
Should you take revenge on your husband for treason?

Should you take revenge on your husband for treason?
  1. How to avenge treason and maintain self-esteem?
  2. Family debt or why husbands cheat?
  3. Royal revenge is always served cold
  4. Combat tactics
  5. Psychologist's advice

The betrayal and lies of a loved one knock the soil out from under their feet and force them to look for ways to restore justice. There is a desire to inflict a "knockout" on the cheater, making him feel the pain you have experienced. To plunge him into the abyss of sleepless nights, tear-stained pillows, drunk valerian bubbles and endless conversations with girlfriends-psychologists. But any hysterics comes to an end, and assessing the events of the recent past, you understand that you have shown yourself in an unfavorable light.

Why do beloved men cheat? How to carry out the "royal" plan of revenge and how to make the cheater regret what he did?

How to avenge treason and maintain self-esteem?

Social networks and advice from girlfriends from the forum are full of exquisite ways of revenge, starting with self-harm of your beloved car, glass in socks, laxative in beer and ending with magic love spells on an unfaithful husband, returning with a drop of blood, a broom or salt bought in a certain place, at a certain time ...

It is unlikely that a self-respecting woman will perceive such advice as a guide to action, rather, as an ephemeral fantasy of humiliated pride. Often, stories about skillful revenge on an unfaithful spouse remain unfulfilled dreams, and such confessions in forums are a way to tell the whole universe about your misfortune.

Before developing a plan for phased revenge, it is worth analyzing your actions and possible retaliatory strikes from the enemy.If, nevertheless, you decided to take active actions, then you should think over the tactics of your behavior, develop an offensive strategy. Connect allies and think over a plan of surrender if something suddenly goes wrong.

Leading family psychologists call the reason for this desire a state of passionprovoked by personal circumstances. This is a short-term impulsive action that, unlike a physical or emotional state, cannot be controlled. At the same time, professionals advise to change the environment, switch to another type of activity, go in for sports, look, visit the spa. Doing things that will help you find personal harmony and make you balanced and happy.

Family debt or why husbands cheat?

Men are polygamous by nature, inclined to seek new experiences and diversity in their intimate life. Even the most faithful family man sometimes turns his head towards a sexy beauty, enjoying her charms. As a rule, men are pushed to cheating by everyday troubles, monotony, habitual measured life. Monotony makes him look for impressions and new emotions on the side, if in the familiar family environment he does not feel happy.

Taking care of the family and children, constant household chores take away all the free time from the spouse. She lacks the strength to take care of herself, and the new passion conquers with its showiness, extravagance, carries away into the world of unknown adventures. But the main reason is the monotony of intimate life, dissatisfaction and stiffness of the partner. Few couples can talk heart to heart and find out everything about the pitfalls in their bed, and the thirst for new emotions, vivid impressions pushes a man to a new romance.

The feelings of a deceived woman can only be understood by a person who has experienced such emotions. The first thing that comes to mind is to throw a grandiose scandal with the smashing of dishes, slaps in the face and the use of heavy artillery in the form of his mother. There is a desire to punish the faithful and his rival in the most sophisticated way. But over time, these feelings are replaced by spiritual emptiness and disappointment. If you manage to cope with the first emotions, then you will be able to come up with an exquisite plan for revenge, and if you wish, return your spouse to your bed.

Royal revenge is always served cold

Remembering the stories from the lives of your acquaintances or girlfriends, you, of course, understand that spontaneous revenge is a fantasy. In order to take revenge on her husband for treason, outraged honor, years spent for nothing and a lot of invented persistent phrases on this score, and to get out of the water, preserving self-esteem, you will have to come up with a couple of creative ideas.

The ideal plan for "royal" revenge can be created with a cold head, while maintaining an exceptional calculation. Get rid of annoying emotions: they are like a malicious burdock that cannot be peeled off after a walk in the autumn forest, when the enjoyment of nature is overshadowed by an obsessive desire to get rid of a hateful problem.

The desire to commit an immediate vendetta, to punish the offender, to take revenge on her mistress is associated with the complexes that a woman acquires in early childhood or adolescence under the influence of social environment, upbringing, environment, relations with parents. As a rule, girls witnessed the parents' divorce, their personal problems or the clarification of the relationship with the child, which disturbed the psyche and formed established stereotypes about family life.

Combat tactics

Faced with the problem of treason, you should take a completely win-win option: lie down, demonstrate absolute indifference to what happened. This will require patience, overcoming your own resentment, anger, bitterness. But, as experience shows, this is one of the most effective ways to show your indifference and sow a seed of doubt in the head of a traitor.

By adopting the opposite tactics, many women make a fatal mistake. The desire to call a partner for a frank conversation, to sort out the relationship and find out "why she is better than me" never change the situation for the better, but, as a rule, further aggravate the situation. Often such actions make a man think that he made the right choice. A certain scheme is being formed, which confirms the established opinion "the wife is a scandal, which means that he did the right thing, that he changed, left, left and did something else there ...".

Try not to leave the slightest reason for such thoughts and statements. Thus, you will make the faithful responsible for their actions and be held accountable for what is happening. In an attempt to justify oneself, a partner can provoke spontaneous and rash actions.

For many women, adultery is a point of no return, but for some reason a man after that needs to feel needed and mega-valuable for a woman. Attempts to provoke a conflict or cause a storm of emotions are just a way to prove your worth and irreplaceability. In this difficult period for both, it is important to let the man understand that he is not the center of the universe and the meaning of your existence. Remaining attractive, happy, in demand, demonstrating your independence to a man, you are awarded a technical victory.

Psychologist's advice

But what to do with the surging emotions that overshadow common sense, do not give an opportunity to breathe deeply and demand retribution? You can commit harmless mischief: change door locks, pay with your spouse's card in a jewelry store, or flirt with his close friend. That's it with a loved one, because the information must reach him first-hand. If you have an overwhelming desire to break a couple of plates or make a fire on the street, throwing your wedding photos into it, do not stop your impulses. Time will pass and you will buy dishes and order new photos, but the moment when you want to throw out the negative must be satisfied, otherwise it will transform into stress, prolonged depression and chronic ailments.

Social networks can provide irreplaceable help in a little revenge on your beloved one. Go to his page under a false name and start a virtual romance. Leading questions, light flirting will help to find out the true attitude towards life and the prevailing circumstances. Learning to read between the lines will help you figure out how the faithful feels after breaking up.

Try to surround yourself with positive emotions, take up yoga, female Taoist practices, attend master classes and expand your social circle as much as possible. This will help you adapt to the situation and create the impression of a confident, harmonious personality. The main thing is to highlight life priorities, value time and strive to realize your own ambitions. This is the most sophisticated revenge on a person who underestimated your love.

For information on whether to take revenge on your husband for treason, see the next video.

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