Azurite: features and properties of the stone

Azurite is a precious stone known since ancient times for its extraordinary healing properties. He cannot but admire his beauty and amazing color. It should not be confused with lapis lazuli as these are different minerals.

Azurite can be distinguished by its color, which can range from deep blue to violet blue. The color blue, which is also called azure, is like the sky, which is often found over deserts and winter landscapes. Azurite is not a mineral that can be found everywhere. It has a unique beauty, and its amazing blue hue has attracted the attention of jewelers for many thousands of years. The luster of azurite varies, but this is one of the reasons why jewelry with azurite attracts special attention. At times, shades shimmer from indigo to light blue.
The most famous shade of azurite is the one that gave it its name - blue (or azure). Quite often, the mineral is mixed with malachite; such a stone is called lazurite malachite. However, malachite is another copper mineral that is significantly different from azurite.

Azurite is formed when carbon dioxide penetrates the soil, where it reacts with copper ore. Dissolved copper interacts with liquid until it reaches another chemical environment. A different reaction takes place there, the chemical composition can change, the temperature rises, which causes evaporation of moisture. If something like this persists for an extended period of time, an azurite layer is formed underground.
The deposition of azurite occurs in earthen crevices and voids that are present in the soil column. Mineral accumulates in the form of knots or massifs, very rarely it can be seen in the form of outgrowths.
Most often, geologists are faced with crystals that can appear only if the mineral settles in cracks and is no longer disturbed by crystallization or movements of the earth's crust.

In the United States, namely in the states of New Mexico and Utah, active stone mining is underway. Other, no less impressive deposits of the mineral have been found in Namibia and France. The stone was also found in countries such as Mexico, Chile, Australia, there are deposits in our country and Morocco.
A distinctive feature of the mineral is its color: dark, deep blue. Its hardness ranges from 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale. It contains copper, which gives the mineral its characteristic blue hue. Azurite is a carbonate stone, so it disintegrates in hydrochloric acid, resulting in a light blue liquid.

Origin story
There is an impressive collection of stories and legends about the extraordinary properties of azurite. The value of the mineral was passed down to us from legends and legends. Today, dark blue stone continues to reveal its properties to the modern world. It should be said that over the years this mineral has changed its name more than once. If we talk about France and its provinces, then here the stone is still known as shessilite. To explain this name is quite simple - for a long time in the vicinity of the city of Chessy, a deposit of this precious mineral was developed.
The modern name was given to the stone only in 1824. François Bedanou was the one who came up with a new name for the mineral. There are also lesser known names of azurite, but also used in everyday life, for example, copper blue, lapis, mountain blue.

The stone was widely used in occult science by shamans in Ireland and priests in Egypt. The material is easy to process, so amulets and items for rituals were made from it. In the period from the 15th to the 17th century, paint used by painters was made on the basis of azurite powder. Scientists know that abundant deposits of azurite can often be found in the same places where there are deposits of copper ore. For this reason, it is used as an indicator mineral to help find copper.
The stone has been used for thousands of years in jewelry and not only. In ancient Egypt, active mining of the mineral was carried out on the Sinai Peninsula. It was then melted into copper.
At this point, there were not so many azurite deposits, so the mineral is used for its intended purpose, and not for smelting into copper.

How is it different from lapis lazuli?
Most people do not have comprehensive knowledge of mineralogy, so they do not always understand what is the difference between azurite and lapis lazuli and believe that this is just a typo. Indeed, both stones have a blue tint, but their difference is that in azurite it is deeper and more intense.
If you look closely at lapis lazuli, then its bright shade is emphasized by small inclusions of pyrite, which have a golden color. They are best viewed in the sun. Moreover, from a physical point of view, lapis lazuli is not so soft and if you run a coin over it, then there will be no scratches, but this way you can spoil the attractive appearance of azurite. If you draw on the porcelain, first with lapis lazuli, and then with azurite, you will notice that in the first case a blue line remains, in the second - a line of a heavenly blue hue.

Any stone that is known for modern mineralogy has certain properties that make it unique. These are not only healing qualities, but also magical ones, the ability to somehow influence the spiritual and emotional sphere of a person's life.
Azurite is a stone of heaven, but also of the Earth, it has a feminine energy.The ancient Chinese called azurite the heavenly stone, guided by the belief that it opened the heavenly gates. Ancient Roman and Greek civilizations used him for the insight he could give. The mineral removes negative thoughts and grants clarity of mind, in addition, it stimulates the intellect. It is a meditation stone that connects the divine with the mundane. Azurite is an excellent choice if you want to connect with your higher self. He gives the desired calmness and balance. The mineral erases all worries, helps to overcome stress, overcome grief and sadness. Fears and phobias are dispelled by azurite.
The crystal opens a window for a deeper understanding of your feelings, thoughts and fears. It makes it easier to dispel negative emotions and feelings caused by past disappointments. Azurite enhances intuition, generates new ideas and dreams. Azurite crystals, iridescent in indigo shades, are the ideal choice for restoring the balance of internal energy. Magical things made of mineral help to concentrate, therefore they are used during meditation, as well as during spiritualistic sessions.

