Actinolite: description, properties and application

Actinolite belongs to the rock-forming minerals of the amphibole group (the crystal structure is built of double chains), and it belongs to the silicate class. The name of the stone is derived from the Greek words, which in translation mean "radiant stone". Of course, the mineral received this name for a reason, you can see a large number of needle crystals and rays in it. Actinolite was popular with many peoples in antiquity, but its official registration took place only in 1794.

Natural deposits
The natural habitat of this mineral is quite wide. It is found in Austria, Switzerland, some US states (California, Alaska, Virginia, and others). It can also be found in Canada, Italy, Tanzania, Brazil, Madagascar, Ukraine. In Russia, actinolite is mined in the South Urals, in Karelia and Primorye.
Often this mineral is found together with deposits of garnet, quartz, talc.

Physical and chemical properties
The color of the stone ranges from gray-green to shades of dark green. These paints are given to actinolite by the presence of iron in it. The mineral has a glassy or silky sheen and translucency. The hardness of the stone on the Mohs scale is 5.5-6, which is the average. Actinolite is also characterized by great fragility, a stepwise fracture, it has perfect cleavage and monoclinic syngony.

Its chemical composition is quite variable. The stone is mainly composed of iron and silicon, but may contain impurities of elements such as magnesium, aluminum, potassium, manganese.Actinolite is acid resistant.
Popular varieties
There are several of the most famous varieties of this stone.
- Nephritis. Mineral with a fibrous structure. The color of this stone has a wide range of colors: it can be whitish, emerald, dark brown. Jade is a very popular ornamental stone. In China, it has been revered as a national one since ancient times.

- Amphibole asbestos or amiant. It has straight needle-like fibers and belongs to complex hydrosilicates. It is a carcinogen, inhalation of its particles is harmful to human health. Therefore, at present, such a stone is rarely used in the construction industry.

- Smaragdite. This mineral is very similar in appearance to emerald, it is painted in bright green color. The name comes from the Old Russian word "smaragd", which meant "emerald stone". This mineral is very rare and therefore has a high gem value.

Areas of use
Actinolite is an easy-to-work stone, for this reason it is widely used in the jewelry industry. Samples with a transparent structure are used to decorate rings, brooches, signet rings, pendants, make spectacular souvenir balls, opaque ones are used for the production of beads, necklaces, bracelets. Small beads are suitable for embroidery. Stones of unusual shape are highly valued by collectors of minerals.
In addition, elastic fine-fiber actinolite is used as a rubber filler for automobile tires.
Healing and magical qualities
This mineral is widely used to treat many skin diseases: lichen, fungus, eczema. To do this, bracelets with actinolite in a silver frame are worn on both hands until you feel better. If there are problems with the scalp and the condition of the hair, it is recommended to wear earrings with this healing stone. This mineral ensures the well-coordinated work of the heart and blood vessels, maintains the health of the joints, spine, and respiratory organs. The stones, which have a deep green color, treat minor mental disorders and depression.

Various magical properties are attributed to actinolite in different countries. In Africa, with the help of this stone, a guilty person is found. It is believed that in the hands of a criminal, the mineral loses its luster. In China, there is a belief that it is impossible to bring the found actinolite into the house, so that the fate of the person who lost it does not pass to the finder. In the Urals, locals have always believed that this stone attracts wealth and luck to the house, and is also capable of fulfilling innermost desires.
Actinolite has long been considered one of the favorite stones of magicians, shamans, sorcerers. You can only buy it yourself, you cannot sell and give it, so as not to give others your luck.
Currently, this mineral has established itself as a powerful talisman that can change the life of its owner for the better. It helps a person to gain decency, self-confidence, wisdom, fortitude and fortitude.

Who is it for?
Actinolite is also amazing because it suits all signs of the zodiac, without exception. But his main favorites are Sagittarius and Aquarius. To these signs, the stone generously gives success and prosperity in any endeavors. But we must remember that it is better to buy a mineral in a silver frame, and be sure to do it yourself.
It should also be noted that actinolite is combined only with chrysoprase, diamonds and rubies.

How to check originality?
Actinolite can now be obtained artificially. In addition, there are minerals very similar to it. It can be very difficult to distinguish a fake by eye, so remember a few tricks on how to identify the authenticity of this stone:
- if you hold actinolite over a candle flame, it will not melt;
- the original placed in acid will never change its color and structure.

Care advice
Remember that this mineral is very fragile, protect it from knocks and crushing. Transparent stones should be worn with particular care. It is recommended to store actinolite separately from other stones, in a soft cloth bag. This mineral is not too important for the ambient temperature and the sun's rays. It tolerates high temperatures and heat well.

Actinolite is an inexpensive and attractive stone that has a positive effect on the physical and mental state of a person. If you need a powerful talisman, then opt for this unique mineral.
You can look at quartz with actinolite inclusions further.