All about the aquamarine stone: meaning, features and properties

Natural minerals are mysterious and mystical objects, the interest in which has been preserved for many hundreds of years. People have learned to use them not only as jewelry, but also for medical purposes. Gems were used in the process of magical rituals, as well as to attract good luck, health and happiness.
Geologists count several hundred types of different stones, which differ in origin, color, size and properties. Representatives of traditional medicine and astrologers recommend paying attention to a unique mineral - aquamarine, which has high aesthetic values, and also has a beneficial effect on health and emotional state.

Aquamarine is a decorative semi-precious beryl widely used in jewelry making. This mineral is used not only in budget jewelry, but also in expensive exclusive collections. Aquamarine is an aluminum beryl silicate and is composed of hexagonal crystals that resemble the shape of a convex polyhedron. The word aquamarine comes from ancient Greece and means "sea water". The history of the origin of the stone begins with the time of ancient sailors, who christened the treasures found on the seabed as a gift from a mermaid, which will protect them during sea voyages. And the color was given to the mineral by Poseidon, combining the sky and the sea into a single whole. The great importance of the mineral has survived to this day.
Cut gems that look like the surface of the sea are harmoniously combined with silver and gold items. The cost of a mineral depends on its size, quality and supplier. Instances that have the effect of a cat's eye or asterism have a much wider price range. Experts highly appreciate products that contain not just bubbles, but drawings in the form of flowers and snowflakes.

Where is the mineral obtained?
There are a huge number of active deposits in the world that contain countless deposits of valuable stone. The most popular deposits are located in Russia, Pakistan, Ukraine, India and Madagascar. Brazilian specialists extract the most expensive and largest specimens of gems that have a blue tint. Green minerals are found in the Urals, and blue ones - in Transbaikalia and America. Sherlovaya Gora is the location of the largest and most valuable gems.
Geologists extract stones of the following forms:
- round;
- rectangular;
- oval.

Each shape needs a different cutting method:
- round - diamond method;
- rectangular - emerald method;
- oval - step or wedge method.
Faded and opaque specimens are simply made smooth, and the surface is polished.

Colors and varieties
Aquamarine has a wide range of colors ranging from colorless to deep blue.
Despite the large number of shades, experts identify several of the most demanded and popular colors:
- colorless;
- blue;
- green.
The brightness and saturation of a mineral depends on the amount of iron in its composition. Blue stones are of the greatest gem value.

Pale, dull and raw minerals are only used to make cheap jewelry. Amber stones are considered the rarest, but their cloudy and opaque structure significantly reduces their market value and demand.
Aquamarine has the ability to change its color under the influence of sunlight within a short period of time. This feature must be taken into account after purchasing an expensive piece of jewelry, which can quickly turn into a dull trinket.

The mineral has the following physical properties:
- transparency;
- wear resistance;
- fragility;
- ease;
- wide color range;
- uniaxial structure;
- color change.
Also, aquamarine has properties necessary for a person, which are both medicinal and magical. The stone has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, wound healing, soothing, disinfecting and antimicrobial properties that help a person to cope with a huge number of diseases.

The chemical base of the gem consists of flint, aluminum and beryllium oxide. The main feature of a birefringent mineral is its ability to change its hue under the action of light that hits the mineral from different angles.
Parallel to the axial arc, there are thin lines that create the effect of raindrops.
Excipients in the mineral are potassium, lithium and vanadium.

The gem has the following characteristics and features:
- low resistance to mechanical damage;
- change in color shade under the influence of high temperatures;
- durability;
- change in shade depending on the degree of illumination;
- the appearance of fading and dullness under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
- light weight;
- high level of density.
The hardness level is 8.0 units. This indicator is close to the density of ceramic granite. For processing, you can use diamond technology. The refraction interval of the sun's rays is in the range from 1.5 to 1.59. The maximum temperature indicator can reach + 400 degrees.

The roots of the magical properties of aquamarine go back several hundred years, when the inhabitants of the planet believed in spirits, as well as in the magic of stones and plants.This trend has reached the modern man, who continues to believe in the unusual properties of the mineral.
The main directions of action of aquamarine:
- protection from negativity;
- prevention of conflicts;
- comprehensive disclosure of personal potential;
- disclosure of intrigues and insidious plans;
- disclosure of creative perspectives;
- home and family protection.

