Spessartine: properties and description of the mineral

One of the most popular and demanded gems - spessartine - attracts attention with its aesthetic color and extraordinary brilliance, it seems to glow from the inside. These outstanding properties make the mineral very valuable among artisan jewelers and collectors.

Facts from history
It has long been possible to find unusual stones on the Spessart Alpine Ridge, along the Main River. They were part of a large family of precious stones and were called garnets. These stones were painted in warm tangerine shades and gave the impression of a glow. They began to be called that - tangerine pomegranates. In 1832, the French mineralogist F. Bedan studied the found mineral and gave it the name spessartine in honor of the ridge where it was first discovered.
At the end of the 20th century, garnet was cut and used in jewelry. However, Alpine spessartine did not find wide application in jewelry practice due to its physical properties.

Chemical composition and classification
Spessartine garnet belongs to complex aluminosilicates; in addition to silicon oxide, it contains aluminum and manganese. Its chemical formula is Mn3Al2 (SiO4) 3, but in the crystal lattice of the stone, manganese and aluminum ions are often replaced by iron impurities. In this regard, most alpine minerals are dark in color and almost opaque, and this excludes the possibility of cutting.
Not only iron can change the properties of spessartine, but 3% of the gem weight can be impurities of oxidized magnesium, yttrium, vanadium, as well as calcium and titanium.
Found crystal samples leave only 94% of the spessartine itself.
The specific chemical composition of a stone forms its physical characteristics, such as color and transparency. Low resistance to heat, a tendency to crack formation and small linear dimensions of minerals of natural origin cause difficulties in stone processing. However, in the spessartine deposits scattered around the world, fortunately, it is possible to find quality specimens. The hardness of the stone on the Mohs scale is 7 units, and the density is 4 g / cm3, these properties allow it to be ground and cut.

Depending on the impurities contained, spessartines are subdivided into the following subspecies:
- brandaosite - contains a small amount of aluminum and iron;
- calcium, aisenspessartin - contain a sufficient amount of calcium and iron;
- emildine - has a large amount of yttrium;
- johnstonotite - it is a red calcium spessartine with visible impurities;
- spandite - This is spessartine, which has a large amount of calcium and iron or magnesium and aluminum.
The appearance of spessartine is very attractive, it “glows” brightly under any lighting conditions. The color shades of the stone are varied: orange-red, scarlet, orange, as well as red and cherry shades.
The most expensive spessartine is an orange-red mineral, it is mined in South Africa, and its cost can rise up to $ 1,500 per 1 carat.
The cost for other shades of the stone ranges from $ 50 to $ 80 per 1 carat.
The main deposits of the mineral are located in the USA, Brazil, Australia, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. India and Southeast Asia are famous for their deposits of pink and cherry-colored stones. In North America, yellow-orange stones are more common, and garnets from the southern part of the country have an alexandrite effect (color change under different lighting conditions). There are few spessartine deposits in Russia, but it is found in small quantities in Transbaikalia and in the Urals.

Product use and care
Very often, natural variants of rough stones are found in private exhibitions and in museums. Processed spessartines are considered to be more exclusive and valuable.
Jewelry made of platinum, gold and silver are very harmoniously combined with various versions of spessartine. Rings, brooches, pendants with pomegranates will be wonderful accessories for any look and will emphasize the status of their owner.
The use of spessartine and products made from it as talismans and amulets is very popular.
Mineral products must be stored on a velvet fabric in a box.
Prolonged exposure of products to direct sunlight can lead to discoloration and the appearance of small cracks in the stone, so when going on vacation to hot countries, jewelry should be left at home.
To increase the positive energy and restore color, it is periodically recommended to place the mineral under a stream of cold water.
Spessartine jewelry is cleaned with a soft brush dipped in soapy water. Then they are rinsed in clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Magic stone
The fact that pomegranate has magical properties is said not only by psychics, but also by ordinary lovers of expensive minerals. The mineral is especially popular among fortune-tellers and magicians. It is said that future or past events can be seen in the sparkling facets of the stone. It is believed to have the power of certain planets: Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Sun.
The main magical properties of spessartine include:
- activation of human vital energy;
- reviving the will to live and increasing self-confidence;
- increased sexual energy and attractiveness;
- amulet against accidents and injuries.
From the healing properties of the mineral, it is worth noting the beneficial effect on human immunity, as well as the ability to get rid of stress.The gem has a positive effect on the circulatory system, stabilizes blood pressure, has an antiviral effect and reduces allergic reactions.
To feel the power of the mineral, you must constantly carry it with you.

Astrologers note that the magical properties of spessartine extend to people according to the signs of the zodiac:
- Aquarians will be able to find harmony and meaning in life;
- Sagittarius will reveal hidden abilities;
- Scorpions will establish relationships with colleagues, bosses, acquaintances;
- scales gain the strength to tackle difficult issues;
- Crayfish find a patron and become successful;
- Fishes gain self-confidence;
- Lions the amulet will help to strengthen mental health and find peace;
- Taurus gain faith in success;
- Aries find their soul mate;
- Capricorns will be able to defeat laziness and be inspired to achieve their goals;
- Virgin will become more confident and persistent in solving difficult problems.

Experts in the field of astrology and esotericism advise men to wear spessartine jewelry, since the stone radiates male energy. The talisman helps its owner to increase income, accelerate business development, strengthen willpower, get rid of bad habits, increase positive energy and protect against the evil eye.
The predominance of male energy in the stone does not mean at all that it should not be worn by women. On the contrary, the owners of jewelry with spessartine will be able to solve problems in their personal life, to meet their betrothed.
In ancient times, it was believed that spessartine helps women in labor, helps to heal skin diseases, and restores the body's metabolic processes. The most ancient healers noted that the action of the orange-red crystal helps to relieve anxiety, relieve depression and stabilize the emotional background.
Semi-precious spessartine attracts admiring glances of collectors, mineralogists, and jewelers. Thanks to rare colors of natural shades, the mineral looks great in jewelry and gives the owner an elegant look. For people who are fond of astrology, numerology and magic, this stone will come to the rescue with its fantastic magical properties.

For details on jewelry varieties of garnet, see the following video.