How to understand that a girl is cheating?

Regardless of how long the relationship lasts, how it develops, has it already reached marriage or not yet, every man sooner or later thinks about whether a lady of heart is cheating on him or not. Men usually do not go to their friends or relatives with relevant questions - the topic is too delicate. They turn to information on the Internet, and then a real test awaits them, because most of the advice is designed in such a way that even a not jealous man turns into Othello by the end of the reading. Not all recommendations are created equal. Let's look at the question from different points of view.

The main signs of treason
Nature has made it easier for men to do this - if a girl is cheating, it usually becomes obvious rather quickly, since ladies are less savvy in conspiracy of their infidelity and are more prone to emotionality, which can betray them headlong, and changes will certainly be reflected in behavior.
Before talking about the signs, let's figure out the psychotype of the girl. Psychologists distinguish several types of the fair sex who are prone to cheating.
- Bored ladies - girls and women who have a lot of free and unoccupied time. If at the same time the chosen one works, studies and cannot spend all the time around, then a bored young lady may well go in search of adventure and new emotions.
- Hereditary cheaters. The concept of fidelity is instilled almost from kindergarten. Any girl subconsciously adopts the type and style of relationships with partners from her own mother.If the mother often changed partners or the divorce from her father took place due to female infidelity, the girl has all the prerequisites to also become cheaters.
- Sexually uninhibited and experienced. A girl who has a rich personal history, who justifies her friends who are unfaithful to their husbands and grooms, has a rather light relationship with adultery, and therefore he himself is not excluded.
- Frustrated ladies. If a girl is disappointed in her partner, if the relationship has recently become much worse, then it is possible that she will go in search of someone who can replace the failed prince from resentment of her shattered dreams.

Women of a different social stratum, a different level of education. If there is an abyss between your interests and the interests of a lady, if she has a prestigious and highly paid job, and on weekends she goes to self-discovery courses and studies Sanskrit, and you and your 8 grades and college work tirelessly, dreaming just to sleep on the weekend, then it's too early or later, a clash of interests is inevitable. Most likely, it is she who will find someone who will also study Sanskrit and engage in self-knowledge with her, since with him it will simply be more interesting for her.
- Also, do not write off falling in love.... There are such amorous and addicted natures that it is difficult even for them to catch their interests and sympathies. In addition, there is real love - leave the woman the right to make a mistake (the mistake in this case is you).
There are many signs of female infidelity, but having found one in the list, you should not make hasty conclusions. Only a complex of "symptoms" of infidelity will help to suspect adultery with more or less real probability. By themselves, individual signs may not say anything.

Behavior changes
If you've been together for a long time, then you know your partner's habits and reactions pretty well. A lady who decides to cheat becomes different - she suddenly changes her image, loses weight, does a different make-up. And all these changes are clearly not for you, since your compliments are either ignored or a little annoying. A woman begins to smarten up longer before going to her friend, although she used to run out in a tracksuit and a light jacket, look at herself longer in the mirror before work or study. The meetings with your friend will become more frequent, and more and more often she will have an excuse to leave the house somewhere without you.
The most important thing is that her mood and look are changing. Women do not mask their own emotions well, carefully looking into her eyes, a lot can be understood - the cheater will avert her eyes, avoid direct eye contact, at the same time she will be elated and a little dreamy. If the betrayal was of a one-time nature and the woman regrets about her, then she will be in a bad mood and will avoid communication.
Meetings are becoming more rare
Meetings become more rare, intimate life is reduced to a minimum or disappears altogether. Dating will be rare if you don't live together yet. Increasingly, she will refuse your offers to meet under a plausible pretext - there are things to do at work, a lot of work at the university, she is tired, one of her relatives is sick, leaves on a business trip, etc.
If your relationship is already being built under one roof, then you will notice that she began to linger more often, she often has a headache, which gives her every reason to refuse sex.
The point is, women are not polygamous like men. Several partners at once - not a woman's style. If she has a lover who completely suits her both in communication and in sex, then she will try to smoothly reduce sexual relations with a man living with her as a husband or civil spouse.

Calls and communication became less frequent
The cheating woman no longer belongs to you emotionally.It is unclear for what reasons she stays with you, because usually women, if there are no joint children and dependence on financial security from the spouse, prefer to go to their lovers or just leave if the feelings in the relationship are over.
But if you have a special case, and you suspect that a woman still has a relationship on the side, staying with you, you should pay attention to the frequency of her calls and messages. If not long ago there were ten of them a day, but now they are not there and he does not answer yours right away, then this is a reason to think about it. But keep in mind that a faithful woman, who simply lost interest in you, is disappointed, behaves in the same way. If you are not interested in her, she will call only on business. The phrases in both cases are monosyllabic, tension is felt in the voice, the woman seeks to end the conversation faster and hang up.

Conflict increases
Some people begin to provoke your departure on their own. They think this is the best option. If you can't stand the scandals and leave, she won't have to explain herself and ask for forgiveness. In this case, conflicts erupt from scratch, with or without reason, the woman becomes picky, demanding, capricious. It is impossible to please her, no matter what you do. Even what she loved before irritates her.
The reason for this behavior is a strong sense of guilt that she experiences. And the conflicts themselves start not even of her own free will, but at a subconscious level. Please note that some ladies behave in a similar way during early pregnancy and during premenstrual syndrome, and therefore observe or ask her the appropriate question.