The fairer sex believe that jewelry with aquamarine will preserve youth, beauty, strength and a clear mind for many years. Parents give their children a jewel not only to improve their character, but also to make the right choice of life goals. Mineral will always help you find a way out of difficult and confusing situations, build comfortable relationships with others and tune in to a positive outcome of any problem. Decorations will save their owners from meeting ill-wishers and dangerous people, take bad guests and evil people away from home.
When communicating with people, you need to carefully monitor the saturation of the aquamarine color. The dull and faded appearance of the mineral indicates a possible deception or an emerging conflict. Representatives of the magical culture claim that the decoration helps only kind, honest and decent people who can wear the talisman for many years.
If a person has lost an aquamarine jewelry or it has become deformed, it is necessary to take a closer look at the personality of such a person and analyze his actions and deeds.

For many years, travelers, wanderers and sailors have had this gem among their talismans, the change in color of which helps to predict both good and bad events. A green shine appears before difficulties and various problems. The transparency and lightness of the mineral is a sign of a successful outcome in any situation. A silver jewelry with a blue stone is a symbol of love and fidelity of married couples. This amulet will help maintain love, understanding and devotion in the family. The mineral changes its shade depending on the emotional state of the owner and will become a reliable assistant and protector for good people who do not believe in the magic of stones.
The amulet with aquamarine helps to find missing people during a spiritualistic session and indicates their physical condition. Noble people, being in the house of the enemy, always dipped a small pebble into a glass of wine, believing that the mineral will help neutralize toxic substances in treating ill-wishers. The amulet has a positive effect on the speech of the speakers, which is filled with unusual power and penetrates the listeners deeply into the soul. People who have paronormal abilities should always have this stone nearby - it will help develop the gift and receive the necessary information not only from space, but also from the afterlife.

Who is it suitable for?
Before buying this jewelry, experts recommend finding out compatibility with aquamarine and only after that acquire a gem for yourself or a loved one.
- Scorpions aquamarine will help reduce emotional stress and psychological changes, as well as adequately assess the situation that has arisen and prevent an impending conflict.
- Fishes with the help of a stone, they will be able to recognize the negative intentions of others and soften the sharp corners of their character.
- Gemini the gem will help to acquire inner balance and harmony.
- Representatives of the sign Aquarius the mineral will help find rapport with the opposite sex and find happiness in your personal life.
- For Libra the mineral will become a protective talisman that will help avoid danger.
- Taurus and Capricorns with the help of the stone they can become gentle, romantic and sensitive.
- Self-confidence will gain Crayfish, a Aries become wiser and more purposeful.
- Sagittarius do not rely on the magical effect of the gem.For the representatives of this sign, aquamarine is simply a beautiful piece of jewelry that should not be worn every day.
Minerals look especially impressive against the background of green and blue eyes.

How to distinguish from a fake?
Before purchasing the desired jewelry, experts recommend that you carefully study the rules for choosing this product. An inexperienced buyer can pay a high cost for a completely unnecessary trinket. Innovative technologies and modern equipment make it possible to refine inexpensive gems and bring them to the level of precious and semi-precious stones. Firing, irradiation, crack filling, polishing and grinding help in solving this problem.
Semi-precious aquamarine has artificial counterparts that can be grown in the laboratory. This technology has not gained wide popularity due to the low cost of products and is used very rarely. Often the costs of growing a mineral in a laboratory exceed the market value of the stone. The grown mineral has a lower price than the mined one.

It should be remembered that the modern jewelry market is filled with a huge number of fakes, which are made of colored glass and various minerals. Signs of a high-quality and natural gem:
- high level of transparency;
- lack of spots, air bubbles and dark spots;
- the presence of glass luster;
- acquiring a shade of surrounding objects;
- change in shade with increasing temperature.
You can see these features only if you have jewelry knowledge and special magnifying devices. If you have doubts about the authenticity of the product, you should contact special jewelry workshops.

