All about blue aventurine

Blue aventurine is a relative of quartz. This shimmering stone has healing and magical properties. There is not so much of this breed left in nature, so synthetic fakes are increasingly common. Let's take a closer look at blue aventurine and its properties.

Aventurine translated from Italian means "adventure". Unsurprisingly, this shimmery breed was named that way. The stone was formed as a result of the mixing of clayey rock with sand. Over the years, this process forms seals, in which pieces of hematite and mica are periodically included.
These inclusions form a stunning internal shimmer that, in the blue version of the stone, resembles a starry summer night. Hence the popular name of the stone "Night in Cairo".

Mystical properties
According to popular beliefs, the stone is suitable for gamblers. He can become for them a talisman that brings good luck. The breed attracts financial success, but it also helps in love affairs perfectly. After all, love is also a kind of game, where victory depends on chance. A coincidence of circumstances in your favor will be influenced by dark blue aventurine. This stone is especially suitable for girls who cannot meet their handsome prince in any way.

It is believed that aventurine favors quick conception. Many women who were unsuccessfully treated for infertility bought aventurine and became pregnant. This method will definitely not bring harm, therefore, together with the treatment, it is not forbidden to purchase a couple of beautiful jewelry with aventurine for the expectant mother.

An interesting fact is that according to popular beliefs, aventurine is able to grow a little genius out of a child. This stone is not dangerous for babies and only helps to reveal their inner potential.
And also this stone helps to improve relationships with others and gives a positive boost to travelers... When purchasing such an amulet, it is very important not to lose it. Accidental loss of a stone can lead to long life troubles.

If we consider this stone in combination with star influence, then it is best suited for Taurus and Virgo, but Aries and Sagittarius are better off staying away from him. The rest of the signs can safely wear jewelry made of this stone, but do not place any special hopes on its magic.
The stone has the ability to absorb the negative energy of the owner. Therefore, periodically, about once a month, it must be rinsed in running water to get rid of accumulations of negativity. To recharge and fill with magical power, aventurine should be shown to the light of the growing moon.

It is recommended not to wear the blue stone in summer and spring, as during these seasons it must rest and gain its healing energy. You should not wear it for more than five days without a break, otherwise aventurine can drown out the life force of the owner.

Medicinal qualities
Many people are sure that stones will help in curing ailments and diseases, and they are convinced of this in practice. There are no scientifically substantiated theories of this magical influence, but no one forbids trusting the wisdom of ancestors. Indigo aventurine can indeed improve health, even if due to the placebo effect.
Aventurine has many medicinal properties. It is believed to help improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and also accelerate hair growth.
In addition, the aventurine bracelet helps to reduce high blood pressure.

Diseases of the respiratory system gradually release a person if he wears a blue aventurine necklace on his chest. Even the thyroid gland normalizes the work, if you wear a ring with this stone on your ring finger.

There is an interesting way to combat insomnia with aventurine. For sound, healthy sleep and easy falling asleep, the stone is sewn into the mattress at the head of the bed. Such a trick will help calm the nerves and rest well for people with increased excitability.
Large stones are heated and used in massage practice. The beneficial warmth, combined with the strong positive energy of the stone, enhances the effect on the muscles and nerve endings of our body.

When treating with aventurine, it is important to remember that the closer the stone is to the problem area, the stronger its beneficial effect will be. Therefore, necklaces and beads are preferable for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the throat, lungs, thyroid gland; earrings will improve vision, blood circulation in the brain, hair and eyelash growth. Bracelets and rings will lower pressure, relieve joint pain, and improve the condition of the skin of the hands.
It also happens that aventurine is not suitable for a certain person. When worn, this person will feel general fatigue, malaise and other problems. If such symptoms appear, then the jewelry should be removed and not worn, so as not to aggravate the situation.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?
Since there is not too much aventurine in nature, they began to produce its synthetic analogs. In terms of beauty, they are not at all inferior to natural ones, but they naturally lack medicinal and magical properties.
The most famous forgeries of aventurine are the synthetic stone "Night of Cairo", as well as the Venetian glass "Murano", which is made with the addition of soda and dyes.

There are several ways to distinguish a fake.
- By shine. A real stone does not shine much. He has a noble reflection, coming mainly from the inside.If the product shines strongly and brightly, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, then the probability that it is a fake is very high.
- Overflow... Natural aventurine has iridescent overflows on the surface, but a fake cannot boast of such a decorative property.
- By uniformity and color saturation. Natural stone is distinguished by a dull, muted shade of blue. In addition, the color is uneven due to its natural origin. The synthetic counterpart is often painted in a uniform, bright blue color.
- By structure. In real aventurine, it is easy to see small cracks and grayness. The artificial stones are completely homogeneous and smooth.
- By glow. Natural stone has the interesting feature of glowing in the dark. You should not expect such magic from a synthetic analogue.
- By strength. Artificial stone is easy to scratch, but the mineral is very durable both in normal wear and in case of accidental impacts.

How to take care of your jewelry?
So that aventurine does not lose its decorative qualities and pleases the eyes of the owners for a long time, jewelry with this stone must be properly looked after. It should be remembered that aventurine should be stored in something soft: jewelry bags, caskets upholstered in velvet. This will allow him not to receive additional abrasions, which is quite possible with inaccurate storage.
Dirt on jewelry with this stone must be cleaned without the use of chemicals.
A simple soapy solution, a soft toothbrush, and a thorough rinse are the only ways to clean aventurine.

Energetically, this stone is friends with many brothers, but does not favor the neighborhood of diamonds and other transparent stones. Therefore, it is better to allocate different storage places for these minerals, otherwise aventurine may even take revenge.
If you approach wisely to wear such a gem as blue aventurine, then it will help you become more restrained, balanced, and even heal the health of its owner. In addition to these important properties, aventurine is also very beautiful framed in silver or gold, and is suitable for both brunettes and blondes due to its wonderful deep color.
For the features and special properties of the stone, see below.