Pyrite: the meaning and properties of the stone

Pyrite is a chemical mineral popularly called "fool's gold". The thing is that in terms of its external characteristics, this stone resembles real gold. However, this is not the only distinguishing feature of pyrite. For example, it is known that sparks can be carved with this stone. What other features does this stone conceal in itself, how it is used and who is it suitable for, read more about this in our material.

By its natural characteristics, pyrite belongs to rocks. The main components of the mineral are iron and sulfur, but there are also impurities in the composition of the stone, for example, cobalt, arsenic, and so on. Due to its physical properties, pyrite is quite strong and heavy. It has the functions of a conductor. Externally, pyrite looks like gold - the metallic luster is provided by the crystal lattice of the stone... The chemical properties of the stone belong to the hydrophobic group. This means that the stone cannot stand contact with water.
Pyrite is of great importance to the jewelry and industrial sectors. It has magical and healing properties.

Origin story
If we literally decipher and translate the word "pyrite", then in Russian we get the phrase "carving fire". Thus, the name of the stone reveals some of its features: if you hit the gem with sufficient force and at the right angle, you can get a strong spark. The unusual properties of the mineral were known back in the Stone Age and were widely used by people of that period.In nature, the stone was widespread in Central and South America - it was there that in the 16th century one could find real deposits of this material.
In addition, by this time in Europe stocks of flint were depleted. That is why the conquistadors went to distant countries to conquer rich lands and subjugate the people. However, at that time it was believed that pyrite was not pyrite at all, but real Indian gold, respectively, they tried to make money on it. Pyrite was also confused with gold during the "Gold Rush". It was in connection with such embarrassment that the stone received the popular name - "the gold of fools".

In the 17th century, pyrite became a popular stone among jewelers and was loved by many professional craftsmen. Pyrite set off the beauty and brilliance of diamonds in jewelry, and was also a stone from which individual independent jewelry masterpieces were made. During the Napoleonic wars, the stone became a real symbol of patriotism and sacrificial love for the homeland. The fact is that in difficult times for the country, women donated their gold and other jewelry to the needs of the army. In return, they received pyrite, which was a kind of lost jewelry.
In the twentieth century, pyrite became the material from which various golden inserts began to be created. It must be said that the popularity of the stone has not faded away to this day. Pyrite combines several important characteristics: it is aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time quite inexpensive.
That is why pyrite jewelry can be afforded by women belonging to the most diverse social strata of society.

Place of Birth
It is quite easy to find a natural mineral in nature, because quite a lot of its deposits are located on our planet. However, it is important that not all pyrite is valuable, since not all types of stones have precious gem properties. The ones that are valued more than others can be found in Scandinavia, Azerbaijan, the United States of America and Italy. Valuable pyrite is also hidden in the bowels of the earth of our country. So, in the vastness of Russia, pyrite is mined in the Urals.
If we talk about the geographic location of stone deposits, it should be noted that most often it is found in those territories where hot springs are located. Pyrite often coexists with gold or sulfur. It is thanks to this neighborhood that the stone received several more names: golden pyrite and sulfur pyrite. And also pyrite is found in the development of quartz veins.
It is important to note that fool's gold can be found not only in nature. Pyrite is a by-product of the process of smelting copper from ore.

Although pyrite is by its very nature a rather unique stone, there are several minerals, the physical and chemical composition of which is similar to "fool's gold". In addition, these stones can be confused by color. Let's consider in more detail the features of the "brothers" of pyrite.
- Marcasite... This stone differs from pyrite in the structure of the internal chemical crystal lattice. However, even though its shape has been changed, the basic properties of the mineral remain the same.
- Bravoite... It is a chemical mineral, the composition of which is saturated not only with sulfur and iron, but also with nickel (it contains about 20% of the total volume of the stone). This mineral can be found in the veins of nickel ores.

Magical and healing properties
It is believed that pyrite is a stone that has a huge number of positive properties. Among the variety of characteristics of the material, two large groups of features are distinguished: magical and healing. It is worth getting to know each of these groups in more detail.

