Alpanit: types, what properties does it have and for whom is it suitable?

Gems are believed to be girls' best friends. Shiny jewelry attracts the fairer sex. However, it is often impossible to buy jewelry because of its high cost.
What if you want to become a happy owner of a precious piece of jewelry, but there is no material opportunity to acquire famous and popular diamonds? An excellent way out of this situation can be the purchase of alpanite jewelry.
This stone has a number of characteristics that are inherent in expensive gemstones, however, its cost is much lower. Today in our material we will tell you about all the characteristic features of the stone, and also talk about the properties that are inherent in alpanite.

In general, by its nature and physical structure, alpanite stone is a jewelry glass. The chemical composition of the stone includes potassium, calcium, aluminosilicates, etc. The exact composition depends on the manufacturer, and the firms keep it in the strictest confidence.
This piece of jewelry is the product of a laborious process, it was created by the famous modern company Swarovski in the 90s of the XX century. It was originally planned that alpanite would create the effect of imitating precious stones such as sapphire or emerald.
An important stage in the production of alpanite is its cutting. Thanks to this process, as a result, you can get a stone that will have the most optimal proportions. Also, in the course of cutting, alpanite acquires a bright shine and shine.

Thanks to this stone is not natural and natural, but is produced in laboratory conditions, it can take almost any shape and have a wide variety of colors (alpanite can be green, blue, blue, black, etc.). In addition, depending on the specific methods used in the production of the stone, it can be more or less saturated, transparent or absolutely not translucent.

Alpanite stone has become widespread, very popular and sincere love due to its unusual properties. Let's consider them in more detail.
First of all, one cannot fail to mention the physical properties of the stone, which give it a pleasant appearance. So, alpanite crystals have perfect facets, the stone itself is quite saturated, and thanks to the production processes it can be given an even and deep shade.
In addition, the positive characteristics of the stone include the fact that the crystal has a low mass and is rather light. Thanks to this, alpanite can be included even in the largest and most massive jewelry, the wearing of which will not cause any discomfort to the wearer.
Another advantage of the stone, which is important in a practical sense, is the fact that the crystal is quite resistant to mechanical stress and shock. Thanks to this, alpanite jewelry will serve you for a very long time, and throughout this time they will delight you with their aesthetic appeal.

As for other physical properties, scientists provide our attention with the following list:
- low density;
- bright shine;
- Mohs hardness is 7 points;
- high level of light transmission.
However, not only physical properties determine the value of alpanite.

In fact, there are no facts that in any way would prove that alpanite has pronounced healing properties. In this regard, the main difficulty is that:
- this stone is not natural, but is made by man, therefore it does not have time to accumulate the positive energy of nature;
- alpanite is a jewel that was created relatively recently, so today it is quite difficult to talk about any specific conclusions.
At the same time, certain observations have already been made. For example, the positive influence of the crystal on the emotional and sensory spheres of life is noted. Moreover, it is the color of the stone that plays an important role in this sense.
So, green alpanite is able to absorb negative energy and improve the overall mood, the blue tint activates creative and creative inclinations, and the purple color gives confidence and determination.

It is customary to classify the magical and magical properties of a stone into a separate category. Due to its supernatural characteristics, the stone is often used in a variety of magical and psychic materials, and also becomes part of amulets or talismans that have special properties.

If you wanted to make Alpanit a part of your amulet, then it should be noted that there are no clearly defined selection rules. In this sense, you need to follow your inner feelings, emotions, and intuition. Color will also be an important stage in the selection. Red will help to reveal sensuality, attract love and passion. Yellow rhinestones will protect the wearer from failures and troubles, promote career advancement.
As we were able to see, alpanite is a crystal that has a whole set of positive qualities. Some of them have a scientific basis, while others have a spiritual and emotional basis. One way or another, it is quite difficult to deny the value of an unusual stone.

