Hessonite: characteristics, properties and applications of the stone

Hessonite stone is a type of garnet. According to astrologers and healers, it has magical properties and helps to change the fate of its owner, brings him good luck in business. Jewelers often use it to create stunning masterpieces. It is distinguished by its ability to change color in the rays of the sun, it becomes chocolate when exposed to the shade and golden in the light.

Most people are familiar with the deep red color of garnet. Hessonite is distinguished by an unusual combination of shades, the brightness of which depends on many factors. Unlike other minerals, it has a rare property: with the right cut, interesting overflows of violet, lilac and orange tones appear... It plays attractively in artificial light, overshadowing more expensive jewelry.
Hessonite is a type of common mineral, grossular. It conveys the entire range of shades from light yellow to green, which is why it got the name "gooseberry". Rare types are pink stones - blush and rosolite.
The formation of the tint scale is influenced by the presence of molecules of chromium, iron, vanadium and other metals in the chemical formula.

Grossular is mined at deposits located in central Russia, India, the mountainous areas of Italy and Germany. In different countries, experts call it the following names:
- oriental hyacinth;
- cinnamon stone;
- olintolite;
- leucogranate;
- Pakistani emerald;
- colophonitis;
- grossular.

According to the chemical formula, Hessonite is distinguished by the presence of aluminum salts, iron silicate.The percentage of the latter affects the depth of the golden color, the appearance of amber highlights. It is characterized by a diamond brilliance after cutting. On the Mohs scale, its density reaches 6.5-7.5 units.
The most unusual and rare species is considered to be rosolite or rose-raspberry gomed. In structure after cutting, it resembles a garnet, but differs in a more delicate shade. Therefore, the stone is more often used for the manufacture of jewelry intended for young girls and creative people, framing art objects.

During the initial mining, for a long time, the mineral was taken for a variety of hyacinth, but in physicochemical analysis, hessonite shows a lower density. Despite the beauty and uniqueness of the shade, its cost, even after cutting, is low. Jewelers prefer to work with large pieces of at least 2–3 cm. Massive rings, pendants are made of them, making them the main ones in the jewelry ensemble. Small stones become a beautiful addition to fashionable clothes and accessories, church utensils. Among the disadvantages of using cinnamon stone is the large number of defective crystals. They have a low degree of strength and crumble when cut.
Grossulites are the least strong of the entire garnet family, so they are often discarded during the extraction process. Some deposits are dominated by impurities of apatite and zirconium, which impairs transparency, looks like dark grains or dust. Translated from Latin, the name "hessonite" sounds like "weak", which is associated with the fragility of the mineral. Jewelers prefer to create a rounded shape without many sharp corners. So, golden or pink grossularite looks darker and more unique, it absorbs artificial light better.
It is recommended for fair-skinned women to emphasize fragility and tenderness.

Healing qualities
Lithotherapists appreciate the healing properties of hessonite. They are associated with an increased iron content in the composition. The metal creates a unique magnetic field that helps to improve the condition of the patient with chronic diseases. Some experts attribute its healing properties to its sunny shades: it is believed that it absorbs the rays of the sun and transfers energy to the wearer.
In India, Hessonites are associated with the activity of the heart chakra, therefore, it is recommended to treat various diseases and pathologies with their help:
- problems with the cardiovascular system;
- weather dependence on climate change or weather conditions;
- depressive state with the loss of a loved one;
- recovery of strength after heart surgery.

In the East and China, a stone with a golden sheen is recommended for people who suffer from thrombosis and diseases of hematopoiesis. It is believed that the constant wearing of a pendant with a crystal helps to normalize blood pressure, stimulates blood thinning and improves its composition in case of anemia, thrombophlebitis. It is worn before surgery, which threatens with serious blood loss. The healing value of Hessonite depends on the way the stone is worn and processed.
- If you need to get rid of a toothache, you need to hold an unprocessed mineral in your fist, put it under the pillow closer to the sore cheek.
- Before giving birth, women should decorate their neck with a crystal and silver pendant. Metal enhances the healing properties, helps to avoid complications and unnecessary anxiety.
- The cinnamon stone decoration is given to weak children. In the East, they believe that it helps to strengthen the immune system, protects against infections, contributes to the development of strength and good spirits.
- For frequent or chronic respiratory diseases, doctors recommend wearing golden hessonite around the neck. It will attract the rays of the sun, protecting against illness and weakness.
In some countries, with the help of oriental hyacinth, skin diseases are treated. Wearing the stone provides relief from eczema and psoriasis and reduces scars.Women use it as a protection against aging.

Magical features
All shades of Hessonite are used only by people with bright thoughts. It is incapable of causing harm or evil, therefore it is useless when performing magical rituals. When worn constantly, it protects from envy and anger of others, interferes with the spread of rumors. Therefore, talismans are made from it to attract good luck.
In past centuries, a green or dark yellow stone was considered a symbol of wisdom. He gave the owner prudence and calmness, helped to solve difficult life problems. It is a wonderful symbol of justice, so it can be worn by lawyers, judges and educators.
Priests order decorations with a scattering of Hessonites for icons and festive robes.

The stone does not help to achieve wealth in an easy way, but it has "magical" qualities:
- develops a flair for trading;
- enhances intuition when making a deal;
- helps with scientific work;
- opens up talents and abilities.
When wearing a crystal, the owner easily acquires new partners and influential patrons, he is appreciated for his excellent reputation. Pink gomed can be worn by girls of marriageable age - it helps to find a good husband, create a strong family.
It is recommended to make jewelry with a golden crystal for a married couple: this will keep calm and relationships, relieve ill-wishers.

Compatibility with zodiac signs
Pakistani emeralds ideally match the energy of Aquarius and Virgo, improve the mood of melancholic Scorpios. These stones help to restrain and dispel negative thoughts, relieve lingering depression. They emphasize the prudence of people born under the sign of Libra, supporting them in their trade.
Astrologers do not prohibit representatives of other signs from wearing hessonite. He does not harm his owner, emphasizing his positive qualities and talents. He makes Lviv softer, helps to learn the art of compromise. It is better to use it in the absence of firmness and strength in character: a stone gives a person an iron rod, stimulating the opening of his own business.

See below for the varieties of pomegranate.