The girl cheated on the guy: what are the reasons and what to do?

Couples in love go through many trials and upheavals throughout their relationship. Sometimes young people are faced with an unpleasant and painful situation when a girl has betrayed by cheating on another. The questions immediately begin to torment: "Why did she do that?", "How to treat her now and whether to continue to meet with her?" In this article, the conversation will focus on the reasons for female infidelity and how a man should behave in such a situation.

Reasons for treason
Girls and women rarely cheat by accident, simply because of the prevailing circumstances. The fact is that, unlike the stronger sex, their psychology does not have a "sports interest" in the sexual sphere. Subconsciously, in the animal and human world, males tend to spread their seed and give as many offspring as possible. In other words, males are aimed at the task of mating with as many partners as possible.
Females tend to have stable, comfortable conditions. The number of partners is not at all important for them, the feeling of confidence and security is much more significant.
As rude as the comparison with animals may sound, many key and basic aspects of the psyche we have with them are similar. Of course, over the centuries, society has left an imprint on the moral standards and personality of representatives of humanity. We are able to control instincts, regulate behavior, be guided not only by reflexes, but also by moral aspects when making decisions. But psychologists confirm that there are quite significant differences in the female and male sexual nature, summarized above.
Undoubtedly, both among men and among women there may be exceptions to the rule.But they usually stand out very brightly and clearly. For example, nymphomaniacs who have a strong attraction to a variety of sexual sensations.

If a girl cheated on her boyfriend, it is worthwhile to radically analyze the relationship. Most likely, after you seriously delve into them, you will find many problems.
- There are often cases when a guy is forced to be in the army or simply away from his beloved for some reason. And after a few months, the girl begins to cheat on him. Alas, not all relationships stand the test of separation. Feelings can diminish from a distance. Or, for some reason, the partner herself will start to get the impression that her young man, being away, has cooled towards her.
- The girl can not resist and cheat with her ex. This can happen if she still has feelings for him. Or her former boyfriend does not abandon attempts to return the relationship, and the girl succumbed to his tricks and persuasions.
- A woman can decide to cheat, with the goal of taking revenge on her partner. If a man periodically allows himself to walk to the left, he causes severe insult and humiliates his partner. The girl may begin to experience self-doubt, a feeling of inferiority. As a result, having changed at least once, she restores her femininity in her eyes, simultaneously making an attempt to offend the feelings and pride of the unfaithful partner.

- At the beginning of a relationship, most guys are very active in caring for their passion. She bathes in compliments, gentle words, romantic surprises and gifts. But the stronger the bonds become, the weaker the signs of attention from the partner appear, over time, in many cases, disappearing altogether. In such a situation, a woman begins to feel unnecessary. Lack of confirmation of a loved one’s feelings can be confusing.
At such a moment, a woman can be easily seduced into showing attention from the outside. Often, girls switch to another young man. And he, in turn, sparing no effort to express his feelings, can end up easily falling in love with someone's passion.
- Lack of understanding between partners often becomes a factor pushing a woman in search of a soul mate. If a man almost does not support his partner in anything, they have little in common and very different interests, the relationship is unlikely to be comfortable and warm. After ardent love dulls, a woman can pay attention to another person who is much closer to her than the one with whom she is currently dating.
- Problems in the sexual life of a couple can ruin the relationship, and are also often the reason for looking for a sexual partner on the side. Often, couples are shy or unable to discuss their intimate sphere with each other.
Dissatisfaction in sex life may well push someone from the couple in search of new sensations.

- Cheating, oddly enough, may have a financial background. Some women are ready to date a young man only because of his material security, while not feeling sincere feelings for him. Naturally, sooner or later, such a person is likely to meet someone with whom she really falls in love. But not wanting to lose financial well-being, women in such situations often decide not to leave a rich man, but at the same time have a lover.
- Some of the fair sex are distinguished by increased sexuality and curiosity in the intimate sphere. They constantly want to experience new sensations, to try something unknown. Keeping such a girl from cheating will be extremely difficult.
- As mentioned above, most women subconsciously seek to find support and protection in a man. And this can only be given by a self-confident, morally stable and courageous young man. If a guy weakly shows strong-willed qualities, is not confident in himself and is not successful, a woman can cool off to him, not seeing prospects and not feeling a "strong shoulder".

