Flowers in the kanzashi technique

Needlework is back in vogue. More and more women are making interesting and original crafts in their free time. The kanzashi technique, which came to us from the Land of the Rising Sun, is in great demand. The technique is clear and easy to learn, and the finished crafts are colorful and charming. In most cases, it is used to make flowers. They are complemented by various accessories and products (hairpins, elastic bands, clothes and much more).
To start mastering the amazing Japanese craftsmanship, you need to prepare basic materials and other devices necessary for work... Satin material is used as a base. It may vary in color and quality. For example, you can use the royal atlas - it is denser than usual.
To make the products look neat and presentable, before use, you must scorch fabric ribbons... To do this, you can use any source of open fire (candle, gas burner and other options) or blowtorch.

If this is not done, then threads will appear along the edges of the craft.
Flowers using the kanzashi technique are used to create original hair accessories... With their help you can decorate clothes, bags, hats and much more. Some craftswomen use fabric flowers as additions to the interior, sewing them to curtains, pillows and other elements.

Tools and materials
As with any needlework, before starting work you need to find consumables materials and instruments... Masters who have mastered Japanese technique for a long time have their own sets, which can rightfully be called exclusive.Experienced needlewomen, in addition to satin ribbons, use expensive lace and various fabrics.

Beginners are advised to purchase a ready-made kit at a craft store. Its cost will depend on the configuration and quality of the material. If you do not want to spend money, you can use homemade tools.
- Satin ribbons of any color, length and width. You can also use large pieces of fabric, cutting them to the desired size or shape.
- Also, you can't do without glue. It must be transparent. It is recommended to use a special glue gun, which has found its way into various needlework techniques. Consumables for this tool have practically no stock, and one rod is enough for a long time. You can use universal compounds or super glue, but remember that they dry quickly, so you have to act carefully and accurately.
- You will need tweezers to work with small items. If there is no sewing one, then you can use any other. Even a surgical one or one with which eyebrows are plucked will do.
- Prepare threads of different colors. They should be tight enough not to rip when tightened.
- Be sure to have sharp scissors ready. Their size should be such that it is convenient to work with them.
- You will need candles and lighters when you need to singe the edges of the satin ribbons. If possible, you can use any other tool.
- A set of needles is useful for fastening elements when you need to sew on beads and other decorative elements. Prepare invisibility pins and pins.
- To give the products a more expressive appearance, you will need accessories: beads, organza, beads of different sizes, stones, rhinestones, etc.

The basics of making petals
To make flowers using the technique of the Land of the Rising Sun, the first step is to learn how to create basic elements - fabric petals... They are easy to learn, just follow the master class exactly.

First, we will look at how to make elements of a large form.
Step-by-step instruction.
- Prepare 6 pieces of satin. Size - 5.5 cm.
- Each element must be folded in half, diagonally.
- The result is a triangular element. The pointed corners must be folded inward so that the tips touch the third side of the triangle.
- For those who are just mastering the Japanese craft, it is advisable to fasten the two sides of the triangles with a thread in one place, we are the third triangle. After that, with the experience gained, this action can be abandoned.
- The resulting workpiece is tedious to turn out so that a rounded and smooth petal is obtained. The tips of the triangles should be in the center of the element, at the back.
- Bend the petal in half.
- From below, the petal needs to be cut off. This should be done at an angle, but not horizontally.
- Using an open flame or a soldering iron, you need to solder the 2 ends.
- The process is indicated more clearly in the diagram.

By the same principle, you need to make 6 elements. Now the petals can be connected from below with a thread, bringing them together to make a flower. We decorate the middle with beads, beads or in any other way. Here's what the result can be.

The next element that will definitely come in handy when making kanzashi flowers is sharp petals. Asters, dahlias and other representatives of the flora world are made of them.
The process of making a flower from pointed parts is as follows:
- for a start prepares 8 equal-sized squares. dimensions - 5.5 centimeters.
- folds each element in half, also diagonally.
- after that, fold it in half again and repeat this action.
- the ends that have appeared are carefully cut off.
- we process the edges of the petals with fire - the element is ready.
- to make the description clearer, pay attention to the diagram.

We make 8 sharp petals, collect them together, fix them, cover the core of the flower with a bead and the flower is ready... When connecting a large number, you can make a very beautiful craft.

Interesting ideas
To make a beautiful flower with your own hands, it is enough to choose an interesting master class for beginners and follow exactly instructions.

the Rose
To make a fabric rose you will need:
- lighter;
- white and pink sewing threads;
- pink satin ribbon measuring 2.5x1.5 cm;
- needles.
- glue in a tube or a special gun.

Making crafts step by step.
- The basis of a voluminous flower is fabric stripes 6-7 centimeters. Required amount - 12. Treat each element with fire or blowtorch.
- Fold the fabric and sew with threads as shown in the image.
- We carry out the same action with a different angle. After that, we tighten the thread.
- Using this scheme, you need to make 12 rose petals. Here's what you should end up with.
- From one petal we make a swirling core of a raging rose. We twist the fabric into a tight bundle, sew it from below.
- We sew the resulting core with the rest of the petals in a circle. It is recommended to sew the first elements, and the rest can be glued. When working, place parts so that they overlap. Here's what you should get.

