Spodumene: types, effects on humans and recommendations for care

Spodumene is a stone that evokes admiration and surprise. Its Greek name is "spodumenos", literally translated as "turned to ashes." Perhaps this was one of the versions of its name. The scientific theory does not contradict this, because it is known that when heated with a blowtorch, the mineral becomes ash-colored.
Spodumene is a fairly well-known mineral from the group of pyroxenes, the weight of which in nature can range from a kilogram to several tons. So, in the 19th century, a mineral deposit was discovered - its length was about 30 meters, and its weight was more than 90 tons. It was a huge block, consisting of gems of various shades without natural inclusions. This crystal formation is usually opaque, but completely transparent stones can also be found in it.
The admixture of ions gives the gem different shades. Spodumene has a truly huge range of colors, tones and midtones - it can be white and pink, lilac and gray, red and purple, even yellow and green with a dash of white.
Its uniqueness is not limited to color. The fact is that in its structure, spodumene can be different: cloudy and transparent, with a glassy luster and completely matte. For such a variety of species, it is loved and appreciated by many jewelers.

Place of Birth
The place of occurrence of spodumene is granite pegmatites, which are most often found on the territory of Afghanistan, America, Austria, Brazil, Norway. The extraction of this mineral on an industrial scale is also carried out on the territory of Russia; stone is found in smaller quantities in Ukraine and Central Asia.Depending on the homeland, the mineral differs in appearance and characteristics.
So, a coarse-grained gem is found in Karelia, Kazakhstan, Tuva, and the Azerbaijani mineral is also different. Australia, Czech Republic, Romania can boast of specimens unique in their beauty.

Today, the three most common varieties of gem are known.
A very beautiful kind of semi-precious stone is kunzite. It has a pink, purple or lilac color. The mineral is named after George Koontz, one of the most famous mineralogists, collectors and experts in gemstones. The gemologist received this stone, along with worldwide fame as a pioneer, from two Californian prospectors who could not independently identify it.
Before its complete and accurate description, the mineral, although found, was confused with tourmaline and amethyst, with which it is very similar.
At one time, kunzite was even called lithium amethyst or spodumene amethyst.

Although this gem is found most often, its deposits are few. Being part of granite pegmatites, it often has a length of 10 meters and a huge weight. Under the light of ultraviolet rays, you can notice a beautiful glow with bright orange rays on it. Its beautiful color, brilliance, hardness and transparency are worthy of a jeweler's hand and precious setting. The most famous precious mineral weighing 110 kilograms was found in the eastern state of Brazil, Minas Girais.
Currently, most of the kunzite stones on the jewelry market are of African and Afghan origin, and, accordingly, a low cost.

Giddenite, or green spodumene, is a rather rare and beautiful mineral. It is characterized by a magnificent shine and a beautiful bright green color. In terms of chemical composition, it is lithium aluminosilicate. Chromium and vanadium in its composition give an incredible color and glow, replacing aluminum ions in the crystal lattice. The most famous hiddenite deposits are located on the island of Madagascar and Brazil. In India, you can find delicate shades of a gem, in Sri Lanka - golden.
In Russia, deposits of the mineral were discovered in the Sayan Mountains in the voids and cracks of pegmatite. The US Museum of Natural History houses a record-breaking stone - green spodumene of incredible purity, weighing 254 grams. This incredible specimen is even called "emerald spodumene". Other members of the giddenite family have a rich palette of all sorts of shades of green, including shades of gray and brown.

A rather rare spodumene is Trifan with unique transparent or pale yellow shades and pearlescent sheen. It is used to create jewelry in gold or silver settings.

Stone properties
LiAl [Si2O6] is the chemical formula of spodumene. It is hard enough for a semi-precious stone. Relative to the Mohs table, the coefficient of its hardness is 6-7 units. There are dense cryptocrystalline or granular masses, less often lamellar. Typical impurities in the stone are sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese.
Due to its physicochemical composition, spodumene is used in the pyrotechnic, thermonuclear and glass industries. Lithium ore is also needed in medicine and in the manufacture of aggregates.

The finest examples are used in jewelry and art. Stones of beautiful shades are widely used as faceted inserts. As an independent decoration, it is used much less often, since the stone is fragile, difficult to cut and polish, moreover, when exposed to bright sunlight, it can change its color.

