Plasticine animals

How to mold a dog from plasticine?

How to mold a dog from plasticine?
  1. Tools and materials
  2. How to make a Dalmatian?
  3. Who else can you sculpt?

Many associate loyalty and devotion, strong friendship with a dog. This pet almost immediately becomes a favorite, so a lot of attention is paid to it. An interesting activity can be called modeling a dog from plasticine. In this way, beautiful figures are created, which can be an excellent decor for a room.

Tools and materials

Plasticine can be called the most common modeling material. Today, there are just a huge number of different kits on sale that can be used to carry out such work. For sculpting, you will need certain tools and materials.

  • Flat sculpting surface. It is needed in order to keep the workplace clean. If the work is done infrequently, you can use an oilcloth. In various stores, there are wood planks with a smooth side. The use of boards greatly simplifies the task, since a solid surface allows you to make even and symmetrical figures. You can also make a sculpting board from scrap materials.
  • Knife. You can get even cuts only with the use of a special tool. The knife used should be relatively small, and the blade not very sharp - this is especially important if children will be sculpting. The stationery option is best suited for such a task.
  • Stacks. Such a tool is used to obtain grooves of a certain size or shape. If you sculpt professionally and for a long time, a set of stacks can consist of 20 or more items.For a single work, for the first time, 1-2 options are enough, and instead of a special tool, improvised parts can be used - coins or balls, buttons and other small objects.
  • Scissors are required when the figure needs to be given an unusual shape. It is best to purchase a compact version with rounded edges.
  • A small cloth to remove stains. The material can strongly erode into various surfaces, therefore, immediately after completion of work, the workplace and all tools should be thoroughly cleaned. A hard cloth is suitable for tools, a soft cloth for hands.
  • Capacity for water. In some cases, to obtain products of an unusual shape, it is necessary to cool the clay, which heats up with prolonged use. To do this, put it in a prepared bucket of liquid for a few minutes.
  • Various shapes that are suitable for cutting out figures. They are sold in many children's stores, if desired, made from an aluminum can.
  • Molds are often used when similar relief elements are needed.
  • A large medical syringe without a needle for the formation of small flagella. An old garlic maker may work for this purpose.
  • Stamps and textured sheets are used as templates for impressions. For this purpose, you can also use a tough fabric with a pronounced texture.

It is not necessary to prepare the entire set at once, many tools are added only as needed.

How to make a Dalmatian?

You can mold a dog from plasticine with your own hands, for this you do not need to have special skills or abilities. You will need two blocks, black and white. All modeling can be divided into several stages.

  1. We sculpt the body from white plasticine, on one side there will be a neck.
  2. Plasticine is being prepared to create paws. In order for the legs to be stable, matches are used as a base - they are glued over with white plasticine so that pieces of wood are not visible. Attached to the body, and a tail is attached at the back.
  3. A head is added to the neck, which should be small and slightly pointed. Small ears are made.
  4. The finishing stage consists in applying small specks of black color over the entire surface, after which the eyes and nose are made.

Who else can you sculpt?

Plasticine is considered a versatile material that can be used to create various figurines. For children, modeling becomes a way of self-realization, a tool for developing imagination. Figures can be made in stages. There are quite a few different instructions to get you the best one.

You can diversify the work and make a composition of acorns or cones. You can make the head and other parts of the dog's body from chestnuts. If all the steps are performed step by step and do not strive to finish as soon as possible, everything turns out beautifully and neatly.

A family of dogs - mom, dad and a few puppies will look great on a child's shelf in a room and even at an exhibition. Many people prefer small breeds as they are easy to create. There are black and white breeds, but you can make a pink, blue or green dog for variety.

The most difficult thing is to make the muzzle. It can be of various shapes. To decorate the nose and eyes, decorative elements are often used: beads, beads, buttons.

Easy to make and sitting dog. For such a case, a slightly different instruction is used, since the legs should be slightly bent.


Small tame dogs have become quite popular. The child must have seen such a dog more than once. For clarity, you can put a picture in front of you.

  1. You will need two pieces of plasticine: brown and beige.
  2. To begin with, make a small head using a blank in the form of a brown ball.
  3. Then they deal with the dog's muzzle.To do this, the ball is pulled out a little, eyes and a nose are added.
  4. Particular attention is paid to the ears, which are made a little pointed.
  5. Next, a compact-sized torso is sculpted.
  6. Legs are made from small tubes.
  7. After that, all the elements are connected. Decorative parts are made of light-colored plasticine.


Rottweilers are considered reliable guard dogs that can be trusted to guard the site. A figurine of this beautiful breed can be made with your own hands in several stages.

  1. Two balls are rolled out of two pieces: one is larger, the second is smaller.
  2. A large piece is suitable for creating a body. It is made in a slightly elongated shape, on one side it is slightly narrowed, the wide part rises.
  3. A head is made from a smaller ball. Eyes and a nose are attached to it.
  4. A light spot is glued to the chest.
  5. Legs are made using matches, on which plasticine is glued.
  6. The head is also attached to the body with a match.
  7. The Rottweiler figurine is ready.


This breed, due to its specificity, is difficult to create. It should be borne in mind that it will be similar only when creating a relief resembling wool. For work, you need a large piece of white plasticine and a small piece of black.

The manufacturing instructions will be a little more complicated.

