above, you can incorrectly determine the proportions.
  • When sculpting an object, try to keep your gaze in the general perspective. Strong detailing can "scatter" the imagined image, and it will look awkward.
  • Large work takes a lot of plasticine. A frame made of cardboard, a plastic bottle and other suitable material will help to save money.
  • The finished work will become more interesting if you decorate it with bugles, buttons, beans, peas and any natural material.
  • Cover it with hairspray to keep it looking good.
  • After sculpting, wipe your hands well with a napkin before washing your hands with warm water.

Involve children in working with plasticine - this develops hand motor skills, perseverance and thinking.

For information on how to mold an ant from plasticine, see the next video.

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