All about the mysterious stone marcasite

Natural minerals have a special charm and magic. Marcasite stone is very interesting in its properties. Since ancient times, it has been used to make fire, in the Middle Ages it was replaced by diamonds. Interest in the stone has not disappeared even today. It is credited with magical properties, and jewelry made from it is in consumer demand. Let's consider the features and properties of this unusual nugget, the specifics of jewelry care, as well as which of the zodiac signs it suits.

What it is?
Marcasite is a mineral of the pyrites group, belonging to a variety of polysulfuric iron. The word "marcasite" is of Persian origin, translated from the language of the ancient Persians it is interpreted as "a stone of light". The exact period of his discovery is unknown. The first attributes made of stone were found by archaeologists during excavations of the territories of the Inca settlements in South America. Historians have established that primitive tribes received fire with the help of marcasite, a little later they began to use it to create incendiary mechanisms in arms. Shamans used the stone in magical rites.
In the Middle Ages, interest in the extraction of the mineral increased significantly, its golden sheen confused miners, often they took large nuggets for a precious metal. The stone was given the name - "fool's gold", since in fact, marcasite has nothing to do with real gold.

The use of the mineral in the creation of jewelry began in the 18th century. Shiny stones have attracted the attention of jewelers, and there have been attempts to pass them off as diamonds and polished diamonds.During that period, marcasite was often confused with another stone - pyrite. They belong to the same group of natural iron sulfides, have external similarity, but differ in the structure of the crystals. In medieval jewelry, pyrite was passed off as marcasite.
They learned to distinguish stones only in the 19th century. This is the merit of the Austrian mineralogist Wilhelm Haidinger. He made a detailed analysis of the external and internal structure of both minerals and was able to prove their differences. Since 1814, the name "marcasite" has been firmly assigned to one mineral with its precise scientific description.
In its composition, marcasite contains iron and sulfur. Has a diamond-shaped or lance-shaped crystal structure. Crystals of complex shapes are often found in nature, resembling ridges, stars, snowflakes, multiple drops and bunches of berries.
Natural stone is characterized by a golden (brass-yellow) color with a metallic sheen.

Often the mineral contains impurities of bismuth, cobalt, copper, arsenic, antimony or thallium, which affect its shade. Crystals with orange-red, gray, black and greenish hues can be found... Marcasite is characterized by color overflows, which depend on the type of lighting. Other names for the stone are also widespread - radiant pyrite and drip silver, which it received due to the peculiarities of its structure and color.
There are deposits of marcasite in Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Canada (Salt Spring Island), USA (Massachusetts, California), Sweden, Czech Republic and some African countries. In Russia, marcasite deposits are found in the South Urals, in the Kursk, Orenburg and Tula regions.
Sometimes large specimens are found in deposits that contain fossils or imprints of traces of ancient plants. Such nuggets are unsuitable for jewelry processing, but are more of historical value; they replenish the collections of mineralogists and paleontologists. They are also of interest to esotericists. Pure, unworked nuggets often become attributes of various magical practices.

Nowadays, the mineral is used in the chemical industry to obtain sulfuric acid and in jewelry. Spectropyrite is one of the attractive varieties of marcasite. It has an irregular iridescent color that delights with its shimmering radiance when exposed to sunlight. To create jewelry accessories, this variety or red marcasite crystals are most often used, as they look more aesthetically pleasing and are better cut.
The jewelery industry uses the term "marcasite" to refer to the insertion of pyrite into its products.
Pure marcasite is difficult to process into jewelry because of its fragility, therefore, when purchasing jewelry labeled "marcasite", you should be aware that pyrite is actually present in them.

Stone properties
In composition, marcasite is similar to pyrite, since they both have iron in their composition. Minerals differ in their crystalline structure, healing and magical properties. Let us consider in more detail the characteristics of radiant pyrite.

