Kanzashi jewelry ideas for May 9

May 9, even today, three quarters of a century after the victory in the Great Patriotic War, excites the minds of Russians. This is one of the loudest holidays along with the New Year and Easter, it is celebrated everywhere. Many people on this day want to emphasize their involvement in what is happening, and therefore they decorate their costume so that it becomes immediately clear that this is their holiday too.
Before the celebration, shops start selling St. George ribbons and boutonnieres, but they are all the same. A truly creative person can make jewelry for himself using the kanzashi technique on his own - such a craft will look original and unique, and will also become a small reason for pride.

For our country, the kanzashi technique is still a little-known rarity, and not everyone has even heard this name. This can be used, because this will make the jewelry made with your own hands seem even more outlandish.
Kanzashi is a special technique used in Japan (and now in other countries) to create hair jewelry. The material most often used is small scraps of fabric, which are skillfully laid out so that they take the form of flowers.
At the same time, the use of real colors is allowed in the manufacture, but then the accessory, of course, must be extremely fresh and you should not wear it not only repeatedly, but even twice.

Although in the original kanzashi are purely flowers, the holiday of May 9 presupposes the exploitation of other symbols that are somehow associated with victory in the war. For this reason, the decoration, albeit made in the same technique, can be completely abstracted from the floral theme with additional emphasis on patriotic symbols.
Wearing such an innovation, of course, is no longer necessary in your hair - the same St.George ribbon is more often attached to a breast pocket or hung on a handbag. In a word, only the technique remains of the original idea, and in all other respects the experiments will be quite appropriate.
For an even more attractive look, you can use additional materials such as rhinestones, semi-precious stones, and so on.

Master classes
The special beauty of the kanzashi technique is that making jewelry with your own hands in this style is not a difficult task - Japanese women did this every day. Of course, technology has its own subtleties, therefore absolute beginners need to understand the technique step by step so that it turns out really simple and beautiful... We have selected the most popular ideas that are relevant to a specific date - it is with them that you should experiment.

George ribbon in the form of a broochhanging on the chest is one of the most popular jewelry options for May 9. The St.George ribbon itself, of course, will have to be bought separately, but it will turn out to be very beautiful to decorate it.

Take an atlas of three colors: white, red and blue. Make by three five centimeter squares each color. After that, fold each square in half diagonally and fold the opposite edges, melting a little, this will connect them. Turning out each piece, you get petals, gluing them together with a thermal gun, you get three flowers in the shades of the Russian flag.

Separately take 10 centimeters of green satin ribbon and wrap it like a paper cone bag. Repeat the above operation - press the folded edges together so that the shape holds without assistance. The result is, as it were, a wrapper for the future bouquet - inside it, carefully lay out the previously made flowers imitating the Russian tricolor, and also secure them with glue.
To complete the bouquet arrangement, decorate the product with a bright ribbon for bows.

Then you just need to fix in any convenient way, be it glue or a pin, your craft on the previously purchased St.George ribbon... This completes the production of the craft - your kanzashi-style brooch is ready to wear. Experts point out that you can choose any other colors of the buds, or even make the whole bouquet monochromatic - it will still look beautiful and stylish.

This is another variation of the St.George ribbon, but now decorated in the form bow with a beautiful kanzashi style hair clip on top... In addition to the St.George ribbon itself, it is worth stocking up separately with ribbons of similar shades.
Cut the ribbons into squares with sides of 5 centimeters. There should be 7 black squares, and twice as many orange squares, 14. In the place of the cut, the tape may begin to crumble, because the edges of the tapes are burned with fire.
We make petals from orange fragments. To do this, fold a piece of fabric in half diagonally, and then again in half. The operation is rather complicated due to the small size of future parts, therefore it makes sense to use with tweezers... After the orange squares are folded twice, carefully cut the tip, which was held with tweezers, and burn. Bending the resulting figure so that its halves form an elongated bowl, we get a petal and burn the junction of the edges with fire.

The same operations are performed with black squares as with orange ones. The resulting blanks are folded in three so that the black petal appears to be inside the orange one, and another orange one goes on top of it. The output is seven tricolor petals - so that they stick together, they are carefully glued.
St. George's ribbon is tied with a beautiful bow in any known way. All seven petals are glued to the junction so that together they form a flower. The junction is glued so that the flower does not disintegrate, and the center of the bud is often decorated with some stones on top.
The resulting bow brooch looks very unusual and can be used as a decoration for a bag, clothes, or even as a pendant in the car.

St. George's ribbon can be successfully used to form a star - then the decoration will have two symbols at once, inextricably linked with victory. The following materials are needed: the St.George ribbon itself (5 pieces of 11 cm each, preferably 2.5 cm wide and a separate wide fragment for the base), a circle of felt and a button with a leg.

Separate fragments of the tape are folded into a loop with a beautiful rounding, and the severed bottom is decoratively wrinkled and fixed by reflow after all excess is cut off. As a result, the tip of the star is obtained - it is not flat, but the "trick" is just in its volume. The resulting five petals are glued to each other so that they have the shape of a star, the center is decorated with a button - if possible, orange.

