Ocean jasper: stone properties, application and selection

Most people pay special attention to various talismans and amulets. One of the popular semi-precious stones for making amulets is ocean jasper or mukaite. It is believed to have magical and healing properties. The stone is known for its bright saturated colors and looks like caramel.
Mukayit is a type of jasper. Many jewelers also refer to it as Australian Agate or Madagascar Stone, because its mining sites are located where the ocean used to be. Various compounds give amazing shades to the mineral. Manganese gave it a pink color, while iron and chrome gave ocean jasper brown and yellow tones. In addition, minerals of white, mustard and gray-pink color are found in nature. And also there are species with chocolate and milk splashes. Madagascar stone is known for its unusual pattern, which consists of concentric circles.
The mineral is opaque, has an amazing luster and is smooth to the touch. Mukayit is incredibly durable, scratch and chip resistant. Perfect for making rings and beads.
And also beautiful mosaics, cabochons, boxes and figurines are made from ocean jasper.

Note that the very name of the stone has a "marine" history. According to experts from Australia, the most logical name for the mukait is Windalia Radiolarite. The fact is that radiolarians are tiny organisms that lived on the coast of the ancient sea. When it became shallow, the remains of fossils under the influence of various processes turned into an amazingly beautiful stone.
Well-polished mukaite resembles caramel or colored glass.It is gaining more and more popularity among semi-precious stones, and began to appear more and more often at the largest Russian exhibitions.

Decorations, talismans and charms are made from ocean jasper. The mineral is famous for its magical and medicinal properties. As for the former, Australian agate:
- helps to restore mental balance and strengthen the position in life;
- relieves the home of negative energy and helps to focus on important matters;
- opens up new opportunities for a person, including in a creative way;
- serves as a strong amulet for a house or apartment;
- allows you to move "forward" and believe in your own strength.

In addition, the owners of the amulet in the form of this stone stop getting hung up on their shortcomings and feel pleasant liberation.
Pink ocean jasper with scarlet splashes is considered a "feminine" stone and helps its owners to become the standard of femininity and beauty. Mukayit perfectly protects against the evil eye, poisoning and even theft. This mineral is used as a stone for relaxation, meditation and relaxation. It perfectly helps vulnerable and emotional people to "get out" of a depression. Restores vitality and gives confidence in the future.

Since ancient times, jasper has been used as a remedy. The Australian aborigines called mukaite "a stone of blood", using it mainly to stop bleeding. Today, the mineral is used for medicinal purposes much more widely. For example, mukait:
- used for the healing of purulent wounds, for eczema and brings relief to people suffering from severe sinusitis (a large amount of pus in the sinuses);
- perfectly treats colds (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections) and relieves a debilitating cough;
- cleanses the blood and strengthens the human immune system;
- relieves itching and swelling after insect bites;
- helps with sunburn and profuse sweating;
- fights liver diseases;
- relieves problems with the kidneys and genitourinary system.

It is generally accepted that bright red ocean jasper helps women during pregnancy. The expectant mother wearing a mukait amulet is "protected" from the evil eye and does not experience problems during childbirth. The mineral has a beneficial effect on metabolism and helps to speed up the metabolism. Therefore, for people who are overweight, the ocean jasper amulet will help to cope with the problem much faster.
Many experts claim that the Madagascar stone helps to get rid of serious mental illness, normalize sleep and "defeat" nightmares. However, there is an opinion that mukait, on the contrary, awakens energy, and it is unlikely to relieve problems with insomnia.

Who is it suitable for?
First of all, the Madagascar stone is vital for introverts, as it helps to loosen up and establish communication skills with other people. In addition, it is necessary for extremely shy men and women, as it increases attractiveness and sexuality.

As a talisman, mukait is relevant for people who have dedicated their lives to science. The mineral helps to believe in one's own strengths and constantly move "forward". Ocean jasper symbolizes dedication to one's craft, so it can be carried to work or positioned on the office desk. Such a talisman will attract the attention of the management in a good sense of the word, and the employee himself will give strength to conquer new professional "heights".

The experts came to the conclusion that mukaite must be worn from a young age, as it promotes the development of motivation and creative impulses... In esotericism, they like to call it "the stone of clarity." He helps teenagers get rid of complexes, become braver, and also think in the right direction.
However, young children are not advised to wear amulets made of ocean jasper.... It is better to place them in a prominent place in the children's room or put them under a pillow or mattress. Thus, it will protect the room from damage and negative energy. It is believed that it is the Madagascar stone of dark shades that can save a child from "evil looks" and gossip.

As far as astrology is concerned, ocean jasper is perfect for some signs of the zodiac.
- Aries. For him, Australian agate is a symbol of kindness and mutual love. Mukayit helps Aries to meet their "soul mate" and find family happiness. In addition, the owners of this talisman easily make contact and make a large number of friends.
- A lion. Ocean jasper gives male Leo masculinity and brutality. They become leaders not only among loved ones, but also in professional activities. The Leo woman, who wears mukait jewelry, never gives up and confidently makes even the most difficult decisions.
- Virgo... The Madagascar stone helps this sign to attract the attention of the opposite sex. For Virgo men, he gives homeliness and thrift. These qualities affect the situation in the family, and its head "grows up" significantly in the eyes of the household.
- Scales. Mukayit pushes them to make fateful decisions, and also helps them to realize themselves professionally. A Libra woman with an oceanic jasper amulet becomes an excellent hostess and devoted wife.
- Sagittarius. Mineral helps him to restrain negative emotions and make only "balanced" decisions. For Sagittarius, mukait symbolizes sincerity.
It helps men not to be afraid of their emotions, and for beautiful ladies it inspires to help others.

You can learn more about the properties of ocean jasper in the following video.