How to behave?
It is impossible to give universal recommendations and instructions on how to act in the event of a betrayal of a loved one. It all depends on the specific situation: on the nature and duration of your relationship, on your feelings and reciprocity on the part of your partner, on the reasons that prompted a woman to cheat.
- Having learned about the infidelity of your beloved, try not to do anything on the "hot head". Inappropriate, overly emotional behavior can harm in this situation, pushing for rash actions.
- Double-check the information if it came to you from third parties or anonymously. Perhaps someone is plotting against your passion and simply slandered her.
- Try to find out if this was a one-time relationship or if the woman had a long and constant love affair.

In the first case, talk to your beloved calmly. Ask her about the reasons for this behavior. Most likely, something in your relationship does not suit her. Let her know that you are ready to work on yourself and that the relationship should be based on mutual trust, and not on omissions.
The second situation, when the partner has a permanent lover, is more difficult. Find out if she has feelings for another man.
You may need to disperse for a while. This will help you understand how valuable your relationship is to her and to you.

Is it possible to forgive and is it worth continuing the relationship?
After a beloved woman has cheated, many men find it very difficult to restore lost trust in her. If a guy wants to continue dating his beloved, he will need to be able to let go of this unpleasant situation in the future.
Often, the woman herself, after the betrayal, is greatly tormented by her conscience, she sincerely regrets what happened. And if the partner decided to end the relationship with her, she tries to return him, begging for forgiveness.

In the case when a man nevertheless decides to break with the wrong passion, he will have a difficult period of separation. And if a strong feeling for a girl has not faded away, parting is often very painful. However, if the cheating woman clearly does not repent of her deed, or if the episodes of infidelity have been repeated more than once, parting is perhaps the best option.
Another way out is to forgive the betrayal and continue the relationship. But it's also not easy for a lot of guys. Usually, forgiveness and forgetting about what happened is greatly hampered by oppressed pride, a feeling of resentment. Most men almost constantly feel tension and distrust of their partner afterwards. An episode in a relationship, such as infidelity, often inflames a partner's feelings of jealousy.
In such a situation, everything will depend on the woman's real feelings and on her further behavior. If she manages to melt the ice of mistrust and resentment in the partner's heart, the couple has a chance to return to normal relations after some time.

How can I forget?
The events taking place with us give us the opportunity to accumulate precious life experience and correct our mistakes. Therefore, having lived even such an unpleasant episode as the betrayal of a loved one, you should not get too hung up on it.
A big mistake is self-criticism and constant experience, conscious recollection of this trouble. Life does not stand still. When a child is burnt on a hot kettle, he learns a valuable lesson: you need to be careful with this object and do not need to touch it with your hand. And this skill, in the future, undoubtedly, helps him in life.
In a similar way, you need to be able to endure something important and useful for yourself from any events, even difficult and painful ones. After living the situation, analyzing it and drawing conclusions, force yourself to stop returning to it. And, of course, keep the experience gained with you, but drive the hard memories away.

Lead an active lifestyle to distract yourself. Try sports or a new hobby. Continue to communicate with friends, do not withdraw into yourself.Remove things from the apartment that will clearly remind you of what happened.
Psychologist's advice
- Do not shift absolutely all the blame for the girl's betrayal only on yourself. Everyone has drawbacks, and they may be part of the reason for infidelity. Try to take them into account and work on fixing them.
- Don't label yourself as a "worthless" or "bankrupt" man. Often guys, after being cheated on, lose confidence in themselves. They can consciously or subconsciously forbid themselves to meet and seek new acquaintances with the opposite sex.
But this is a very wrong model of behavior. Remember, there are a lot of women in the world, they all have completely different personal characteristics and characters. Therefore, it is extremely stupid and unacceptable to punish oneself with amorous "asceticism" because of one failure.
- If you do decide to improve your relationship and stay with your girlfriend after the affair, try to tame the manifestations of jealousy. This is very difficult, but refrain from checking your phone, social media account and private messages. If the passion really continues to deceive you, it will still surface. And your attempts to control only make her hide better.
- If the woman has sincerely repented and is truly loyal to you now, such jealous behavior will greatly humiliate her and keep her in suspense.
- Try to learn how to talk to each other. The expressed fears, experiences, claims in a tactful form, wishes and requests with joint efforts can be worked out. Confidential communication in a couple significantly strengthens the relationship.
But omissions, emotional closeness, or, on the contrary, excessive aggression and scandals heat up the situation, alienate the couple in love from each other.