Belomorite: properties and comparison with other stones

The first Belomorite stones were found on the Kola Peninsula, on the coast of the White Sea, where the fittest can survive. According to local legends, this land never gives up anything of its own, and the find that the nature of those places allowed people to discover was a real miracle. All this was the reason to endow the stone with magical properties.

Outwardly, the mineral is a column or thick plate. The color is usually greenish or reddish, but light silvery specimens are most common. It is granular and dense in structure, and silicate in composition. It is an opaque spar, but sometimes slightly translucent.
Previously, Belomorite was considered an exclusively Russian find, but later crystals began to be found in Australia and India. Usually the mineral is mined from igneous rocks such as granite and pegmatite. Deposits are found in ancient folds of mountain ranges.

Most often, this stone is used in jewelry. They are replaced by a more solid and expensive moonstone - adularia. The difference between the two copies lies in the price: Belomorite jewelry is much cheaper. However, externally, these two stones can be distinguished. For example, in the light, the adularia will cast bluish or greenish shades, but this effect cannot be achieved with Belomorite.
Silver is most often used for cutting whitestone. Platinum also looks beautiful, but the jewelry turns out to be ridiculous, since platinum is too expensive material, which does not correspond to a waste stone. Silver, on the other hand, harmoniously sets off the beauty of natural stone and is cheaper.

It cannot be said that belomorite is used everywhere by jewelers.For example, beads made of this stone are almost impossible to find on sale - experts make them only to order. However, Belomorite can often be seen as an insert in silver sets of rings and earrings.
Pendants made from this northern stone are also popular. Such an adornment looks beautiful on a slender young girl, emphasizing her long neck. Some wear Belomorite jewelry as an amulet. Pendants made of beads with white orite crumbs in a chain look exquisite.

As already mentioned, the northern find was endowed with miraculous powers. It is believed that this mineral does not like the presence of a mess both in the apartment and in the head of its owner. For this reason, a person who wears such a talisman gradually gets accustomed to cleanliness, dismantles all corners of the room littered with things, tidies up his study, tries to "cleanse the dirt" and his thoughts. The stone allows its owner to tune in to the right energy wave and understand what he really needs. It helps you find harmony in your relationship with yourself and the world around you.
If the owner of Belomorite seeks to accomplish a task, then he will certainly cope with it and will not abandon his decision. The crystal, used as a talisman, organizes a person, endows him with a sense of responsibility, which helps the owner to show up for work and other important meetings on time, finish business on time, submit reports on time.
It is recommended to wear this mineral to young housewives - it will instill in a woman a love of cleanliness and comfort, teach her to lead her life correctly.

Belomorite is also of great importance for the young male owner, who does not yet know how to independently work in the house. For example, a stone will teach a young spouse to nail shelves on time, hammer in nails, and make repairs. A man who uses Belomorite always appreciates his wife and is not fond of other women. We can say that the stone helps to maintain family values, maintains warm relations, comfort and coziness in the house.

According to esotericists, Belomorite can be used as a fortune-telling stone. On Christmas days, a girl can put a stone under her pillow, and then her lover will dream at night. Also, this stone protects its owner from black magic and any negative factors. It can awaken the gift of clairvoyance, develops intuition, therefore it is often used when performing witchcraft rituals. In the world of magic, it is believed that this stone is able to predict the future.
The positive energy of the mineral attunes a person to the right thoughts and helps to build relationships with loved ones. The owner of the stone becomes less selfish, begins to better understand others, to put himself in their place, to relate more easily to other people's shortcomings.
The strongest effect is caused by an adornment suspended at chest level, or a ring worn on the little finger of either hand.

Healing qualities are also attributed to this stone. It will be especially useful for women, as it is able to provide support in the treatment of gynecological diseases. The crystal stops the inflammatory process, stabilizes hormones, and normalizes the menstrual cycle. Sometimes the stone saves women diagnosed with infertility, reduces frigidity and increases libido.
According to lithotherapists, northern spar has a beneficial effect on the general state of the nervous system, including helping to cope with panic attack, depression, stress, nervousness. Well, the mineral fights against chronic fatigue and overwork, and is also able to charge with vigor, energy, good mood. It is believed that the nugget relieves insomnia and nightmares.
The energy of the stone makes a person more responsible, which means that he begins to take his health seriously, undergo medical examinations on time, take tests, and visit specialists. In some cases, this allows you to timely notice a serious problem at an early stage and successfully cope with it.

Who is it suitable for?
Belomorite is not suitable for everyone that astrologers know about. In their opinion, ideally, this stone is combined with the energy of the representatives of the constellations Pisces and Cancer. Mineral helps these people to reveal their potential, develop talents, recharge with self-confidence, strengthen intuitive thinking.
It is not recommended to wear Belomorite jewelry for Leo and Sagittarius. This is a stone of wisdom, and representatives of these signs of the zodiac are distinguished by their explosive character, pride, impulsiveness.
For people born under other signs of the zodiac, belomorite is safe, although in some cases it will not bring them magical benefits, but it will still remain a pretty and worthy decoration.

How to care?
Products with this mineral do not need serious care, but you need to treat the stone with care. It is not recommended to store it under conditions of sudden temperature changes; it must be protected from the ingress of chemicals, and mechanical damage must be avoided. It is difficult to scratch such a hard stone, but it also breaks easily.
To rid the mineral of the negative energy that it has absorbed, protecting its owner from it, you need to dip it in clean water at least once a month for half an hour. After this procedure, the jewelry will again have magical powers. You need to wipe the product with a soft cloth, and store it in a separate box, where it will not come into contact with other jewelry.
See below for the properties of Belomorite.