Synthetic alexandrite: description, properties and difference from natural
Alexandrite is one of the most beautiful, unusual stones and an incredibly popular gem. It is distinguished by the unique ability to change shades and even colors depending on the lighting. Since a natural mineral is a very rare occurrence, its price is quite high. Fortunately, modern technologies make it possible to grow nanostones, which practically do not differ from natural ones in their external qualities.
What it is?
Natural alexandrite refers to chrysoberyl interspersed with vanadium, chromium, it is distinguished by transparency, depth and richness of color. But such specimens of alexandrite are a huge rarity, most often in nature there are stones that are not distinguished by their purity, with turbidity. The color scheme is very variable - from greens with blue and olive, to yellowish-brown palette. When lighting changes, minerals can change their color.
Synthetic alexandrite, or hydrothermal, created by man in the laboratory using the Czochralski method, or crystallization. Nanostones are created by mixing small particles of natural minerals with a variety of chemical components. In the creation of cultured alexandrite, it was just as important to maintain the color-changing effect that the hydrothermal method of creation allowed. The stone obtained in this way is brighter, its shade is deep and juicy compared to natural.
Synthesized alexandrite is more in demand in modern jewelry, since natural stone is quite rare, and the price, accordingly, is also quite high. In laboratories, stones are created based on natural alexandrite particles obtained by cutting natural stones.
Hydrothermal stone has great transparency and purity, does not have impurities. As for the color scale, modern technologies make it possible to form stones of any color from green to purple while maintaining the effect of iridescence, trichroism... Such stones are much cheaper than natural relatives, while outwardly retaining all its qualities, and other properties are almost identical.
How is it created?
Grown alexandrite was most popular during the Soviet era, then it was sold in jewelry departments without specifying its origin. The most dimensional stones were created after the Czochralski method was discovered. It allowed not only to stretch, but also to pull the crystals up from the alloy. Since the times of the Soviet Union and until now, Novosibirsk has been a center for the production of artificial alexandrite.
The quality of these stones is so high that nanoalexandrite is often sold abroad as natural, the difference is almost imperceptible. The method allows you to obtain crystals within one week, which change shades in the same way as a natural material.
Alexandrite is produced not only in Russia, Japanese laboratories are very successful, producing stones of yellow-green and violet-red tones. Moreover, greenery is observed somewhat less than in natural ones.
How to distinguish an artificial stone from a natural one?
If you want to buy just natural, real alexandrite, you need to ask for a certificate of conformity at the point of sale, and it is desirable that it be confirmed by other documents and there was an opportunity to check its authenticity in the author organization. It is extremely difficult to determine the authenticity at home, even synthetic alexandrite may not be in jewelry, because fakes are very common.
Instead of alexandrite, natural or synthetic, they often sell cubic zirconia or other artificial stones that are similar in color. It is not possible to determine the authenticity without special equipment, especially when it comes to nanoalexandrite.
The imitation of alexandrite is most often represented by several options.
Chrome glass
This method is used when creating Swarovski crystals. It is rather fragile, to find out that it is a fake, the light will help, the overflows will tell almost everything about the stone, especially since it is unable to change color. If you rub something sharp over the stone, a scratch will immediately appear.
Artificial corundum
It will be very difficult to find the differences here, since it is this material that is often used for the production of nanoalexandrite. Moreover, a synthetic stone will be stronger than natural, the shades will almost completely coincide. The only way is to look at it in the light, where the nanostone will cast yellow, natural - with all the colors of the palette. In modern production, corundum has lost ground in favor of spinel.
The most common material for making nanostones, and it almost completely recreates the original, although there are still differences. For example, the absolute absence of a yellow tint, in addition, spinel will have a deep violet tint in the light, while natural alexandrite is green and red.
This natural stone is not grown artificially, but despite this, it often replaces alexandrite in jewelry, as it has amazing iridescence and similar shades. Its price is low, so it is used quite actively in jewelry, especially in silver.
Another natural stone that has a large number of types, some of them are difficult to distinguish from alexandrite, as they include the same color palettes: red, green. The value of the stone is still in question, because the amount of natural tourmaline on the planet is still unknown.
A stone very similar to alexandrite; sometimes only a specialist can distinguish them. It is just as solid in quality, but it costs an order of magnitude cheaper. At the same time, rubies can be more iridescent than alexandrites.
Zircon and spodumene
The weakest imitation, which does not bear even a superficial comparison. It is enough just to look closely at the stones to determine more modest colors, lack of purity, iridescence and the ability to change color.
Characteristic differences that allow you to determine the difference between natural stone and high-quality synthetic:
- wavy color distribution when viewed sideways;
- there is the impression of a "cat's eye";
- double glare, which is absent in natural stone;
- strange glow in layering;
- the presence of bubbles.
All this can be easily seen with a magnifying device.
How to wear and care?
Alexandrite does not require too careful maintenance, especially since artificial stone is more durable than natural. However, there are a number of rules that are recommended to be followed.
- Neat wearing. If you want nanoalexandrite to shine and retain its color, avoid contact with chemicals, cleaning products. Remove the stone before using them.
- Correct cleaning. The stone is cleaned in only one way: they prepare warm water and create a light soapy solution into which the jewelry is sent. After 15-20 minutes it is taken out, washed and wiped.
- Competent storage... The ideal place for this is dry, dark, not hot. In addition, avoid contact with other jewelry or wrap with cloth.
Despite the artificial origin, the crumb itself, from which the stones are grown, has a natural, mineral composition. Therefore, nanoalexandrite also has magical properties. In order for the stone to be of maximum benefit and not to harm, you must follow the rules for wearing it.
- Buy a kit. Alexandrite was often called widowed, as it is capable of bringing unhappiness in personal life. Wearing in pairs will help prevent this, so the negative effect is neutralized.
- Gold setting. It is this kind of frame that enhances the magical and healing properties of alexandrite.
- Pick up a pair. Alexandrite feels good with almost any minerals, does not come into conflict. Only one neighborhood with a ruby should be avoided. These gems are not worn together.
- Put on jewelry last when leaving the house, and take off first when returning. Don't wear them at night.
- Watch for color changes. If the stone often changes color for no reason, check the sugar level, this can be an alarm signal.
- According to astrologers, nanoalexandrite is perfectly compatible with Scorpio, Pisces and Gemini. It is allowed to be worn by Aries, you should not acquire such things for Virgo, Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius.
- Gemini should wear this jewelry if they want to find harmony., since it does not extinguish curiosity, but at the same time balances the character.
- To Scorpios, alexandrites bring the desire and opportunity to follow their dreams. Any obstacles will be much easier to overcome.
- Leos and Aquarius will be able to break through the thorns, comfort raging passions, develop creativity.
- Refuse wearing this jewelry if you do not feel positive enough in yourself.... Permanent negativity will be enhanced by the decoration.
Real alexandrites mined in the Urals are incredibly expensive and are not sold in jewelry stores, they can only be found at auctions.If you dream of such a piece of jewelry, it is better to opt for nanostones. They have the same external characteristics, but are much cheaper.
For information on how to distinguish natural from synthetic stone, see the next video.