Note: if you want to make a more lush and layered rose, then make more petals.
Now let's make a dahlia out of fabric. To work, you need to prepare the following:
- candle, matches or lighter;
- scissors;
- ruler or meter;
- tweezers;
- sharp scissors;
- satin ribbons 2.5 centimeters wide;
- glue (gun or universal compound);
- the material from which the base will be made (thick paper, cardboard, a small piece of fabric);
- the core of the flower (we use felt or stamens for artificial flowers, which can be bought at a craft store).

Craft making.
- The tape must be cut into equal pieces, 5 centimeters long. The amount depends on the size of the flower. In this case, 35 elements are used.
- Each piece must be carefully folded lengthwise, inside out, in the center.
- Cut off the corner diagonally and process the edge.
- The sharper the cut, the smoother the petal.
- We open the fabric element. The top should turn out to be exactly in the center.
- Clamp the petal from below, seal it with fire. Here's what you get as a result.
- We bend the bottom corners to the center and seal the base.

This is how the petal looks from the side, from the back.

- Using this scheme, make the required number of elements.
- Now let's make the base. You can use the same material or any other.
- Cut out an even circle from the atlas. Diameter - 5 centimeters. Like any other element, we process it with fire from all sides.
- We attach the petals to the base. Forms the first layer by indenting about 5 centimeters from the edge of the circle. We glue 11 dahlia petals securely. The next layer will already include 9 elements, the third - 7, and the last - only 4 or 5. During work, fasten the petals a little overlap.
- For a finished product, decorate the center of the flower with artificial stamens or in any other way, if desired.
- This is how the product will look from the inside out.
- Dahlia using the kanzashi technique is ready.

To make a bright blue flower, a minimum of materials are enough:
- 5 pieces of blue cloth. dimensions - 5x5 centimeters;
- two pieces of green fabric of the same size;
- plastic stamens;
- threads;
- candle or other source of fire.

Execution process:
- first you need to make 5 blue sharp-shaped petals;
- we sew them together, with the lower part to each other;
- after we make two green leaves, they can have a round or pointed shape, if desired;
- we attach them to the flower on both sides;
- places the stamen in the center and, the flower is ready. Here's what you should end up with.

Note: the schemes described above only teach you how to properly handle materials and learn Japanese technology. The main tool when creating crafts is your exuberant and unlimited imagination.
Using the master classes described above, you can make different crafts:
- small flowers for decorating elastic bands and hairpins for girls;

- bouquets of colorful or black and white buds;
- large flowers in pots that will "bloom" all year round;
- baskets complemented by small or lush flowers;

- colorful fabric crafts, with the help of which an ordinary hair hoop will look original and attractive.

You can do this and much more yourself. You just need to be patient, "fill your hand." New ideas, for translating into reality, you can create yourself or find on thematic sites. Kanzashi-style novelties are often printed in craft magazines.
Experienced craftswomen, who have been making crafts using this technique for several years, share the secrets of craftsmanship with novice needlewomen. Listen to the following tips and your crafts will be charming the first time:
- it is better for beginners to use light and soft fabrics - it is more convenient to work with them;
- at the first stages, when making round parts, it is better to take silk, instead of satin - because of the special structure, it bends more easily:
- make a choice in favor of a bright or dark material - traces of fire treatment are more visible on light fabric;
- so that the flower, assembled from narrow petals, looks as natural as possible, bend all the elements to one side;
- thick tape is easier to work with than thin tape;
- for beginners, it is recommended to use a candle for firing;
- do not overdo it with decorative elements - their excess will lead to the fact that the product will look sloppy and tasteless.

Beautiful works
Charming rose in Japanese technique. The craftswoman chose a delicate color of the fabric, and added rhinestones, plastic buds and light green leaves to the finished product.

A lush and colorful dahlia with a deep pink color. It took a lot of sharp petals to make it.

Kanzashi flowers in pots - a colorful decoration for the living room, hall or bedroom. With their help, you can diversify the faded decor, make it brighter and more colorful. Such a craft will be a wonderful present.

Multicolor crafts, with the help of which it was possible to create original hair accessories and jewelry.

Wedding bouquet in white and pink colors. A charming accessory for any bride. Unlike fresh flowers, such a bouquet will retain its charming appearance even many years after the celebration.

A charming snow-white flower made of satin petals, which was adorned with a thin hair hoop... The product was complemented with mother-of-pearl buttons.

Lush aster made of narrow petals of two colors. The core was decorated with a large metal element and stones.

Volumetric flower made of silver and purple glossy ribbons. The middle was decorated with plastic stamens.

For information on how to make a beautiful flower using the kanzashi technique, see the next video.