Mysteries appear
Begins to speak in riddles and secrets appear. Previously, her phone could lie for hours on the shelf in the hallway or on the table in the kitchen. There were no secrets, she always told who and why called. Nowadays, more and more often the phone will stand in the "silent" or "vibration" mode so as not to attract your attention. Messages will be deleted, new passwords will appear on the computer and smartphone, about which you will not be told anything.
She will leave to talk on the phone “with Masha from work” or “Lena from the nail salon” on the balcony or in the entrance, and when asked why it is impossible to discuss manicure or work moments with a colleague right in the apartment, in the kitchen, she will flare up righteous anger and accuse you of callousness, psychological illiteracy and an attempt on her personal space.
Changing attitudes towards you
Women who have already theoretically designated for themselves a replacement for you begin to be critical of everything you do. She is annoyed by your manner of eating, she is unpleasant that you again threw socks not in the clothes basket in the bathroom, she criticizes your appearance, work, friends, character, hobbies.

Most importantly, she starts lying. Women know how to lie, but only about trifles, to hide the truth and lie "on trifles" - two big differences. It is usually the most difficult for them to hide the difficult truth. Be careful, watch.
How to check?
A lot in this matter depends on how well your companion is able to lie well. There are women who do not know how to do this at all, and the truth comes out. Therefore, it is worth starting with an honest conversation. If you start screaming and showing her the signs you have identified, you will not be able to have a normal conversation. Aggression gives rise to a dull defense - she will shut herself up and say nothing, she can just get away from the conversation, and then she changed or not, it will be problematic to know with certainty.
Speak calmly, peacefully, choose the right time for this, when she and you are in no hurry, for example, on a weekend. You should not listen to what exactly she will answer, it is much more important how she will do it. There are very few women who know how to lie without batting an eye, and therefore there are very few women in intelligence.The person who lies, looks away, avoids direct eye contact, scratches or rubs the neck, wings of the nose, and coughs. If you notice signs of lying, say so again calmly and back up the words with the signs you discovered. Many, under such pressure, give up and admit everything.

The second way is for patient men. It involves observing and collecting evidence. In this case, the decisive conversation with the mass of collected evidence is postponed to a later time.
Surveillance is not entirely ethical in terms of moral principles, and if you are wrong, it will be very difficult to restore the lost trust. Mutual friends and her girlfriends can become a useful source of information, but here it should be borne in mind that friends may be biased or poorly informed, and then the truth may reach you in a highly distorted form, and sometimes the stated versions will generally be far from reality. In addition, the question is rather dubious whether it is worth letting your friends into your doubts.
Which method of collecting information to choose is up to you. It all depends on what you, due to your personal culture and upbringing, consider acceptable for yourself - some read her messages on the phone, others follow her before and after work, and still others hire a private detective to do all the dirty work with someone else's hands. There are also great originals who lead their beloved to a polygraph, however, after this couples often part and not always because the betrayal becomes proven.

How to recognize cheating at a distance?
If long separations on duty for your couple are commonplace, then the question arises, is it possible to find out about a woman's infidelity at a distance. Yes, you are deprived of the opportunity to see her eyes and observe her, but you can pay attention to how much a woman remains attentive to you. If she does not call, does not write for a long time, and answers your calls with monosyllabic phrases that do not imply a long and sincere conversation, if she is annoyed by your calls and more and more often you call at the wrong time, you can only determine what to communicate with you by some then the reasons the woman is not in tune. What exactly she has for this is difficult to determine from a distance.
It is inappropriate to discuss this by correspondence, because you will not see the woman's eyes and reactions in response to your questions. Although, if a girl is seriously in love, with a high degree of probability she will inform about this in her correspondence, write a touching letter that will end with the traditional “forgive” and “goodbye” in this case. If parting is not in her plans, and that guy is just an accident, then it will be impossible to find out about the betrayal at a distance, or only during a personal meeting, when the opportunity to talk in person appears.

Psychologist's advice
Jealousy is a destructive feeling that a person often creates for himself with his own fears and low self-esteem, fear of being left alone, being a failure and a loser in the eyes of others. Before launching a large-scale search for evidence of a partner's betrayal, psychologists advise men to think carefully - what if she is not to blame for anything? After all, this one way or another will negatively affect the further relationship of the couple.
If the betrayal is obvious, then the man should try to calm down, pull himself together and decide for himself - what's next. Either he is ready to stay with this girl further and forgive, or now he does not see a joint future and insists on parting himself.
In any case, experts recommend trying to understand the lady's motives, this will help to forgive and let her go in peace. Forgiveness is important for everyone: the girl will not feel excruciating feelings of guilt, and the man himself can more easily survive what happened and start a new life. Letting go of grievances is also important in order to exclude the likelihood of developing psychogenic diseases.
Cheating is an ordeal for adulthood. Only adults who are mentally and emotionally mature are capable of forgiveness. If you decide to stay with this woman further, never remind of what happened and watch your own condition - quite often, on the basis of a single betrayal, rather severe personality disorders develop, including pathological paranoid jealousy.

If your chosen one herself does not want to continue the relationship with you, let her go as correctly as possible, with respect. Anyone deserves respect and no one is obliged to live up to your expectations.
Scandals, a desire for revenge, attempts at assault, insults are not the best option for a man to behave in such a situation. The event itself will not change from this, its experience will not change, but a sense of shame will be added to the range of not the most pleasant emotions, which then, when the anger goes away, will surely arise in an empty place in the soul.
It may take time for a man to answer all of these questions. In order not to break the wood, it is better to take a break - to leave somewhere under a plausible pretext, to be in solitude, to think, to put everything on the shelves. One morning, you will feel clarity and full understanding of the path ahead. If he has a woman on him who inflicted a wound, try to mend a relationship with her. If the path is different, start living with renewed vigor.
I felt how our relationship began to cool down. My husband began to stay late from work, became colder towards me, started hiding the phone. His behavior changed a lot ... Then it turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children are growing up ... It turns out, as it happens in life. I cannot express in words the pain that I experienced.