Chalcopyrite: properties and colors of the mineral, origin and application

Chalcopyrite is popular for its unique and unusual coloration. There are several types of coloring, and each has found its own application in jewelry.
Chalcopyrite has a golden yellow color and therefore looks like gold. In another way, it is also often called copper pyrite. There are many interesting facts about the mineral, and some physical properties distinguish it from gold. In addition to being very beautiful, the stone is also affordable.
In some countries it is known as malachite, in others as "peacock ore." One of the species really shimmers with different colors, which is very similar to a rainbow. Chalcopyrite is most commonly known as a brass-yellow mineral with the chemical composition CuFeS 2. It is formed in most sulfide deposits around the world. They began to mine the stone more than a thousand years ago, and then they began to use it as a decoration, a talisman and an additional assistant in the process of treating certain diseases.

When weathered, the chalcopyrite surface loses its metallic luster and brass-yellow color.
It fades, becomes gray-green in color, but in the presence of acids it can begin to shimmer with different colors. It is the iridescent shades of aged chalcopyrite that attract the attention of jewelers. Some souvenir shops sell a mineral that has been specially acid-treated.
Physicochemical properties
Chalcopyrite is a mineral that is a copper iron sulfide. The color can be dark brown, sometimes even black.Crystals resemble a tetrahedron and octahedron, but they are slightly asymmetric and therefore classified in the tetragonal system.

According to the physical characteristics, the mass fraction of iron and copper may differ, depending on the deposit. It is a completely opaque stone, with a density of 4.1 to 4.3, and if a crack appears on the surface, it is unevenly located. The stone is fragile, so the hardness on the Mohs scale is only 3-4, which is why chalcopyrite is classified as a brittle mineral.
The stone is in the group of simple sulfides. The mineral has a unique composition, therefore it burns, this property is even embedded in its name, since "pyros" in translation means "fire". It is possible to find a mineral in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. You can tell it from gold with a little test. Gold is soft, gives a yellow streak and has a much higher specific gravity. Chalcopyrite is fragile and leaves a black streak. Complex semiconductors are part of the chalcopyrite family and are located in the middle of the ternary system.

Main deposits
Chalcopyrite forms under various conditions. Some of them are primary, then the stone crystallizes from melts of accompanying minerals in igneous rocks. Some forms of magmatic segregation are found in stratified rocks, others are found in pegmatite and contact metamorphic rocks. Many volcanic massive sulfide deposits are known to contain chalcopyrite.
The most significant deposits of the mineral are hydrothermal in origin. Associated ore minerals include pyrite, sphalerite, bornite, and chalcocite. Chalcopyrite is a source of copper for many secondary mineral deposits. Copper is extracted from it during the weathering process.

Chalcopyrite is a fairly common mineral. The largest deposits are in England and Romania. Large crystals are found in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria. Small specimens are mined at the Dreislar mine, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. In China, large crystals are found in the Hunan province.
The mineral is also mined in the Sverdlovsk region, in Russia. Many fine crystals of chalcopyrite are found in Mexico: Zacatecas, Concepcion del Oro and San Martin. The Cerro de Pasco mine in Peru is also noteworthy.
In the United States, mining is carried out in three states:
- Kansas;
- Oklahoma;
- Missouri.
Large crystals were found in Pennsylvania, which were highly appreciated by collectors.

In industry, chalcopyrite is used as a copper ore. This method has been around for over five thousand years. Some types of ore contain significant amounts of zinc, replacing iron, others - silver or gold. In addition, the mineral has a special magical meaning, and special properties are attributed to it in the methods of alternative medicine. The stone has no economic use.
Chalcopyrite is also known as the mystic stone because it can open the crown chakra and channels for the flow of information.
This crystal helps meditation, improves perception. Chalcopyrite develops and strengthens inner vision.
It can be used by people who have respiratory problems. It can also help reduce inflammation and fever, and is a good medicine against infectious diseases, including lung, throat, and bronchial diseases.

This crystal, according to some followers of alternative medicine, can improve hair growth, especially when combined with rhodochrosite. It also has a beneficial effect on blood pressure. The stone can free the body of toxins, it also has the ability to protect against the side effects of long-term medical procedures. Other medicinal properties of chalcopyrite include the following:
- has a positive effect on inflammatory processes in the body;
- has an antimicrobial effect;
- activates the digestive system;
- improves metabolism, respectively, can be worn by people who want to lose weight;
- has a beneficial effect on appetite;
- can be used as an additional assistant in solving problems of skin diseases;
- has a positive effect on sleep and the human psyche, so it should be worn with constant nervous tension.
Like most gold-colored stones and crystals, chalcopyrite is a mineral of abundance. He attracts wealth and abundance into life, which is why talismans bring good luck with him. Chalcopyrite resonates strongly with the solar plexus chakra, which is also known as the energy chakra.
He will help attract money and return everything that a person has lost.

Chalcopyrite is a gemstone that can enhance the wearer's ability to achieve business success. It is often used as an amulet to maximize profits. This stone favors merchants, helps to establish communication and acquire the necessary communication skills. Chalcopyrite is also called copper pyrite, it contains the energy of pyrite and copper, therefore it symbolizes fire and love.
Chalcopyrite is useful for fixing "standing" energy. It is good to use when you need to overcome the downturn in luck. The mineral will help solve problems, strengthen weak energy. Stone amulets are used as a means of protection against evil spirits. They are good at feeling negative energy and help to avoid its negative influence. This gem leads its owner in the right direction.

How to distinguish from pyrite?
People who do not have a geological formation do not see the difference between pyrite and chalcopyrite. It seems to them that there is no difference, since the raw minerals are very similar in appearance. However, there are certain diagnostic signs.
Since pyrite is quite hard, it cannot be scratched with a nail, but chalcopyrite can be damaged very much.
The name "fool's gold" is associated with pyrite because it is the most common. Chalcopyrite is also confused with a precious metal, but it can release sulfur when it interacts with acid. The chemical composition of pyrite is FeS 2, chalcopyrite is CuFeS 2. Pyrite does not contain copper, but it is in the second mineral.

Who is it suitable for?
Chalcopyrite is suitable for all signs of the zodiac, and he is ready to grant certain privileges to each representative.
- Astrologers claim that chalcopyrite has a positive effect on relationships, so it is recommended to wear it Arieswho want to find their soul mate or are ready to start a family.

- The mineral promises success in business and assistance in work Taurus, signs are more mundane. It should be worn by those who seek to purchase their own home.

- Modest and shy Gemini chalcopyrite will help to find a new social circle, moreover, wearing the mineral has a positive effect on health and helps to reduce allergic reactions.

- For health, it is advised to wear chalcopyrite and Cancer, since it quickly copes with inflammation, destroys harmful microorganisms.

- Despite his hot-tempered nature, Lions have an insecure nature, although they tend to hide it from others with all their might. Mineral can become an assistant in this matter, give confidence, and allow you to implement the planned tasks.

- For Virgins, wearing a stone promises harmony in the family and good health, Libra he will give confidence, however, like Scorpios, who are notable for their inconsistency, therefore they often change plans.

- Sagittarius are prone to making many mistakes in life, the mineral helps to avoid them, puts on the right path, improves the nervous state, sleep.

- If Capricorn is faced with a difficult situation for himself, then chalcopyrite gives the necessary amount of strength to cope with it.Wearing an amulet made of this mineral allows Aquarius to re-evaluate their own life and make it more understandable, first of all, for themselves.

- Disease prone Pisces Chalcopyrite must be carried with you at all times, as it strengthens the immune system and improves overall health.

For more information on chalcopyrite, see the next video.