Types of white precious and semi-precious stones

White stone is very rare in nature. This category includes transparent crystals, including one of the most expensive gemstones - diamond. The purity of a white mineral is determined by comparing it with a snow-white sheet of paper, while the closer the color of the stone to the sample, the higher its cost.

Among gemstones, these minerals are the most popular.
- Diamond - one of the most expensive gemstones in the world, which is distinguished by extremely high transparency and durability. This colorless stone is used to make diamonds, which always serve as a symbol of luxury and prestige. The ability to maintain transparency and the complexity of cutting the mineral only increase its value potential. The mystics claim that the diamond tends to "stick" to its owner, becoming his reliable friend.
If you steal such a stone, then it will bring a thief a lot of misfortune and suffering, and if an adornment with diamonds is presented to someone with the kindest and brightest thoughts, then it will become an amulet that protects the gifted from failure.

- Spinel - one of the rarest precious minerals, which, like diamond, has no pronounced color. This stone is loved by jewelers, because it is easily cut, and after processing the spinel, its crystals look like diamonds. It is believed that jewelry made from spinel brings good luck in love and restores masculine strength.

- Topaz - a white gemstone that is rarely found in nature.This mineral has always been considered a symbol of prudence and exceptional purity of thoughts, it protects its owners from the evil eye and damage, brings good luck in all endeavors, contributes to spiritual growth and improvement of the financial situation.

- Beryl - in contrast to diamond, beryl's luster is less pronounced. It is a matte stone that has no obvious reflections. This noble restraint is highly valued by people who prefer stones that look mysterious and cold. Despite the outward modesty, this stone is highly valued by jewelers, and the price of one carat reaches several hundred dollars in the world market.

- Pearl Is a natural white stone that forms inside the shell and consists entirely of calcium. The decorative mineral retains its attractiveness and original appearance for at least 300 years. Milky-white and white-pink pearls are widespread in nature. Such stones are highly valued, the cost of one bead starts at $ 100.

- Tourmaline - this stone can hardly be found in jewelry presented in ordinary stores. Products from it are produced exclusively and only in limited quantities. It is believed that it serves as a talisman for its owner, protecting him from health problems and accidents.

The listed gemstones are of rare beauty and are appreciated by connoisseurs of jewelry art.
These natural minerals are widespread, they are used to make inexpensive jewelry and crafts.
- Rhinestone - a transparent semi-precious gem, the name of which is translated as "tear of the gods". These stones are used to make luxury goods and decorative compositions. Pieces of minerals are polished, while maintaining all their natural outlines. The cost of such jewelry varies from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. The mineral serves as a talisman for its owner, helping him in all good endeavors and bringing good luck.

- Agate - differs in milky white color and patterned structure, which is why people call it "frosty". An unusual pattern to the crystal is provided by ornate inclusions located on the cut in the form of veins and reminiscent of frost patterns on window glass. White agate jewelry is highly valued among the fair sex because it helps build relationships with men and promotes conception.
White agates are considered a strong amulet for people whose professional activities are associated with a risk to their lives - rescuers, military men, travelers.

- Opal - a semi-precious stone of milky color with dark gray or black blotches and holographic overflows. When cutting the mineral, a technique called a cabochon is used, as a result of which beads are created without corners and edges. Opal is suitable for making earrings, rings and pendants. It is believed that it gives its owner the gift of foresight, sharpens intuition and clears the mind.

- Amber - in the white version, it is rare and is called "soapy". The mineral is fossilized resin fragments and has a translucent structure. Suitable for optimistic and cheerful people, as it feeds them with positive energy, protecting them from negative external influences.

Such stones are not of high gem value, therefore, it is not customary to combine them with precious metals.
Decorative and ornamental minerals
Well-known natural materials that are ubiquitous and inexpensive.
- Moonstone - This is one of the varieties of spars. The mineral has a transparent structure that reflects the rays of light as if from the inside. Such stones can have other effects as well - cat's eye or overflow.

- Selenite - outwardly, it looks like a moonstone, as it has the same whitish hue and iridescent appearance, but still it is a completely different mineral, which is a kind of gypsum.Selenite is a soft stone that can be easily scratched even with a fingernail. The composition of the mineral includes clay, sand and other impurities. The stone is processed with emery and is easily polished, but due to its softness it quickly loses its decorative properties, so the simplest crafts for interior decoration are made from it.

- Coral - coral color is traditionally associated with pinkish-orange hues, but in nature there are white minerals that are formed from the skeletons of polyps and are a hard, but at the same time fragile mineral. This opaque stone loses up to 70% of the material during processing, so the final price of coral jewelry is high.

- Cacholong - a white gem with minimal transparency. The mineral has a pronounced glass luster and pearl-pearl overflow.

- Jade - a white mineral considered sacred to the people of China and New Zealand. Usually these are gems that contain almost no carbonate. The strength of white jade is comparable to that of diamond. It is used to make jewelry in the form of rings, beads and pendants, as well as caskets and decorative figurines. Jade is in demand in spiritual practices - according to legends, the throne of Buddha is made of a white mineral.

- Jasper - a gem of white color, the structure of which has many veins that combine into ornate patterns. The stone is suitable for sincere noble people, carries a charge of altruism and romance. According to popular beliefs, jasper is able to ward off troubles in work and personal life, allows you to focus, and is also considered a good support for people of science and students. If you are tormented by some question, astrologers advise you to concentrate and turn to the jasper - after a while the right path will open to you.

Such gems have no jewelry value, but are in demand by people who are engaged in folk crafts.
Mystical meaning
The magical properties of white minerals vary, but all these stones have much in common:
- create a connection with higher forces, open the gift of clairvoyance, strengthen intuition;
- help relieve nervous tension, drive away depression;
- allow you to achieve coherence and clarity of thoughts;
- protect from various troubles, damage, the evil eye.
White minerals should be worn by people who are ready for a new round of spiritual development and the search for personal improvement. Jewelry made from them is universal - these gems are harmoniously combined with any style and suit a wide variety of clothes.

You can learn how to check a diamond for authenticity at home by watching the video below.