Cheating at Work: Signs, Causes, and Options

An office romance often destroys family relationships, especially in the case of an unfaithful wife. Many men are interested in how to recognize adultery, what can be the cause of female weakness, and whether it can be forgiven.

Reasons for treason
Joint life, family hardships unite the married couple. At the same time, heaps of worries are able to extinguish ardent and tender feelings. Spouses stop feeling the love of their partner. Family conflicts, petty quarrels contribute to the cooling of intimate relationships. Often a man is greeted at home by a grumpy and unkempt wife, and at work by a well-groomed and benevolent colleague. A co-worker may also be someone's wife or girlfriend.
Most of the time a person spends at the workplace. The joint work of two people of the opposite sex often leads to romantic relationships, which as a result end in an intimate attraction to each other. A gallant colleague is able to fill in the missing positive emotions. Not every woman is able to resist tender declarations of love.
Often, an office romance arises between a boss and a subordinate. The wife cheats on her husband with her boss, most often under duress. The fear of losing your job, the desire to move up the career ladder are the main reasons for marital infidelity. The leader can coerce sex through threats and blackmail. It is not excluded that an unexpectedly arisen passion led to treason with the boss or other colleague. Interest in a colleague may arise when the husband's signs of attention cease. Having ceased to feel desirable, a woman succumbs to beautiful courtship from a boss or colleague.With a workmate, your girlfriend or official wife can get close at a corporate event, which the management arranges to unite employees in order to achieve further joint fruitful work. Holidays and corporate parties sometimes lead to short-term intimate relationships between family people.

How to recognize?
Vigilance and sensitivity will help to recognize the betrayal of a wife in a timely manner. Hasty conclusions are inappropriate in this situation. You need to carefully analyze every characteristic sign of betrayal.
- Suddenly, the wife stopped allowing her husband into her personal space. She began to hide her personal correspondence and phone calls. Doesn't talk about upcoming or past meetings. In the evenings and on weekends, they call her in order to solve some of the working moments. The wife with the phone goes into another room. Chances are high that the behavior is related to cheating. It is important to remember: it is possible that due to your pickiness, ridicule of the wife's statements, her various messages or heated discussions with friends, relatives, she began to be shy, afraid of your criticism, and stopped trusting you.
- The spouse pays a lot of attention to her appearance. Carefully does makeup, hair. Before leaving for work, she stands for a long time in front of the mirror, carefully peering into the features of her face. This behavior should be especially wary if she has stopped consulting with you about her image, which she previously cared about much less. She didn't care how she looked next to you. Remember, this behavior can mean not wanting to keep up with your girlfriends.
Expensive jewelry, outfits, beautiful handbags and other accessories that appear regularly from a wife may turn out to be gifts from a lover.

- Uncharacteristic heightened attention to the husband, excessive care and tenderness indicate an attempt to make amends to the husband. The unfaithful husband, finding himself in a similar situation, on the contrary, begins to find fault with his wife for any reason. He begins to compare his soul mate with his mistress, whom he considers the best at the moment. It is important to remember: in practice, it happens that the wife really realized and appreciated the positive qualities of her husband. Reconsideration can occur after the loss of the other half by a friend: divorce or death of a beloved man.
- In an intimate life, a chill is felt on her part. If the manifestation of affection and tenderness is refused, it is possible that the feelings are completely given to another person. In such a situation, the unfaithful husband sometimes ends sex life with his wife altogether or begins to demonstrate acquired skills in a new relationship. Remember: do not forget that the reason for this behavior can be frequent quarrels with your husband, accumulated resentment, fatigue, depression, illness, pregnancy.
- A sharp reaction to criticism from her husband began to cause discontent and irritation. A woman's self-esteem increases with the increased attention of a stranger to her. It is important to know: the option is not excluded that your wife is tired of your endless negative statements, comments on any occasion.
- Husband skipping calls. Explanations can be very different: I did not hear, I was traveling in public transport, I was busy, the battery was dead, I forgot my phone. Remember, this behavior doesn't necessarily happen when you're cheating.
- Keeping communication to a minimum. The wife herself begins to actively use the screwdriver and hammer. He does not ask her husband for anything. In the evening, there are no stories about the past day.
- The appearance in your company of a new person to whom your wife pays a lot of attention.

