Nanotopaz: what is it and how to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Topaz is popular with both jewelers and lovers of fine jewelry. This is a rather rare stone, and its deposits have been discovered in only a few countries of the world, including Russia. In our country, topaz is mined in the Urals.
At the same time, the amount of natural reserves of topaz deposits is limited, since their formation can take over a million years. Nanotopases have become a real innovation.

Nanotopases are a product of the development of Russian scientists. They are synthesized in a laboratory and perfectly copy the shape and structural features of their natural counterparts. The appearance and properties of nanotopases are so ideal that only specialists can often distinguish them from natural gems. Nanotopases are very often called fakes of natural stones, since many manufacturers pass them off as natural.
Nanotopases in various sources can be called artificial or synthetic, but it would be more correct to call them hydrothermal topaz, since the most common method by which nanotopases are obtained is called hydrothermal.

Its essence lies in the fact that all components, among which there are crumbs of natural stone, are melted at a certain pressure, during which they chemically interact. As a result of the reaction, a stone with ideal characteristics is obtained.
In addition to hydrothermal, there are other methods for producing nanotopases, such as flux, the method of Verneuil, Czochralsky and Bagdasarov. All methods are patented.In the professional environment of jewelers and in jewelry salons, you can find different names for synthesized topaz: nanocrystal, Nanocrystal, Nanogem, Formica nanogem.

Modern methods of making nanotopases make it possible to endow them with special properties, some of which are quite close to the properties of natural stones. Let's consider these indicators.
- High hardness... The hardness of hydrothermal topaz tends to the value of the hardness of natural stones, which is 8 points on the Mohs scale.
- Lower density compared to natural topaz. Natural topaz are quite heavy stones and have been called heavyweights for a long time.
- No cracks, inclusions. Cracks and inclusions are accompanied by a natural mineral. This is unusual for hydrothermal topaz.
- Perfect shape. The technology of manufacturing nanotopases allows you to give them an ideal shape and perfect cut.
- Brilliance and clarity, no haze... The hydrothermal method of creating nanotases provides stones with a clean and bright shine, close to ideal values.
- Perfection in color. Nanotopases are much brighter than natural topaz.
The technology of their creation allows you to bring the degree of color saturation to the desired level and produce the desired shade.

Differences from natural
Due to the good quality of artificially created nanotopases, they are often passed off as natural topaz. There are different ways to distinguish natural stone from fake.
- The hardness of natural topaz is higher than that of synthetic, it can scratch hard surfaces and even artificially created topaz. This property can be used to distinguish a real mineral from a fake at home.
- Natural topaz, unlike nanotopase, tends to become electrified. In order to independently check this, you need to use a woolen cloth and rub the stones under study with it. If the topaz is natural, then it will begin to attract small pieces of paper or hairs. Man-made stones do not possess this property.
- Natural minerals heats up much more slowly than artificial ones. Therefore, taking it in your hand, you can feel its coolness for a long time. The unnatural stone absorbs the warmth of the hands very quickly.
- Nanotopases have a homogeneous structure, in contrast to natural topaz, which can have defects and inhomogeneity of shade. If in front of you is a product with a stone that has an ideal structure and transparency, then this is probably an artificially created mineral. It is very difficult to find flawless topaz in nature. Mainly, the rock contains topaz with cracks and inclusions.
- You can check the authenticity of natural topaz using a special solution - methylene iodide. In this solution, natural stone will sink, while synthetic topaz will remain on the surface.
- If it is possible to use jewelry scales, then you can determine the density of the stone, which will tell about the naturalness of the stone. Real topaz has a density of 3.4-3.6 g / cm3. Synthetic versions usually have half the density.
- Natural topaz can be recognized by turning it upside down. A real stone will sparkle and create a play of reflected light. True, there is one condition - the topaz must have a special cut. In any case, if there is a play of color, then we can talk about the naturalness of the stone.
- Natural topaz has a rich color spectrum. It can be transparent, yellowish, green, or blue. Green topaz is very rare, it is mined in single versions and immediately goes to branded jewelry companies. Most natural topaz, which are used for inlaid jewelry, have subtle and not very bright colors and shades. The color of the nanotopase is brighter and more pronounced.
- When exposed to ultraviolet light, natural stone fading can be observed. However, when placed in a dark place, it regains its shade. An artificially created mineral cannot boast of such a property.
- When the direction of light changes, natural topaz changes its color in contrast to synthetic topaz. This phenomenon is typical for yellow and pink stones.

Nanotopases are used for inlaid jewelry: earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets. Kits with nanotopases look gorgeous. Being an excellent substitute for natural stones, synthetic topaz is much cheaper in cost. This is a great gift for any occasion. Nanotopase jewelry suits women of any age. The hydrothermal mineral is encrusted in a frame made of various metals. It can be yellow, white, pink and red gold, silver, platinum and even titanium. In combination with stones of various colors, they are harmoniously combined with any type of appearance.
Nanotopases can be combined with other stones. They look especially harmonious with transparent minerals and representatives of cold colors.
Due to its bright appearance, nanotopaz looks like the center of the composition, complemented by several companions or a scattering of stones.

Care and storage
Products containing nanotopase should be stored with care. Here are some rules:
- systematic care of nanotopase consists in wiping it first with a damp cloth or cloth, and then immediately with a dry soft cloth;
- in order to protect nanotopases from accidental mechanical damage, it is necessary to store it in a box covered with a soft cloth such as velvet;
- to preserve the original appearance, contact of the nanotopase with various chemicals, household chemicals, and cosmetics should be avoided.

In the next video, you can take a closer look at nanotopases.