White opal: characteristics and properties

White opal has an original appearance that makes it stand out from the rest of the gems. Despite this, it has not gained much popularity in the jewelry making industry. Some believe that the stone has special magical and healing properties. We will devote this article to this amazing crystal, considering its appearance and other characteristics.

Due to the small distribution in the jewelry field, few people know about this stone, even despite the fact that opal crystals were used for making jewelry back in the Ancient Ages. It is a natural material. There are several types of this gem found in nature, but most often jewelers use white specimens. Experts say that the value of a mineral is significantly influenced not only by its color, but also by the deposit. The most valuable crystal is noble opal, which belongs to the category of gemstones.
The price of some copies can be sky-high. More affordable mineraloid options will cost you several thousand rubles. Individual copies will cost more than 20 thousand rubles.

Visually, this mineral looks like a white stone, but with an expressive milky-matte shade. It is a translucent crystal with a glossy surface and pearlescent inclusions. Scientists call white opals hyalites. And also the term milk opal has become widespread. The main external feature of this type of crystal is its iridescent, shining tints. Opal is compared to glass to the touch.
Formations of this stone are found in rock crevices.According to experts, the above mineral can be found in the form of a powdery substance. Due to the special formation of the crystal, some scientists refer it to the so-called pseudo-minerals. It appeared in the process of solidification of gelatinous water masses. The crystal contains small inclusions of quartz and various mountain ores.

The main criterion that is referred to when determining the category of a crystal is its color. Experts designate the following options for light opals:
- milk stones (cacholongs);
- milky white or reed;
- white.
Jewelers note that items belonging to the first category are considered more valuable and expensive options.
Important! There are many color options in nature. The range of colors ranges from transparent crystals with pearlescent additions to blue specimens.

Magical qualities
Often, special magical qualities are attributed to a stone of amazing beauty. This is due to the fact that the basis of a natural mineral is water. The percentage ranges from 6 to 30%. It should be noted that special qualities are more often assigned to many light stones.
This type of gem is often used by representatives of the following areas:
- occultism;
- esoterics;
- palmists.
Representatives of the above and other similar structures believe that white opal is able to develop supernatural abilities in its owner and show other accompanying qualities... And there is also an opinion that the mineral can significantly sharpen the perception of the reality of a particular person and his sense of intuition.
As for jewelry with this stone, they are recommended for the development of abilities in any of the activities, including scientific. Some believe that the constant wearing of products with milk opal has a fruitful effect on the process of assimilating the information received, accelerating it.

Healing opportunities
In addition to special supernatural qualities, this mineral also has certain healing properties. It should be noted that the properties presented below have not been officially confirmed at the scientific level. The unusual qualities of the crystal are said by people who believe that crystals of natural origin can have an effect on the health of people. Opal is often used for self-diagnosis of the body.
If you notice that the stone began to change color (the color began to fade and lost the brightness of the pearlescent overflows), this is a signal of negative changes. Perhaps the development of chronic diseases began. Because of this feature, magicians and traditional healers who practice informal healing methods use white opal in their activities.

Identifying a fake
It is worth noting that opals are rarely counterfeited, especially when compared to popular gemstones (diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald). Fraudsters are in no hurry to create imitations even for expensive copies.
Despite the fact that opal is outwardly similar to glass, this indicates the possibility of creating high-quality and difficult to distinguish fakes. If you have doubts about the nature of the origin of a mineral, it must be tested for strength. Natural stone has strength and reliability, while glass counterfeits are very fragile. Real opal will not be damaged even after a strong impact on a hard surface.

Scope of use
The above mineral is used in the following industries:
- production of filters;
- special lightweight bricks of small size;
- ceramic products;
- decor elements (vases, figurines, boxes and much more);
- jewelry (the most valuable and expensive items are used).
Light opals can complement various jewelry: rings, earrings, pendants and much more. It is worth noting that the process of obtaining valuable gem options is a laborious process.In nature, valuable options are rare. Depending on the external data, the cut is chosen. Most often, white opals are cut into a convex shape, while translucent stones are cabochon.

Astrological meaning
Astrologers believe that a list of stones (miners) is presented for each specific sign of the zodiac. Crystals have special properties on people, given their date of doubt. Jewelry with white opals is highly recommended for individuals with a strong character. These include representatives of the zodiac signs Scorpio and Pisces.

If a person is not strong enough morally, he can fall under the dominant influence of the stone. As a result, the mineral will have an overwhelming effect on the owner. The mineral will begin to absorb the wearer's strength. In addition to the above two signs, the stone can also be worn by Aries, Taurus and Leo.

The representatives of the sign Aquarius, Virgo and Sagittarius should be treated with extreme caution. And also light opal is great for people with universal names suitable for both genders.

Despite a number of positive properties, it is undesirable to wear products with this material for a long time and often. The best time to adorn yourself with jewelry is in decline. They will help restore physical and mental strength, calling for help from otherworldly forces. If you have not previously worn jewelry with a white stone, listen carefully to your well-being. The effect of the crystal can be individual. While some will feel great, others may experience the opposite influence.
You can take a closer look at the white opal further.