- The formerly punctual wife begins to linger at work. Frequent overtime working hours should definitely alert the spouse. Especially if the wife returns home with a joyful face, and not with the haggard look that is characteristic of exhausting work. The emergence of unscheduled inspections and reports, which did not exist before, is the first warning sign.She talks about overtime with sheer indifference, not annoyance. Pay attention to its scent, whether there is a foreign male smell on clothes or hair. A categorical prohibition to meet your wife from work on such days may mean fear of getting caught. It is important to remember: the situation at the enterprise can change with a change in management or for another reason, and the spouse really takes care of her husband, therefore she does not want him to waste his time and meet her from work.
- Business trips or one-day business trips that do not improve the financial situation in the family should alert the husband. Business trips are becoming more frequent, and the salary remains the same. Remember: the wife's desire to build a successful career is possible.
- Indifference to family matters, to conversations with you can be a sign of betrayal. Lost interest in cooking dinner, washing dishes, putting things in order in the house. Life is completely abandoned. The wife does not want to visit your parents. It's important to know that sometimes the loss of interest in life is associated with illness or depression.
- Mysterious thoughtfulness suggests that the wife's thoughts are directed at the person she adores.
It should be remembered: failing health, difficulties at work, problematic relationships with relatives can also cause thoughtfulness.

Can you be forgiven?
It is very difficult to forgive cheating on your wife. Male pride and pride are hurt. There is no need to take rash actions. Drastic measures can be taken in the heat of the moment. We must wait for the initial shock to pass, and sound thoughts begin to appear. The final decision should be made by the man himself, without the participation of friends, relatives, acquaintances.
First of all, you need to consider the situation from different angles. There are two important points:
- the betrayal happened once: on a business trip, at a holiday, corporate party or under pressure, threats from a boss, a dangerous acquaintance, or in revenge on an unfaithful husband;
- both spouses were not faithful to each other for a long time.
In these cases, sincere confession is very important. The wife repents, voluntarily agrees to change her behavior, excluding the repetition of infidelity to her husband. The sinned half must make a decision on its own. She refuses business trips, attending parties unaccompanied by her husband. The spouse officially breaks off the relationship on the side by calling her lover in the presence of her soulmate. The wife defiantly throws away the gifts of her lover, provides her husband with access to social networks and the phone. It is best to end a long romance with a colleague by getting fired from your job.

Forgiveness of an unfaithful spouse is possible if she has always been a good housewife, a caring mother. The first and only betrayal may well end in reconciliation. Forgiveness is also possible provided that the love affair is immediately terminated, all contacts with a lover are cut off in a short time.
Forgiving an unfaithful wife and restoring family relationships is extremely difficult in the following cases:
- the woman deliberately went into treason, she herself inclined a colleague to love joys;
- with the available direct evidence, the wife did not confess and did not repent;
- the lover at work turned out to be the husband's best friend or a person from among the close circle - he is a part of the family;
- if the wife has several lovers;
- the wife refuses to break off the relationship with the beloved person;
- the spouse does not want to change the approach to her life.

Psychologist's advice
The best way to find out the truth about cheating is by asking your wife an unexpectedly direct question. Secret surveillance does not lead to anything good. They will definitely end with a grand scandal and a final break in relations.
An affair with a married boss is futile, it is doomed to failure in advance. A fleeting affair at a corporate party can be an accidental episode. The husband's efforts should be directed not at finding a lover, but at correcting the situation:
- start paying your wife more attention than before: give flowers, shower her with compliments, gifts, fulfill all requests;
- organize a trip, hike, entertainment;
- invite to a restaurant, cafe or cinema;
- fulfill her desires;
- be more anxious about intimate relationships;
- listen carefully to her stories;
- start an active correspondence with her through instant messengers;
- try to convey criticism to your wife gently, not offensive;
- do not skimp on money and affectionate words;
- do household chores on time;
- listen to her advice, requests.

This does not mean that you will follow your wife's lead and fulfill all her whims. Always remain a real man. The emergence of true love is facilitated by daily hard work on family relationships. The initial spark is gradually extinguished. Passion and love pass over time.
It is necessary to fill the family space with warmth, love, understanding. Relationships should be changed for the better on a regular basis. The proverb says: when there is peace in the family, treasure is not needed either. If there is a real deep feeling for a spouse, there is openness to each other, trust in a relationship, then betrayal is almost impossible.
Remember, not always clear signs of cheating may mean adultery. Common sense should prevail over jealousy.

That was the situation with me: I needed to monitor my husband, I turned to a person, he connected a wiretap on my husband's phone. and I was able to listen to calls and read SMS on whatsappe viber, he does everything via the Internet. I gave him the number and in an hour everything was working.
My ex wrote the article ...
And mine...)