The main piece of the ribbon folds nicely with a "collar"... On the reverse side, a felt circle is attached to the structure with a pin, which at the same time will hold the shape of the ribbon. He himself is a support for the constructed star - it is glued or also fastened with a pin. The original brooch is ready!

A very original version of the accessory, unequivocally hinting at great deeds, is a brooch decorated with a medal using the kanzashi technique... Such a craft will be a little more complicated than the ones described above, but everything will work out if you strictly follow the instructions. The difficulty lies also in the search for a decoration designed to play the role of the medal itself, but some craftsmen simply print an image of the award and attach it to a flat metal lid from the drink. The rest of the materials are familiar: the St. George ribbon and wide (4–5 cm) satin ribbons of orange and black colors.

The first step, since the success of the entire operation depends on it, is the creation of the "medal" itself. Attach the picture to the surface of the lid with glue. If it worked out neatly, then you can proceed to the next steps.
Satin colored ribbons are cut into squares, each of which should turn into a petal. To do this, the fragment is folded in half diagonally, its sharp corners are joined together, forming a kind of basket, and burned over the fire to join. The top of the former triangle is cut smoothly to give softness to the lines, the cut is also processed with fire so that the threads do not crumble. As a result, there should be sixteen such petals - equally black and orange.

Carefully coat the petals with glue and sequentially insert each next one into the side fold of the previous one. When all the fragments are used, from the resulting colorful strip form a circle and connect its beginning and end in the same way.
The middle of the structure will turn out to be lonely empty - this is where the cover with a picture in the form of a medal previously glued to it will go, which must also be glued.

The basis for the craft will be cardboard pentagon, the dimensions of which need to be adjusted to the dimensions of the resulting flower so that the cardboard base does not look anywhere, but confidently glues to each individual petal. A St. George ribbon is attached along the outline of the cardboard, which will become a frame for a flower with a medal. In the middle of this structure, a blossoming bud and a reward are glued - the brooch is ready to use.

Theoretically, kanzashi-style jewelry by May 9 is made with any flowers, for example, with a daffodil, but accessories with a carnation - a symbol of victory in the war - are much more popular.
Carnation using the kanzashi technique is also popular for the fact that it is made extremely easily, this task can be done even by children.
Cut from the red satin ribbon eight squares with a side of five centimeters. Turn each square into a circle, carefully cutting off the corners and holding the edges over the fire so that they do not crumble. In the process of fire treatment lightly pull and crease the circles - they should not look ironed, the light texture will not interfere with them. Then fold each such circle in half twice and get eight petals for the future carnation. Glue seven pieces at once into a neat bud, and leave the eighth in reserve for now.

Cut a few leaves from green satin, they will have the shape of a strongly pointed and elongated triangle. Their edges will also need to be melted.
You can use anything from a real twig to a plastic drinking straw as a stem for a clove. Such a stalk must be carefully glued to the previously made bud. It will be possible to disguise the joint with the help of the remaining eighth petal, as well as a fragment of the green ribbon, which must be used to cover the junction. After that, the leaves are glued to the stalk, and the carnation itself is ready.
It remains to lay the St.George ribbon with a beautiful bow and fix it in this way with glue, or better with pins. After that, a constructed flower is glued over the tape.
As an additional decorative element, you can use a sprocket, which is sold in a store.

How to wear it correctly?
There are a lot of options for wearing the resulting accessories.... As a rule, the resulting crafts using the kanzashi technique are attached to a folded St. George ribbon, and that, in turn, is fixed on the chest, tied to the handle of a bag, or attached to a rear-view mirror in the form of a suspension in the passenger compartment.
There are many options for how to fold the St. George ribbon, which is the basis of the decoration. We will highlight just a few of the most popular options.
- Loop... The tape is laid out horizontally. Its edges are folded at an angle of 45 degrees towards the middle - so that they intersect with each other. At the crossing point, they are connected with a pin.
- Check mark... An even simpler method - you just need to lay out the material in the shape of the letter V and also secure such a shape with a pin.
- Bows... The technique of tying a bow is usually not required to be explained - everyone who knows how to handle shoelaces has been taught this art from childhood. At the same time, the knitted St. George's ribbon will look even more graceful if the middle of a simple bow is deliberately pulled off with an elastic band to form a thin "waist".

Beautiful examples
Kanzashi is creativity. Once having mastered the technique and stuffed her hand in it, the craftswoman can eventually begin to come up with and implement her own options for jewelry, including by May 9. We have selected several beautiful examples of such crafts - they are all more complicated than those described above. But on the other hand, they show what heights can be achieved with a zealous desire.
First example – this is a wreath in the colors of the Russian flag. Such decoration shows that Victory Day is not only a holiday for the survivors, but also a date when it is worth remembering those who gave their lives to defend their homeland from the enemy.

Second example – a great example of how flower arrangements don't have to be corny round. At the same time, it is not forbidden to experiment with colors - both the Russian flag and the orange and black theme look equally impressive.

In fact, both color solutions and the shape of flowers are a matter of the desire of the author of the craft. In the third example, we see that even such an original red-orange-white flower looks dignified.

The following video presents an interesting version of a brooch with a daffodil, made using the kanzashi technique.