Who is it suitable for?
Almost everyone can wear alpanit. If this stone attracts you with its appearance and design, then feel free to choose jewelry using it.However, there are certain tips and rules of astrologers for wearing this stone that are associated with a particular zodiac sign.
Due to the fact that alpanite is an artificial stone (and therefore can take any shape and shade), most of all, it will suit people who were born under such a changeable and diverse zodiac sign as Gemini. If you belong to the sign of Cancer or Pisces, then you should give preference to alpanites, which are made in shades of green in different tones. Jewelry with such a stone will give you a sense of freedom, as well as a sense of independence and self-confidence.

As mentioned earlier, alpanite was originally conceived as an imitation of an expensive stone. So, specimens that imitate chrysolite will suit Leo, and “copies” of sapphires will be excellent companions of Aquarius and Taurus.
At the same time, it should be remembered that such restrictions are very conditional. In general, you should rely on your own tastes and preferences. Due to the fact that alpanite is an inexpensive stone, you can purchase several color or shape variations of such jewelry and change jewelry depending on your mood, outfit or the reason for which you wear them.
One way or another, alpanite will definitely make a good impression on those around you with its attractive appearance and bright shine.

To begin with, it should be noted that the scope of application of alpanites is quite wide. These stones are widespread, so they are used by masters from various fields and spheres of human activity.
Of course, the most widely and actively used stones are in the jewelry industry. Crystals are used to create a variety of jewelry of unprecedented colors, shapes and sizes. So, from alpanite you can make earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants, brooches and much more. Due to the fact that alpanite is an inexpensive stone, both precious metals (silver, gold, or even platinum) and cheaper options can frame it.
Thus, each girl will be able to choose a piece of jewelry that will correspond not only to individual taste preferences, but also to the wallet.

Moreover, it is important to note the fact that in jewelry alpanites can be the only and independent stones or be combined with other crystals. The latter, in turn, may be more expensive or cheaper. So, if you insert several alpanites into a sapphire necklace, then you will not be able to notice the substitution with the naked eye. But you can save your budget and impress even at the most sophisticated and elite celebration.
However, not only jewelers use alpanite. For example, this stone is widely used by fashion designers. Crystals can adorn both everyday things (for example, jeans) and clothes intended for special occasions: evening, graduation and wedding dresses. In addition, you can decorate shoes with alpanites.
Another area of application of stone is interior design. Alpanit fits perfectly as fittings on cabinets, is used as decoration for chandeliers, picture frames and much more.

Care rules
Alpanit is an imitation of expensive jewelry. In this regard, certain rules of care and wearing arise that must be observed if you are the owner of such a crystal.
So, alpanite is a stone that does not tolerate contact with water.... Therefore, if you wear jewelry using this stone every day, then do not forget to take them off when you wash the dishes or the floor, as well as when you go to the shower or are going to take other water treatments.
Another rule is regular cleaning. So, the stone must be cleaned not only in the case of any obvious contamination, but even when you notice a small accumulation of dust on its surface.Moreover, it should be borne in mind that you must follow the cleaning procedure, strictly following all the necessary conditions - you can only use a soft cloth or cotton pad.
In addition, when cleaning, it is important to take into account the metal from which the decoration is made, into which the alpanite is inserted. For example, silver and gold can be cleaned using a mild aqueous ammonia solution.

If you do not use alpanite jewelry for daily wear, then special attention should be paid to the place where you store them. So, jewelry should be placed in an individual cloth bag, which will be stored in a dark place protected from direct sunlight (for example, in a jewelry box). This will protect the crystal from destruction and prevent scratches.
Thus, we were able to make sure that alpanite is a fairly common stone. The main advantages of such a crystal are its appearance as well as cost. The Swarovski craftsmen, thanks to their hard work, have ensured that stones can be worn by all women without exception (regardless of their social and economic status).

Based on the works of jewelers, many craftsmen from other spheres also began to use alpanite in their products, so now bright and beautiful stones can not only be part of your jewelry, but also delight you as details of a wardrobe item or design solutions in the interior of the premises.
At the same time, it is worth remembering that in order for the stones to retain their appearance as long as possible, they must be taken care of. In this regard, do not forget about the simple but important rules for wearing and keeping alpanites, follow all the recommendations of the jewelers.
For an overview of jewelry with alpanite, see the next video.