  1. We divide a piece of plasticine into several parts that will be used to create the body, head and legs.
  2. We make a large ball, after which we glue a small tubercle to it, which acts as a spout.
  3. From the largest piece we make a blank for the body. It should be slightly flat and rounded at the top.
  4. Attach a tail on one side.
  5. Small grooves are made with a toothpick.
  6. Attach the head.

Eyes and nose are made using black plasticine.

St. Bernard

For this breed, four different shades are often used at once. White is used as a base, you need a little more brown, black and orange.

The first step is to make the body. It is made massive, flattened with fingers at the end to narrow it. There should be matches inside the paws to be created, due to which a better fastening is provided. Separate parts of white color are interconnected.

Contrasting colors are suitable for creating a kind of patches on the back. The muzzle is also molded from the main color, while it is made elongated with hanging cheeks.


You can mold a figurine of this breed from light brown plasticine. The main part, represented by the body, tapers slightly towards the back. At the time of the formation of the workpiece, the place for attaching the head is indicated. Feet are short and thick.

A sausage with a blunt end is created for the tail. Particular attention is paid to the ears, as they droop very much. After connecting all the elements, fur-like grooves are added.


Dogs of this breed look quite unusual. This is due to the fact that they have charming blue eyes. The creation process can be divided into several stages:

  • roll a small ball;
  • make a muzzle of light plasticine;
  • small ears are attached;
  • an elongated body is made, a muzzle is placed in front;
  • attach white paws;
  • a tail made of two colors is attached at the back.


For many years, the Shepherd Dog was considered the most popular breed. She serves along with the military, sappers or the police, can become a guide for blind people. Many consider this breed to be the smartest. To make the figurine, you will need brown and black plasticine. Modeling recommendations:

  • prepare two balls - for the head and body;
  • a slightly elongated muzzle is made from black plasticine, after which eyes and triangular ears are attached;
  • an elongated shape will be required to create the main body part;
  • four legs are made massive and long enough;
  • paws are attached to the body, as well as the head;

the last step is adding a tail.


This fighting breed is very common. Step-by-step recommendations for creating such a figurine will help you in your work.

  1. The main part is molded from brown plasticine. At the back, the form is stretched, and the front one is expanding, matches are inserted to fasten all the elements.
  2. Feet should not be wide, but slender and powerful. In order for the figurine to hold, matches are also used.
  3. The tail is made in the form of a small protruding tubercle.
  4. White plasticine is used to highlight the jaw.
  5. Black plasticine is used to indicate the eyes and nose.


It is quite difficult to create figurines of this breed, as it has a fancy hairstyle. Poodles can perform in the circus, participate in competitions at exhibitions. You can create your own unique figurine in several stages.

  1. Plasticine of the same color is suitable for this breed.
  2. A soft ball is created.
  3. An elongated piece is made of it, which will then be the body.
  4. A head is made from a small ball.
  5. From four small pieces of plasticine, paws are molded, inside which matches are placed for stability.
  6. The head is formed, ears, nose and eyes are made.
  7. A small ball is placed on the top of the head. Also small balls are added to the lower legs.
  8. Attach a thin long tail with a ball at the end.

This figurine looks very attractive and interesting.


This dog also belongs to the fighting group. She is characterized by a powerful body. To create the figurine, you need two colors: black and brown.

To begin with, a body is created that has an elongated shape. The main thing is to make stains with your finger to create the effect of protruding muscles. The paws are best attached to matches, they are large and massive enough. The next step is to form a head with a pronounced jaw.


Pugs are small dogs that can also be part of a collection of plasticine figurines. It is done as follows:

  • an oval blank is used to create the body;
  • the paws are very small, but powerful, so matches are not needed to attach them;
  • the prepared parts are put together;
  • a head is made of coffee-colored material;

in order to highlight the features of the breed, the cheeks are made a little hanging, and peculiar stripes are drawn on the face.

Great Dane

A figurine of this dog breed is made from black plasticine. To begin with, two blanks are created that will be used for the face and body.

The body is created from a larger piece, the head from a smaller one. She is given a slightly elongated shape. It is important to make the nose more massive.

The finishing step is to shape the legs and long tail. After that, you can attach the eyes.


This breed differs from many others in that the dog has a more elongated body and short legs. This is what will need to be displayed when creating the figurine. For work, you need black or brown plasticine. The instruction is presented by a combination of several steps:

  • first, a long body with a wide chest is sculpted;
  • a slightly elongated muzzle is made from a small ball, hanging ears are added to it;
  • a nose and eyes are attached to the face;
  • then make small paws;
  • attach them to the body;
  • add a small tail.


Figures of this breed of dog are the easiest to make. First you need to prepare orange and beige plasticine.

First, a body is made, which will be represented by a blank that resembles a carrot. The next step is to create the tail.

The breast is made of white plasticine. A head is molded from a ball, after which ears are attached. A small amount of black plasticine is required for the nose and peephole.


It is also easy to make such a figurine. For work, you will need plasticine of the same tone. Let's consider all the work in stages.

  1. A dog's chest is created from a small ball.
  2. The back of the workpiece is made slightly smaller than the chest.
  3. For the head, a small ball is rolled, the diameter of which should be less than the size of the chest.
  4. A long, elongated muzzle is formed from the workpiece.
  5. The head and body are connected, everything is sanded with fingers.
  6. Legs are formed from four small blanks.
  7. After that, all the elements are connected, the plasticine is smoothed out, the ears are attached to the head.

It is very important to emphasize the characteristics of each breed when making figurines. To do this, during work, you can use photographs as an illustrative example.

For information on how to mold a dog in stages from plasticine, see the next video.

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