The fact that pyrite has some supernatural characteristics has been known since ancient times.So, first of all, the mineral is used as a source of strength - witches, magicians and sorcerers, after performing their magical rituals, use a stone to raise and restore the level of their energy. In addition, it is believed that the stone is able to benefit its owner. However, the positive properties of pyrite will begin to manifest themselves only when the owner of the stone enters in relation to harmony with the mineral. In this case, the owner of the pyrite will manifest a striving for the spiritual, laziness, doubts and anxiety will disappear, and the process of self-development will be activated.
Pyrite can have a special effect on the representatives of the strong half of humanity. Fire pyrite will give men inner strength and confidence, make a young man more attractive to the opposite sex. Pyrite is also able to help women - the owner of an unusual stone will be able to find her soul mate. However, such properties of the stone apply only to those people who have serious intentions and plan a long and strong relationship. Pyrite will help not only in love, but also in business - it will attract finance, help you find new sources of income and start your own business.

The valuable stone pyrite, due to its intrinsic characteristics, is able to influence the human biofield. That is why it is believed that the mineral has medicinal properties - after all, it is able to provide healing and healing effects on the person who wears it. For example, pyrite can help with a wide variety of diseases. These include the following:
- depression;
- neuroses;
- obsessive states;
- insomnia and disruption of the biological clock;
- infectious diseases;
- flu;
- heart disease;
- vascular and blood diseases;
- thrombosis;
- heart attacks;
- asthma;
- lung disease;
- disruption of the bronchi;
- sexual dysfunction.

Who is it suitable for?
For women and men who are fond of astrology, it is important to consider your zodiac sign before purchasing a pyrite jewelry. So, this stone is associated with the sun, therefore those signs of the zodiac that are summer (namely: gemini, crayfish, lions and virgins) can use the "fool's gold" as a talisman. He will help them reach heights in the professional field, reveal their inner strengths, and also find true love. Pyrite will help Aries and Sagittarius find inner balance and tranquility, the crystal will give Capricorns determination and determination, help them achieve their goals and reach the desired heights.
Aquarians with the help of pyrite will gain the strength to make the changes they make, and the scales, wearing pyrite jewelry, will be able to avoid temptations and become more judicious.

How to distinguish from fake and other stones?
Today in the jewelry market you can find a huge variety of jewelry made from pyrite. Moreover, such jewelry is offered not only by well-known and elite jewelry salons, but also by ordinary sellers in the market. Due to the high prevalence of the mineral, many unscrupulous traders try to pass off other, less valuable stones as pyrite. Let's figure out how to distinguish natural pyrite from a fake.
Many scammers try to pass off ordinary plastic as pyrite. They carve out chunks of cheap material, put gold pollination on them, and sell them for the price of gold. In order not to become a victim of such a deception, the buyer just needs to look at the lumen of the stone. True pyrite is not transparent. In addition, natural stone cannot be scratched with improvised means, since it is quite hard and durable. If the product offered by the seller does not correspond to the described characteristics, then be sure that they are trying to sell you a fake, and a rather low-quality one.
Important! The stone has external features that are similar to gold, but it is unlikely that they will try to sell you gold under the guise of pyrite, because the precious metal is much more expensive than pyrite.

Pyrite is a mineral that is widely used in jewelry. Moreover, precious jewelry is most often made from those stones that were mined in Italy - they are considered the most valuable, beautiful and large. As part of jewelry, pyrite can act as an independent mineral, but it is also often combined with other stones. Less valuable pyrites are used to make accessories for clothing and other wardrobe items: cufflinks, buttons, and so on. In addition to fine jewelry work, "fool's gold" is often subjected to more severe impact. So, the stone is used in industry for the extraction of iron ore and sulfur.
The magical properties of the stone attract psychics, magicians and witches from all over the world. That is why various amulets and talismans are made from pyrite.

If you are the proud owner of a pyrite jewelry or plan to purchase it (for yourself or as a gift), then it is important to remember that such a jewelry needs especially careful care. It should be borne in mind that although the mineral is quite hard, the combination of the physical and chemical properties of the stone also makes it brittle and brittle. It is especially necessary to handle pyrite rings with delicacy - most often it is such jewelry that is susceptible to various kinds of destruction.
So, it should be borne in mind that pyrite is very sensitive to environmental conditions: it does not tolerate moisture, high temperature, and mechanical shock. In order to preserve the appearance of the stone for as long as possible, such influences should be avoided. However, even with careful wear and careful care, jewelry made of pyrite will not last long.

Pyrite has a so-called shelf life. So, after 5–6 years of constant wearing, the jewelry will begin to fade and lose its unique shade.
In the next video, you will find a story about the healing and energetic properties of pyrite.