Azurite is considered a powerful healing stone that has healing properties.
Among other medicinal properties, it is worth highlighting the following:
- improves the composition of the blood, purifying it;
- lowers blood pressure;
- promotes faster tissue healing and bone fusion;
- soothes, which is important for epilepsy and hysteria;
- helps with asthma;
- improves the condition with some eye diseases;
- used in the treatment of problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- promotes good sleep.

Given the high absorption capacity of the stone, it is believed that it can also be used to remove toxins from the body. And the fact that azurite is associated with copper makes it an ideal remedy for arthritis and rheumatism. Azurite also has medicinal properties for the central nervous system, it helps blood circulation and improves cell regeneration.
This mineral is believed to be a stone of life and memory that can help relieve the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease as well as soothe other neurodegenerative diseases. It is used in therapy as a means to maintain the normal state of the liver and kidneys.
Azurite provides physical and emotional healing. It is used to affect problem vertebrae.

Who is it suitable for?
Regardless of the shade of the stone, it is great as a talisman for Libra and Aquarius. It is to these signs that he helps to recognize when a person is lying to them, since it has a positive effect on intuition. With such decoration, the representatives of these signs learn to make the right decisions. Libras are especially sensitive to the energy of the stone, they can feel it even at a short distance, for example, if azurite is at home as a figurine. That is why Libra does not need to wear a stone, you can just buy a souvenir as a piece of furniture.
When a mineral appears in Aquarius, he becomes wiser, stops making hasty decisions. The energy of the stone has a beneficial effect on the internal emotional state of a person who becomes more honest with himself and others.
But these are not the only signs that you should have azurite with you as a decoration. You can try on the mineral for Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus and Pisces. These are exactly the signs that need to regularly restrain themselves from making the wrong hasty decisions and direct them to the true path. Impatient Pisces will become calmer, they will get what they have wanted for so long - faith in themselves and confidence. Self-control is guaranteed for Sagittarius. Gemini should not wear azurite, although as a therapeutic agent, the mineral will bring many benefits.

How to distinguish from a fake?
Azurite is often counterfeited, but there are several methods to find out if the stone is real.
- It is worth putting the mineral in clean water and keeping it there for a couple of hours. If it is not artificially colored, then the water will remain crystal clear.
- When exposed to hydrochloric acid, azurite begins to fizzle.

What stones is it combined with?
When azurite is combined with other minerals in jewelry, their energy should be taken into account. It neighbors well with hematite. Together, these two stones help a person improve his memory, reveal his intellectual potential. Such decoration is a good idea for scientists and students.
If you want to keep your thoughts clear, then you should look for a talisman in which azurite will be combined with tourmaline, blue topaz or lapis lazuli. This combination makes the bearer morally more stable, he can become uncompromising, which is not always bad, he manages to look at different situations more objectively.
If you combine azurite with citrine or yellow topaz, then the amulet begins to positively affect the sensual sphere of life. In a couple, passionate feelings persist for a long time, understanding and love reign.

If the stone lies for a long time without contact with a person, its properties are weakened. This mineral is one of those that require constant tactile contact. The best place for amulets is the wrist or neck, but you can also carry it in your pocket, for example, make a rosary from a stone. During the Renaissance, many frescoes and paintings in churches were made with paint based on the powder of the described mineral. Today this material is used to create attractive souvenirs, as it can be easily processed.
If we talk about the industrial sphere, then here azurite is a minor component of copper ore, which always lies somewhere nearby. The stone is used as a component to create copper sulfate, sometimes copper is smelted from it.
But this is not all - the mineral has found its use in pyrotechnics, where it provides fireworks with a bright green color.

It is recommended to clean the stone after wearing, but not with liquids, because the stone tends to crumble. Crystalline and stone cleaning methods are preferred.
It should be understood that azurite retains its unique properties only when a person complies with the requirements for its storage and properly cares for it. Experts advise:
- keep jewelry and things made of mineral where there are no sudden changes in temperature;
- it is necessary to exclude prolonged exposure to sunlight on the mineral;
- with prolonged contact with a humid environment, azurite acquires a green tint;
- even a slight mechanical effect negatively affects the attractiveness and leads to the destruction of the stone;
- clean the jewelry with a soft cloth and soapy water, then wipe it dry;
- the mineral is not immersed in hot water, as this loses its luster.

For the features of azurite, see the following video.