Plasticine animals

How to make a plasticine duck?

How to make a plasticine duck?
  1. Simple option
  2. Modeling a little duckling
  3. How to mold with natural materials?

Modeling various plasticine figures is a great way to spend time for an adult and a child. Very fun, and most importantly, interesting to sculpt different animals, monsters and various objects.

Regular gatherings for modeling plasticine stimulate creative thinking, develop fine motor skills, and teach children to be assiduous.

One of the most popular subjects for plasticine sculpting is the creation of miniatures of animals and birds. The wide variety of fauna provides a wide variety of creative options. For beginners, it is better to choose sculpting of simple figures, for example, such as a duck. But even depicting such a seemingly ordinary bird, you can dream up and add something from yourself.

Simple option

Working with plasticine forms the child's artistic skills, develops imagination. It is recommended to do modeling with children from 3 years old. At this age, the baby absorbs new information like a sponge, everything is interesting to him. Already at 3-4 years old, you can sculpt the simplest animal figures with a child.

One of the easiest figures for modeling with children is a duck.

Before you start making a duck from plasticine, you need to ask the child to describe the bird, ask what he sees the future craft, what color he wants to use.

Below will be explained step by step a scheme for sculpting a simple version of a duck for children.

To do this, you will need the following items:

  • plasticine of different colors;
  • stack;
  • knife;
  • a toothpick or small wooden skewer.

Work algorithm.

  • We take 4 plasticine colors: brown, burgundy, orange and green.Roll two large balls from brown and burgundy plasticine, form a ball of a smaller diameter from green, and a very small one from orange.
  • We form the body of our future duck from a brown ball, as shown in the picture. Press it down slightly so that it is stable.
  • Tear off a piece from the burgundy bar and make the head and neck of a bird out of it. We connect these two parts as shown in the picture below. Using a knife, draw feathers on the edges of the neck and make it slightly curved.
  • From burgundy and green plasticine, we form blanks in the shape of a drop, after which we sculpt two wings out of them.
  • On top of the wings, we sculpt a piece of brown plasticine, as shown in the figure. Draw the feathers of our duck with a stack. We glue them on the sides of the bird's body. Cut out the feathers on the tail of the animal with a knife.
  • After that, in front of the head we make two small indentations - there will be future eyes. We form two white balls of a suitable size. Glue green and black plasticine dots on top and insert them into the prepared grooves.
  • The orange ball is the base for the beak. We make a flat wide beak from it and sculpt it in the center of the head, at the end we bend it a little.
  • The final touch is the formation of a small tuft on the top of the head. We finish drawing the eyebrows and eyelashes.

Our lovely duck is ready!

We can plant it on a base, which we also make ourselves. We take a piece of cardboard or thick paper, cut a lake out of it. Using blue and white tones, we apply them to the lake blank, mixing in such a way that streaks form.

Modeling a little duckling

A simplified version of a plasticine duck is sculpting a little duckling, which even the smallest children can handle.

As everyone knows, little ducklings have yellow feathers. Therefore, we will sculpt the duck from the yellow material.

Below is an instruction in which it is described step by step how to make a little duckling with your own hands.

  • First, let's prepare yellow plasticine and small pieces of white, black and red. From the last three we form three small balls.
  • Divide the yellow plasticine into three unequal parts (body, head and wings). From the larger we make the preparation of the body of the future duckling.
  • We will need a smaller piece to form the bird's head. Next, we connect the two parts together, as shown in the picture.
  • From the third part of the yellow plasticine we make two flat wings, according to the figure.
  • We attach the finished wings on the sides. Form a beak from a red ball and attach it in the center of the head.
  • In order to make eyes for our duck, we form two small black balls and sculpt them on the head of the figure, flattening a little. After that, on top of the black circles, we sculpt white balls of a slightly smaller size.

The cute little duck is ready!

How to mold with natural materials?

A great idea for plasticine crafts is using natural materials such as cones.

In order to mold this type of duck, you will need the following:

  • cone;
  • plasticine;
  • grass and pebbles (to decorate the lake)
  • cardboard;
  • thermal gun;
  • paints and brushes.

Step-by-step instruction.

  1. From brown plasticine we form the head and neck of the duck.
  2. Next, we apply green plasticine parts to the workpiece, forming its plumage.
  3. After that, take a light brown or mustard color and form a beak, fix it in the center of the head.
  4. For the eyes, we use orange and black plasticine, we form two balls of each color. Black plasticine balls should be smaller. We take the orange blanks for the eye and sculpt them on the sides of the head, slightly flattening them. Glue the black balls on top.
  5. We form flat legs from the red material, which we sculpt to the bottom of the cones.
  6. For the base, cut out an oval from cardboard and paint it blue with blue stains.On one side, we place grass and pebbles, fixing them with a thermal gun.
  7. We put the ready-made duck on the created lake.

Detailed information on modeling plasticine duck can be found in the following video.

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