White amber: description and properties

Many people know such a stone as amber. The most common version of petrified resin is honey-colored with a brown tint. However, there are other varieties of this mineral. White amber has high aesthetic qualities. Some even attribute unique healing and magical properties to it.

general characteristics
Milk stones have been used in the culture of various peoples since ancient times. All kinds of jewelry and accessories made from it were common and therefore did not have a high value. Citizens of practically any class could afford them. They were actively used by the priests when burning incense (a special composition that was used in various rituals).
The inhabitants of the East used white stones to treat diseases and get rid of various ailments. And also this element was widely used in decorating houses, smoking pipes and hookahs.
It is worth noting that scientists are also interested in this mineral, researching its benefits. Amber acid was found in a light variety of amber. It is an effective and natural bioactive element.
Milky amber is highly prized in China. In Russia, such stones are called dusty, and in the West, the mineral is called the royal stone.

A brief description of:
- the hardness of the stone varies from 2 to 2.5 points on the Mohs scale;
- amber has a resinous luster;
- the average density is 1.05-1.09, and the maximum one reaches 1.3 g / cm³;
- lack of adhesions;
- the level of transparency can be different - from completely transparent to completely opposite instances.

Stone formation
Experts have voiced two versions of the formation of a mineral of an amazing milk color.
- It is believed that the amazing color is due to the content of chalk particles.
- Some people think that the light blotches are tiny bubbles trapped in the resin as the resin hardens. It is they who create the illusion of whiteness. These bubbles are tiny (microns) in size, and when they accumulate, they create expressive white patterns.
Experts have determined that the white type of amber appeared first in this family. From the moment of the formation of such stones, it took from 38 to 54 million years.

It should be noted that 80% of all amber in the world is of Baltic origin, for the same reason almost all types of white amber are from the same region.
The most valuable stone is Baltic succinite.
Its importance has been celebrated almost all over the world.
The most expensive succinite specimen is considered to be a species called "knoken", aka "ivory". The stone received this name due to its visual similarity with the above natural material. Amber is actively used in the production of premium jewelry and decor items.
There are also other types of stone.
- Bone amber has a layered color and a slight yellow tint. Gloss character matt.
- Foamy amber has the lightest weight due to its porosity. Due to the special external data, experts compare it with frozen foam.
- Stones in which there is no inclusion (remnants of living organisms) are called white amber.
- Instances with white streaks on the surface are called landscape specimens. This is a very rare species.

It is known that the hardened resin is mined on the territory of all continents. The largest deposits are recorded in the Ukraine, the Baltic and Burma. It is worth noting that milkstone often accompanies species of other colors, while the light species is very rare. Its share is 1-2% of the total amount of amber.
The mining process requires special care and accuracy. Standard methods cannot be used, they can harm fossils. The deposits of stones are located shallow, therefore, when using explosives, they are destroyed.

As already noted, gems with white splashes are actively used in decoration and jewelry.
Light-colored copies are often used in the design of paintings and Christian icons.
And also rosary beads are made from them. Due to the special color, specimens of this species are remarkably combined with other colors and shades, with different metals, including gold and silver.
Milk varieties of amber are considered universal due to the fact that they are appropriate for any type of appearance and age. And also it looks harmoniously with clothes of any color. White gems are ideal for making men's accessories such as rings, cufflinks, and more.

How to distinguish a fake?
White amber is often crafted as real minerals. Instead of milk stones, artificial materials are used, as well as painted epoxy. To determine the origin of a stone, you need to check its properties.
Natural stone has the following characteristics:
- when heated, the gem emits a light coniferous aroma;
- under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it begins to glow;
- a real stone will drown in fresh water, but it will float in salty water;
- if you rub amber on a silk material, it will acquire the properties of attracting small lint and ash.
Note: it is unrealistic to make a high-quality fake at home. You can only handle the gray options yourself. Such specimens are given a heat treatment by immersing them in rapeseed or flax seed oil. After that, white aniline paint is added and boiled. Only an expert can determine the exact type and origin of amber.

Magical qualities
Those who attribute special properties to natural gems believe that milk amber has a light natural strength.
- This is a powerful talisman for women who are going to become mothers. He will protect them from the evil eye and disease. And also white amber makes childbirth easier.
- Light mineral attracts friendship, love and other warm and bright feelings.
- To protect against dark otherworldly forces, a small light ball of amber is kept in clothes.
- The people of Myanmar give each child frog figurines made of light amber. In their opinion, the talisman will protect against damage.
- A piece of gem is placed under the pillow for a good sleep.
- This stone is perfect for romantic and sensual natures who expect reciprocal emotions from the object of their desires.
Milk stones in gold or copper settings are often used to carry out magical rites. Adepts from numerous cultures believe that amber is the concentration of the sun's energy.
Before going to bed, it is better to remove jewelry with white amber. There is an opinion that under the influence of the gem, people begin to talk in a dream, telling personal secrets.

Healing properties
Since ancient times, the stone has been used for the preparation of medicinal mixtures. With the help of amber they fought stomach pains, heart problems and other ailments.
Currently, the stone is credited with the following qualities:
- reduction of inflammation of varying severity;
- adjusting the work of the central nervous system;
- suspension of the process of liver cirrhosis;
- elimination of malignant tumors in the early stages;
- fight against varicose veins;
- easing asthma.
Succinic acid is used commercially as a natural biological stimulant.

You need to take care of white specimens in the same way as for other types of amber. It is important to create and maintain the correct microclimate in the place where the gem is stored.
- Natural stones tolerate sudden temperature changes negatively.
- Prolonged exposure to the sun causes the amber to darken. In this case, minor sunbathing will only be useful to the gem.
- Amber cannot boast of excellent durability, therefore, if dropped from a height or a strong impact, it can be damaged or even split.
- Do not handle amber with dirty hands. And also the stone loses its attractiveness from contact with chemicals, cosmetics and grease.
- Jewelry with amber should be stored in a separate upholstered box, separate from other items.
- If there is dry air in the room where the amber is stored, the surface may become covered with a fine mesh of cracks. To avoid this, it is necessary to periodically do baths.

You can learn about other properties of amber from the video below.