Marcasite - iron sulfide, consists of 46.6% iron and 53.4% sulfur. Chemical formula - FeS2. It is unstable in high humidity conditions; it can decompose over time to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and iron sulfates (Fe2SO4). In the course of the reaction, fluidity (tarnishing) of the mineral is observed, a rainbow bloom appears on the surface (combinations of yellow, red and blue colors).
Low solubility - slowly dissolves in nitric and hydrochloric acids. When carrying out thermal reactions, it forms a blue-blue flame with a characteristic sulfur odor.
With prolonged heating, magnetic properties appear - the stone significantly decreases in size and turns into a small magnetic black ball.

Despite the external hardness and opacity, the structure of the stone itself is rather fragile.It has a density of 4.8-4.9 g / cm³ and a hardness on the Mohs scale of 6-6.5. Crystals of the mineral have rhombic symmetry and an average imperfect level of cohesion. They often have fractures, so the stone is easily damaged and cracked.

The healing properties of radiant pyrite are due to its composition. Iron has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, improving blood counts, and sulfur has antiseptic properties. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use stones with a golden color: they have fewer impurities of other elements.
Since ancient times, crushed to a powder state, marcasite was applied to wounds and abrasions, which contributed to their rapid healing. Marcasite powder is effective in treating purulent boils and other skin rashes.
Lithotherapists recommend using the stone for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases, in their opinion, it is especially effective when the first signs of cataract appear.

The stone improves immunity and has a calming effect. Helps relieve stress, reduce anxiety, anxiety and gain peace of mind. The mineral can reduce the intensity of joint and muscle pain. To do this, it must be applied for some time to sore spots.
Sulfur stone is also used for cosmetic purposes. To do this, the mineral is dipped into a container of water and kept for about 30 minutes. Washing your face with such an infusion helps to regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation and helps get rid of acne.

The magical features of the mineral are interesting. Esotericists believe that male energy is more characteristic of him, but it is also suitable for women. In its pure, uncut form, the stone has a very high energy, therefore it is not recommended to use it for more than three days in a row. Marcasite brings good luck in new endeavors, responsible negotiations, protects against envy and ill-wishers.
Since ancient times, its properties have been noticed, which have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of young children. In the Middle Ages, children were put on marcasite beads to protect them from the evil eye.
Magicians recommend using the mineral as a children's amulet. If you place pyrite near a baby's crib, it will promote sound sleep, relieve whims and fear.

Drip silver talismans are suitable for strong-willed, honest and noble individuals. They help to quickly realize their pure ideas, save them from any adversity. Single crystals provide the best protection.
When holding important negotiations, you can put a small stone in the pocket of your clothes - it will give confidence and attract good luck.
Magicians recommend getting an amulet made of radiant pyrite for men whose professions involve risks. (rescuers, pilots, military men, miners). The amulet will add strength and protect you from accidents. Marcasite will help women in stressful situations, it will allow them to cope with surging emotions and make the right decision.

Who is it suitable for?
The stone is patronized by the planets Mars and Neptune, which help to strengthen its power and strength. It is believed that a mineral with high energy is endowed with the ability to influence events and change the fate of people. According to the horoscope, it is more suitable for Aries, Scorpio and Sagittarius, but it is quite acceptable to use it for other signs of the Zodiac.
According to astrologers, using marcasite:
- Aries will improve their inner state and make the right decisions;
- Gemini will strengthen immunity, achieve success in personal and work affairs;
- Cancers will become easier to relate to life's difficulties, but according to its internal characteristics, this is not their stone - it is often not necessary to use it;
- Leos will improve relationships with others and reach career heights;
- Virgos will gain confidence in business and find new friends;
- Libra will enhance your creativity;
- Scorpios will find peace of mind and protect themselves from envious people;
- Sagittarius will attract the attention of the opposite sex and good luck in many endeavors;
- Capricorns will find peace of mind and well-being in the family;
- Aquarians will receive the recognition they deserve and will be charged with optimism;
- Pisces will calm down in a stressful situation, but the stone is not suitable for them as a permanent talisman.

What is it combined with?
Marcasite processed in a jewelry workshop attracts attention with its beautiful tints, and therefore jewelry looks very impressive with it. Natural minerals such as agate, turquoise, chrysoprase, malachite and onyx are perfectly combined with it. Most often, marcasites are set in silver. Silver jewelry with pearls and mother-of-pearl, surrounded by the smallest droplets of marcasite, looks very delicate.
Often, jewelers add marcasite inserts to items made of precious stones: ruby and emerald.