Aquamarine is often confused with the precious extinguished topaz. The most common counterfeits:
- artificial spinel;
- colored glass;
- sapphire;
- quartz;
- zirconium;
- plastic;
- blue topaz.
Distinctive features of a fake:
- the presence of a warm surface;
- the presence of a perfectly smooth surface and the complete absence of bubbles and internal fibers;
- the presence of an oily sheen;
- overly bright color palette;
- color stability.

The beautiful and bright mineral has found its application not only in the jewelry industry, but also in alternative medicine. Traditional healers note the positive effect of aquamarine on the respiratory system, digestive system, liver and skin.
Products with this gem have the following medicinal properties:
- strengthening the immune system;
- normalization of the central nervous system;
- increased elasticity of blood vessels;
- improved heart function;
- prevention of diseases of the supporting system;
- prevention of the development of gout;
- acceleration of healing of wounds and skin rashes;
- prevention of the development of an allergic rash;
- normalization of the endocrine system;
- improvement of the thyroid gland;
- decrease in body temperature with colds;
- increased visual acuity;
- lichen treatment;
- decrease in the number of muscle contractions;
- reduction of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
- prevention of the development of inflammatory processes in the lungs;
- stabilization of the liver and kidneys;
- oppression of pathogenic microorganisms;
- normalization of water content in the body;
- a decrease in the frequency of coughing;
- reduction of toothache and neurological pain;
- prevention of the development of depression and psychological disorders;
- decrease in the gag reflex while in the car or on the ship;
- removal of toxins and toxic substances;
- reducing dependence on alcohol and tobacco.

A unique stone can help not only at the initial stage of the disease, but also in difficult and advanced situations.
The gem is used to decorate the following items:
- ring;
- pendants;
- brooch;
- a bracelet;
- earrings;
- pendant;
- Crown;
- attributes of power;
- magic talisman;
- decor items;
- dishes.

The stone is a universal amulet for both the fairer sex and the male part of society. For maximum disclosure of medicinal properties, the following procedures should be performed:
- hold a stone in your hands every day before going to bed and leave it near the bed;
- dipped in a bathtub, the water in which will be used for bathing;
- apply to a sore spot;
- use those types of jewelry that are as close as possible to the diseased area.

A beautiful and magical mineral needs special care and proper maintenance.
Rules for extending the life of jewelry:
- protection from direct sunlight;
- storage in a separate box or jewelry bag, which will prevent scratches, cracks and chips;
- timely and regular cleaning with a soft cloth and non-aggressive detergents;
- careful operation and protection from falls;
- protection against particles of cosmetics, aromatic oils, perfumes, creams and aerosols;
- careful removal of dirt and dust residues in the joints between stone and precious metals.

Before doing any home or garden work, be sure to remove all jewelry. It is undesirable to have stones on the body while visiting the baths, baths, saunas and swimming pools. It is strictly forbidden to store jewelry in places with high humidity. The most suitable place for jewelry is a dresser in the bedroom. If a stone is not just a decoration, but also a talisman, then it needs increased attention, as well as timely energetic cleansing. If this event is ignored, the gem may collapse from the negative energy accumulated in it.
To remove the negative, you must perform the following manipulations:
- daily rinsing under plenty of running water;
- periodic immersion in salt, which must subsequently be discarded.
Regularly carrying out simple but effective procedures will enable the talisman to perform his duties efficiently for a long period of time. It is strictly forbidden to wash the gem with very cold or hot water.

This procedure will lead to a discoloration of the mineral, as well as to the appearance of dullness. Experts do not recommend using ultrasonic devices for cleaning, which can lead to internal destruction of the product.
In every woman's jewelry box, you can see a huge number of different jewelry, which differ in price, appearance and purpose. Modern women of fashion pick up jewelry in accordance with the planned event and festive outfit. The painstaking work of jewelers allows women to replenish their jewelry collection with new products every year. Astrologers and traditional healers recommend paying attention not only to precious metals, but also to stones, which can become both jewelry and reliable assistants and faithful companions for many years of life. One of these minerals is aquamarine, which will take care of the emotional and physical well-being of its owner.
In the next video, you will find additional information about the wonderful aquamarine stone.