All about blue and blue quartz

The word "quartz" in translation from German means "solid". It is a rock-forming mineral that is often found in the thickness of the earth's crust. Quartz can also be incorporated into other minerals in the form of various mixtures and silicates. By its nature, this stone is colorless; its elements of other minerals, most often iron oxides, color it. Blue quartz has been known since antiquity; archaeologists often find jewelry, sculptures, church utensils and dishes made from this beautiful stone.

Where does it occur in nature?
Quartz veins are formed in the thickness of the earth's crust with the participation of high-temperature aqueous solutions as a result of high pressure. Therefore, quartz is often found in sedimentary strata, limestones and dolomites. In addition, it is the main mineral in sands and sandstones.
Quartz was first discovered in the Alps. Today, deposits of this stone can be found all over the world: in Brazil, the USA, African countries. And blue quartz is most often mined on the island of Madagascar. On the territory of Russia, quartz veins are located in the Moscow region, in the Urals, in the Altai and Caucasus mountains, as well as in Primorye.

Physicochemical characteristics
Quartz is a translucent or transparent mineral with a glassy luster. It has an imperfect cleavage and a conchoidal fracture. The hardness of the stone is high, it is equal to 7. The melting temperature due to high viscosity is 1713-1728 degrees Celsius. The light blue or blue color is due to the presence of the rutile mineral in the quartz. Through internal cracks, it spreads over the entire surface of the stone.
The chemical formula of quartz is SiO2. It belongs to the group of glass-forming oxides. Let's dissolve only in hydrofluoric acid and alkalis. This mineral has a low level of thermal conductivity. Quartz is a dielectric (poorly conducts electric current) and piezoelectric (under the influence of deformation, it can induce an electric current).

Scope of application
A blue or blue mineral (called sapphire quartz) is widely used in jewelry. It is used to make bracelets, beads, figurines, caskets, interior items, as well as rings and earrings framed in silver, gold, and platinum. The method of cutting a cabochon is often used, as a result of which the stone becomes round, smooth, polished, devoid of corners and edges. This mineral is also used for the manufacture of glass and ceramics. Quartz is used in optics, as a piezoelectric in telephone and radio equipment, as well as in electronic devices.

Effects on the body
It is believed that blue or blue quartz carries a strong energy potential. It activates the activity of the brain, improves memory, balances the central nervous system of the human body. For frequent colds and sore throats, it is recommended to wear necklaces and beads with blue quartz.
It also helps to get rid of alcoholism and drug addiction. This mineral purifies the air as it is an antiseptic.
At home, you can effortlessly prepare healing quartz water.... To do this, place the stone in a container with clean water and remove it for several days in a dark place. Then take out the quartz and strain the water through a filter, in which you need to put several quartz minerals of different types.
You can simply drink the resulting water, make compresses from it, it is an ideal cosmetic product for leveling skin color, giving it smoothness, fighting acne and acne. Quartz water strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, treats inflammatory diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, is useful for the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Magical features
In ancient times, natural reservoirs were cleaned and charged with the help of blue quartz. Priests and magicians used it in the interpretation of dreams, tried to use it to look into the future. This stone was considered to be an intermediary between the earth and the energy of outer space. It was believed that silver and platinum enhance the magical effect of the stone. But they tried not to wear it together with other gems, so as not to spoil the aura of the mystical mineral.
Nowadays, blue quartz is considered a powerful talisman against everything negative. But it is recommended to wear it under clothes, otherwise it will lose its magical properties. It is often called the stone of joy, as it drives away fears and melancholy, charges a person with confidence and optimism. In addition, the blue mineral strengthens family relationships and marriage, helps to find true love. In creative people, this gem develops imagination and gives them inexhaustible inspiration.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac
Blue or blue quartz is ideal for people born under the signs of Scorpio and Libra. He is able to bring them good luck in all endeavors and fulfill the most cherished desires. This mineral is useful for fish to find harmony and balance, develops their creativity and improves mood. Blue quartz helps Aquarius find prosperity and a happy family.
For the rest of the signs of the zodiac (except for Virgo and Gemini), this stone is recommended as an amulet hidden from prying eyes.

How to recognize the original?
Currently, quartz is often grown artificially. In order to distinguish a real stone from an artificially grown one, it is necessary to examine the mineral with a magnifying glass. If small air bubbles are visible, then this is an artificial gem.The smooth structure and cool to the touch surface indicate the originality of the stone. Should be considered, that a rare sapphire quartz is often given out as rock crystal painted with blue glue.

Care advice
Blue and blue quartz are quite durable stones, they are not afraid of mechanical damage. However, you should handle the mineral with care, protect it from falls and strong shocks.
If the stone is dirty, it is recommended to wipe it with a soft cloth dampened with a mild soapy solution or a special gemstone cleaner.
Then the mineral must be rinsed under running water and dried by wiping and polishing with a soft dry cloth. It is imperative to store the gem separately from other stones in a box with velvet upholstery.
Blue quartz is an inexpensive but very beautiful stone with powerful energy. Jewelry made from it has useful medicinal and magical properties. An amulet made from this mineral helps to gain good luck and reliable protection from all negative.

You will learn more detailed information about quartz in the video below.