Spodumene has incredible healing properties. According to lithotherapists, the stone is able not only to normalize the state of the body, but also to cope with many ailments.At the same time, it does not matter at all in what form and how we carry the mineral on ourselves. The cardiovascular and nervous systems are influenced by the exceptional properties of this gem. It is able to protect against stress and nervous breakdown, depression and disease. Its calming effect can improve sleep, prevent fears and panic, relieve headaches and increased muscle tone.

Kunzite is recommended for people after serious illnesses and in the postoperative period as a means to increase immunity.
To increase the healing powers of giddenitis, it is recommended to wear it in a gold frame on the left hand. For people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, a bracelet with green gems or a ring with a stone on the left little finger is preferable. Interesting that the stone is able to enhance the effect of drugs used in cardiology.

Spodumene is credited with magical properties, with the help of which a person can easily enter a state of trance. With the ability to protect its owner from evil, damage, evil gaze, the gem becomes a faithful talisman. It is in his power to give a person confidence in the future, endow him with positive and joy of life and save him from the sorrows of the past.
Magicians and people who are confident in the powerful power of the stone recommend wearing spodumene pendants for small children as protective amulets. Protecting from someone else's negative energy, kunzite will prevent unexpected tantrums or poor health caused by the evil eye or bad word of unkind people.

Who is it suitable for?
The stone will not reveal its healing and magical qualities to an unworthy or stranger. In this case, it will be just a regular decoration with a neutral effect. If the stone finds its true owner, it will be a real helper for him in all matters. Acting as a protective amulet, it is able to neutralize the negative field and evil thoughts. The gem does not tolerate greed and anger, not only external, but also emanating from the owner himself.
The man with the stone becomes more attractive to other people, especially to members of the opposite sex. Emotional interaction with the world takes on brighter colors, sensuality awakens.

Kunzite is suitable for purposeful, courageous people with a firm stubborn character and a strong will to win. Giddenit helps people who are involved in the trade or contractual sphere. It is the stone of financiers, accountants and all those involved in business and trade.

Spodumene, unlike many other precious and semi-precious stones, is suitable for almost all zodiacal signs. In each of them, he enhances the positive qualities that a person possesses according to his sign and tries to soften the negative traits. There are signs that wear this stone is preferable. This is Taurus and Leo, it is to them that the mineral will bring the greatest benefit and will intuitively be on the same wavelength with them.

It is better if the stone was not purchased, but received as a gift. Even if he was a spontaneous purchase, he will gradually get used to the owner and show his strength, affect his life and worldview. The longer you wear a stone, the more impact it has on you.

Subtleties of care
In order for the stone and jewelry made from it to please you for a long time, you must follow the rules for wearing and caring for them. Over time, many natural stones lose their original color and brightness, and in order to avoid this, you need to know some secrets.
- Despite the fact that spodumene has sufficient hardness, it is fragile and any inaccurate influence can damage its surface.
- Do not use any abrasive stone cleaner.
- The mineral should not be exposed to bleaches, solvents, soda, sulfates and ether.
- Do not keep the gem in direct sunlight or store near heating appliances.
- For a stone, sudden changes and exposure to too high or low temperatures are destructive.
- It is advisable to store jewelry made of semi-precious stones in a special box at a constant temperature and no light. To prevent the jewelry from damaging each other, it is better to additionally place them in a special soft cloth bag.
- Special wipes and jewelry cleaners are not used to clean stones. Their purpose is cleaning and polishing metals: gold, silver, cupronickel, but not stones.
- Interaction with chemicals and alcohol will make the stone dull and faded over time. The most offensive thing is that it will hardly be possible to give it its former shine without the professional help of a jeweler.
- Do not expose jewelry with a stone to hairspray or eau de toilette. Always remove gems when showering, bathing, cleaning, or hand washing items.
- Love and take good care of your jewelry. It is recommended to rinse them with running water after each wearing. It is believed that in this way they will be cleansed not only of dust, sweat and possible pollution, but also of the negative influence directed at you.
- You can use warm water to wash the stone with any washing powder, previously dissolved, after which it is necessary to rinse the mineral under running water. To prevent stains, wipe it down with a soft flannel or suede cloth.

You can look at a sample of spodumene further.