How to distinguish a fake?
There are practically no fakes of marcasite, since its price is quite low, that is, there is no point in creating imitating glass copies. But in order to make sure that the mineral is 100% authentic, you can carry out a simple manipulation: when squeezed in a fist, the synthetic material heats up, and the natural stone remains cold.
More often, marcasite is confused with pyrite. Despite the fact that the stones belong to the same group of minerals and have external similarities, they are very different in their magical properties.
The ability to distinguish them will come in handy for those who want to touch the magic of marcasite and use it as a talisman.
When examining minerals through a magnifying glass, it is noticeable that the crystals of marcasite are spear-shaped, and the crystals of pyrite are cubic. In places where marcasite breaks, there is a green tint; the color on the pyrite cleavage is golden yellow. When the radiant pyrite gets wet or broken, the smell of sulfur is felt.

How to clean?
Products with marcasite require careful handling and care. It is recommended to store them in closed boxes or bags. If the crystal is in the same box with other stones or jewelry, then it must be wrapped in a soft cloth.
For cleaning, do not use alcohol solutions, household chemicals and ultrasound. If a dark coating appears on the surface, wipe the product with a slightly damp, soft, lint-free cloth.

Small marcasite inserts framed with silver lend themselves to more severe contamination. They can be gently cleaned with a toothbrush dampened in a mild soapy solution., and then quickly rinse under running water and wipe dry.
To maintain the shine of your jewelry, you can purchase special jewelry napkins for the care of natural stones. They have a soft texture, do not damage the product, perfectly polish and help to preserve the excellent appearance of accessories.

Jewelry Examples
Marcasite jewelry attracts with its elegance and relatively inexpensive price. The domestic firm "Markazite" is engaged in direct deliveries from manufacturers of products of the marcasite group to Russian jewelry stores. For many years, she has collaborated with the brands Hong Factory (Thailand) and MARC (USA), which are leaders in the production of drip silver jewelry.
Since 2018, the company has become an official partner of the world famous Austrian brand Swarovski. The cut of Swarovski stones is considered the best, it enhances the shine of the products and gives them a special charm.
The ideal setting for radiant pyrite is silver. Silver jewelry looks stylish and elegant. Most often, silver acts as a solid base on which a scattering of small processed marcasite crystals is attached. They are fixed with heavy-duty glue and jewelry "paws".
Models of elongated earrings with marcasite inserts in the form of droplets are very popular.Sets that include necklaces and earrings look gorgeous.

Jewelers are developing fun children's options. Earrings in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, flowers interspersed with a fine scattering of marcasites will appeal to young women of fashion.
In a special trend of recent years, brooches from marcasite. There are many models in the assortment in the form of animals and birds. Lizards, turtles, cats, elephants, owls, hummingbirds, peacocks are often found. These accessories will add chic to any everyday look.
They look very sophisticated bracelets, they enhance femininity in the image. Braided openwork options with inserts of small pearls or turquoise look spectacular.
The wide variety of rings and pendants is impressive. Signature rings with large cabochons made of semi-precious stones are suitable for respectable ladies. Black onyx, emerald chrysoprase framed with drip silver look noble. For young girls, you can choose rings with small but bright stones. Beautiful models with violet amethyst, pink mother-of-pearl and attractive marcasites.

In terms of energy, marcasite is considered a male stone, given this feature, jewelers create jewelry for the stronger sex. They are mainly represented by large signet rings. Young people may like rings in the form of predatory animals (bear, lion, tiger), exotic dragons, and some will like skull rings. Radiant pyrite is also used to inlay men's cufflinks. In them, the mineral can be combined with zircon and silver.
Marcasite is an inexpensive but attractive stone. Do not be afraid of its fragility - modern methods of jewelry processing and high-quality frames contribute to a long service life.
Jewelry will undoubtedly give a lot of positive emotions, and careful care will ensure the flawless shine of the crystals.

For more on the properties of marcasite, see the next video.