All about the stone labrador

Everyone knows gems such as emerald, diamond or ruby. But among the stones there are many other, no less interesting specimens. One of them is the mystical and beautiful labrador stone.

A bit of history
In the 17th century, the stone was discovered on the Labrador Peninsula, and it is considered the place of its origin. First, the gem was named "black moonstone", as it resembled a large image of a luminary. After that, the fame of the gem of amazing beauty spread throughout Europe, especially since it perfectly fit into the entourage of the Rococo style that was fashionable at that time. The gem was actively used to decorate interior items, and also became a highlight of jewelry... In the 19th century, writer W. Collins wrote the book "Moonstone" describing the Labrador Retriever.

In Kievan Rus, the Labrador was used no less widely. Jewelery from the gem became part of the altar of the Tithe Church, in addition, the tomb of Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich was made from it. Mineral was traded, sent to eastern countries. In 1781, during the construction of a road to Peterhof, a Labrador deposit was discovered in Russia.
Having learned that this gem is so popular in European countries, they began to decorate palaces, furniture, and make household items from it.

The Indians considered the Labrador a stone of love and prosperity. In order for the stone to "work", the lovers were given a paired talisman, where one stone was masculine and had a blue or green hue, and the other was feminine, golden brown in color. The priests of Mesopotamia and Ancient Babylon appreciated it for its ability to change color under the rays of the sun and carried it in a leather purse near the heart. They believed that each stone should be "prayed" by only one person, and only then it became his amulet.

Other names for the Labradorite include jandarakand, selenite, aglaurite, pearl spar. Scientists have classified this mineral as a plagioclase; its physicochemical properties have recently been studied. Usually, stone jewelry has a silver frame: the mineral is in better harmony with this metal both in appearance and in price.... Labrador attracts not so much lovers of flashy sparkling jewelry, as subtle, addicted people with a penchant for mysticism.

The concepts "labrador" and "labradorite" are related, but they are not quite the same thing. The first word denotes the igneous vapor, and the second word denotes the mineral that composes it.
Naturally mined rough stone is in the form of crystals resembling rock crystal. The irisation of the stone is a mother-of-pearl overflow, and the pattern inside it changes in the light, therefore the ancient people associated this riot of color with flashes of fire and the light of the moon.

Most of the Labrador stones do not show their beauty without jewelry processing, so that it opens, the facet method is used.
Surprisingly, the enigmatic labrador with all the tints of all colors is actually a subspecies of simple feldspar. More than half it consists of sodium, calcium, silicate interspersed with aluminum.

Each stone has its own unique pattern, but scientists distinguish the main types of Labrador Retrievers:
- tavusit - motley, like peacock feathers, shimmers with greenish-blue mother-of-pearl;
- sun stone golden, light yellow, transparent white with sparkles and other similar shades;
- Bulls-eye - red, occasionally with purple or brown tints;
- black labrador conveys not just black color, it resembles the night sky with sparkles of stars;
- spectrolite was found in Finland during the Second World War, it is a rainbow stone that has collected all colors;
- lynx eye suggests different shades of green;
- aventurine gem shines due to the presence of magnetite and copper;
- belomorite features a deep blue color with pearlescent highlights

Many women love to wear silver labrador earrings. They are relatively inexpensive - from 2.5 to 7 thousand rubles. Prices for rings with a stone are approximately in the same range, usually on sale there are products with gray, black or transparent with a shimmer.

Exclusive jewelry, of course, will cost more. Lovers of collecting minerals in their pure form, without rims, can find a Labrador retriever on the vastness of the World Wide Web.
Here the price for a small copy fluctuates around 5-7 dollars per carat.

Place of Birth
Labrador is actively harvested in Madagascar (black variety), in Finland (a special rainbow variety was found there - Spectrion), in Germany, in mystical Tibet. Note that Australia mines and sells particularly pure varieties of stone that are excellent for jewelry processing. Also, albeit not on an industrial scale, but still good specimens are found on the island of Ceylon. The stone of the adularia variety is often found in Asia, namely in India and Burma, a subspecies of sanidin is found in Mongolia.
Separately, it should be said about the most famous deposit in our country, discovered in 1781. It is located near the Northern capital. The deposit was actively developed, and with the advent of Soviet power, the stone was used in the manufacture of monuments, because not only beauty, but also hardness is inherent in it. So, he decorated the Mausoleum, the pedestal of the sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Woman", the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, metro stations. A lot of this stone is also found in Ukraine, it is believed that large reserves of it are concentrated in this country.

Healing and magical properties
As already mentioned, the properties of a Labrador are not limited to its decorativeness and practicality. He is ranked among the stones capable of receiving human energy and returning it in a modified, enhanced form.
It is believed that a person with good intentions gains even more luck with him, but the stone will return even more negativity to the envious owner in the form of misfortune.

Also among its properties can be noted the ability to sharpen intuition, as well as to bestow prophetic dreams, if you put a stone under your pillow. Labrador helps a confused person to regain faith in themselves, find answers to questions, as well as understand their true intentions and gain the strength to carry them out.

Of the healing properties of this unique gem, which are of great importance for humans, lithotherapists note the following:
- general strengthening of immunity;
- lowering blood pressure;
- improvement of the joints and the musculoskeletal system (the mineral heals rheumatism, hernias, arthritis, arthrosis, etc.):
- improved vision;
- getting rid of nervous disorders, anxiety;
- improving sexual function in men and women.

Of course, many may not believe in the stone's ability to fight all the listed ailments, to restore strength. But lithotherapists do not question this fact, they argue that this stone was born by the fire of incandescent lava, enriched with neighboring rocks, their properties, and therefore multifaceted and deep.
For those who believe in him, he will help to establish a biofield and get rid of many ailments.

