Bronzite: description of the stone, properties and scope

For a long time, people have developed a special attitude towards amulet stones. Until now, people believe in the magical properties of minerals and choose the right stone for themselves. The choice of the amulet should be approached very carefully - after all, the same stone can bring good luck to one person, and, on the contrary, harm another.
This article focuses on bronze, a bright bronze colored stone with a characteristic golden sheen. Most of all, this stone is widespread in Europe, but in Russia it is not so popular. It is often used to make jewelry, which, incidentally, is a popular business gift. When processed, bronze is given a rounded shape that emphasizes its beauty.

Characteristics of the stone
The mineral bronzite has a yellowish-brown tint; in Russia it was found in the Urals, it was there that archaeologists managed to get deposits at a depth of 5 meters. Every day, large quantities of stone are supplied to Sweden, USA, Australia and Portugal. The mineral was first mined in Australia.
Bronzite contains manganese and iron. Sometimes the stone glows green. Reminiscent of a cat's eye, its appeal lies in the variety of shades that merge into a bronze sheen. A deep saturated color is suitable for those people who like to stand out in the crowd - the stone will give novelty and bring fresh colors to the image.

The healing properties of the stone
Bronzite has medicinal properties and is suitable for people who have problems with skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema. It will not completely relieve a person of the disease, but if you purchase such a stone for yourself as a talisman, then skin inflammations can be alleviated.
This is especially true for those who were tortured with inflammation and peeling and after applying different ointments did not see any effect.
Bronzite is also suitable for teenagers - it can be carried in a pocket, bag. Adolescents often encounter acne - purulent rashes on the skin appear due to an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands. The violation may be associated with increased production of sebum or due to blockage of the outlet ducts of the sebaceous glands by any cosmetics or dust.
Those people who need to heal the endocrine system and goiter should wear a bronze pendant or necklace. People who study the effects of natural stones on humans (lithotherapists) believe that wearing this mineral on the body can reduce the size of goiter and even prevent it from recurring. In addition, bronzite helps with headaches, making them more bearable, reduces high blood pressure and is a prophylactic agent for viral diseases.

The magical properties of the stone
Bronzite has an extraordinary bronze sheen, and this is not without reason. Metallic colors help attract money, gold and other material values. The mineral is useful for those in whose life not everything is going smoothly with finances - putting on a jewelry with bronzite, you can see how life has improved from the financial side. This is especially true of unexpected profits - for example, on the street you can accidentally find a wallet or a friend will return his debt.
A person cannot always control his monetary costs, but bronzite, interacting with a person's chakra, helps him manage money correctly.
For example, insignificant, but "hitting" costs will begin to decrease, and money will increase. Thus, the money will stay in the wallet much longer, and not "flow away".
In addition to the monetary side, the stone helps a person in other areas of life. He is able to cleanse a person's consciousness of bad and negative thoughts, give vigor, replenish lost energy. If doctors carry this stone with them as an amulet, then their professional activity will become better - this mineral helps not to make mistakes with diagnoses and "get to the point" when prescribing appropriate treatment.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac
The mineral is great for Leo - being in harmony with him, this zodiac sign will feel only positive changes. We can say that bronzite is the patron saint of Lions, representatives of the sign will be able to develop and discover the best qualities, their dormant abilities and talents. Sometimes, in order to discover something in yourself, you need outside help, and the stone will just come in handy..
Bronzite is not suitable for people born under the Capricorn and Taurus zodiac signs. Upon contact with the mineral, these signs will increase the negative influence of Mars, and nothing good will come of it.
Capricorn and Taurus are likely to experience mental disharmony, unpleasant events will begin to occur in their lives. It is better for them to refrain from wearing this stone.
All other signs of the zodiac can wear this mineral. It will not do any harm, but this stone is most suitable for Leo - an exquisite and unusual mineral, in addition to bringing them good luck, it will also emphasize their charisma and charm. All other signs of the zodiac can wear this stone for decoration, but you should not count on a strong positive effect.

Practical use
Such a charming stone as bronzite is widely used for jewelry purposes: after appropriate processing, the stone adorns pendants, pendants, etc. It weighs a lot, therefore it is not suitable for earrings, but beads and bracelets with bronze are very beautiful and attractive to yourself well-deserved attention.
In addition to being used in the jewelry industry, bronzite is used as interesting gizmos as gifts: handicrafts and souvenirs are made from it. Masters of their craft make caskets, vases, candlesticks from mineral, which will surely please the refined natures. Sometimes bronze is used as a material for interior items - countertops, floor tiles and even statues are made from it.
If you want to stand out, emphasize your sophistication and sophistication, then bronzite is perfect for this purpose. So that he does not cease to delight with his appearance, it is advisable to polish it periodically - this can be done with felt (suede is also suitable). In no case should you resort to the use of aggressive chemicals. The price of the mineral is small, so everyone can afford it.

About bronzite stone, see below.