Who is it suitable for?
As for astrology, the gem is a recognized amulet for representatives of the elements of Fire and Water, but other signs can also wear it. Find out what it means to a person of this or that sign wearing a Labrador Retriever.
- Ariesthose who carry a stone should be careful with their thoughts, they should be good. After all, the already violent energy of this sign will be enhanced by the mineral, and this can lead to unpredictable consequences.
- Taurus Labrador helps to stabilize the personal sphere and make it no less intense than the professional one.
- Gemini it helps to take a sober look at oneself and remove the veil of narcissism, which is often fanned by this sign. It helps balance the sense of superiority and add wisdom.
- Mineral makes life Rakov more harmonious, because people under the patronage of this constellation are often at the same time vulnerable and quick-tempered and it is very important for them to find a balance.
- Lions thanks to the labrador, they can pacify their pride and comprehend their true purpose, which is incredibly important for the representatives of this fire sign.
- Virgin they are often pedantic and scrupulous, they are very upset by failure, do not want to make decisions, which is especially typical for representatives of this male sign. Labrador retrievers will help harmonize their lives, make them more stable, and add self-confidence.
- Famous pleasure lovers scales and so they feel pretty happy people. The Labrador can help them to change accents, to put in the forefront not the pursuit of the joys of life, but family values.
- Scorpions this stone is the least recommended. They are often maximalistic. Now they are thrown into vindictiveness, then into nobility. The stone can enhance any of their qualities, and if this is the dark side, then it will not lead to anything good.
- Sagittarius, as a representative of the fiery element, will be happy to wear this stone. The Labrador will enhance the cheerfulness and optimism of these positive people, will tell them a bright path of development.
- Capricorn sometimes it is required to feel under the patronage, despite their apparent coldness and prudence. This wonderful stone will be able to moderate their manifestations of selfishness and bring a sense of peace of mind.
- Aquarius Labrador helps to discover their talents with which they are endowed.Also, the stone gives confidence to these sometimes timid people, which helps them to realize their plans and dreams.
- Fishes have a penchant for healing. This stone is able to reveal the potential of those who believe in their own strength and wish to help people.

How to distinguish from a fake?
The Labrador Retriever looks pretty, it is versatile to use, but it is not a rare or gemstone. Experts say it is very difficult to counterfeit a Labrador, so counterfeits are rare and usually pass themselves off easily. To understand whether this is a genuine copy or an artificial one, twirl it in your hands.... In the depths of the Labrador, there should be a noticeable light glow, which changes place, as if moving from one area to another.

If you have a natural stone in front of you and you want to make a real personal amulet out of it, and not just get another piece of jewelry, then tune in to "communication" with the stone. Start wearing it gradually, let the stone get used to you and you to it, thereby it will begin to feed on the energy of its owner and return it in a transformed form.
We also note that there are similar minerals in nature - oligoclases, orthoclases and plagioclases, which have the effect of moonlight... An inexperienced person can confuse them with a Labrador.
To buy a real Labrador, you will have to look for an intelligent expert who will definitely cope with the task.

How to care?
The rules for caring for this beautiful gem are simple and rather general nature.
- Protect it from mechanical damage, scratches.
- If you notice a tarnishing of the stone's luster, you can take it to a good master who will carefully process it so that its former shine returns.
- Protect the stone from active chemicals that are often used when cleaning.
- It is believed that unlike other stones that can be stored in boxes, the Labrador is very fond of light. Leave it sometimes in the open rays of the sun or wear it in sunny weather, so that it is filled with the energy of the luminary.

Beautiful examples
These stones can glow in different colors like mesmerizing crystals. No wonder the literal translation of the name of this stone sounds like "the shining of the moon."
Spectrolite is a stone that can create reflections of the entire spectrum of colors. This type of stone was discovered in Finland, namely in the village of Yulamaa. This “village of precious stones” has become one of the country's brands and attracts tourists from all over the world. Many people traveling around the country come here to purchase the original Labrador talisman as a keepsake and to enlist the power of this stone.

A variety of interior items and decor are made from this gem. In tsarist times, palaces were decorated with mosaics made of stone, caskets, snuff boxes and other useful and beautiful items were made from it. Despite the fact that today other materials for the manufacture of interior elements have become more popular, connoisseurs of natural materials may well purchase various products from this ornamental stone, for example, figurines. This photo shows an owl - a symbol of wisdom, which, among other things, is associated with the Labrador stone.

The combination of dark silver and dark labrador can literally mesmerize. These decorations are reminiscent of those found in films about magicians and elves. Looking at such a ring, it is hard not to believe in the mystical properties of the stone, which are told in ancient legends.

Irisation is an interesting effect of minerals, which occurs due to the presence of a large number of gas-filled cavities in the crystal thickness. Usually in stones you can see gray or light impurities, but if the size of the voids borders on the length of the light wave, this "foam" begins to sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.

The study of the properties of Labrador has been going on for several centuries, but the debate of scientists and mystics about its properties does not subside to this day.The myths said that this is a crystal that broke away from the moon, it is a messenger of heaven, a harbinger of happy events. Oracles often used it for their practices, weaved it into amulets.
If before you did not know about such a stone as a labrador, now you will have a reason to purchase it and experience the magic of the gem on yourself. In order for the stone to start working, you can carry it with you in the form of an adornment or an amulet, or you can just sometimes hold it in your hands, thus “communicating” with it. If your intentions are good, then it will increase strength and bring even more luck into your life.

The story about the Labrador stone is in the next video.