What crafts using the kanzashi technique to make by March 8?

For our country, the Japanese technique of making kanzashi hair jewelry is still new - even among the fair sex, not so many people have heard of it. Meanwhile, the main women's holiday is approaching, which means that every woman wants to look even more beautiful than usual.
Kanzashi is your salvation, because this style allows you to acquire a stylish little themed accessory at no high cost. And this technique also helps to independently build an original and beautiful gift, which is also important on the eve of the holiday.

The art of kanzashi is based on the skillful handling of satin ribbons, in a sense, this is the same origami, but not from paper, but from fabric. Once upon a time, Japanese girls decorated their own hairstyles in this way, but modern creative personalities have long come to the conclusion that in fact the technique is perfect for decorating literally anything.
Today, almost any small item of ladies' life can be decorated using this technique. Kanzashi on March 8, given that this is the main holiday of the fair sex, may be especially appropriate.

It is important to note that the technique seems difficult only at first glance, but with proper perseverance, you can master it quite quickly.
The young ladies of the Land of the Rising Sun previously knew how to do it every single one, which means that there is nothing super complicated in the task at hand. In fact, the whole the decor is based on being able to make two types of petals - sharp and rounded. All other elements are much less common and do not play such an essential role in simple crafts, so a beginner just needs to learn make petals and arrange them beautifully.

Although the kanzashi technique is not considered too difficult, experienced craftswomen still advise beginners not to tackle the most difficult tasks right away. Failure in a long-term business can discourage any desire to try again, and the simplicity of the first projects will most likely help you to be proud of yourself from the very beginning of mastering the art.
Tools and materials
The main material without which the art of kanzashi is unthinkable is satin ribbonswhich should be quite wide. Only three tools are needed to process them:
- scissors to cut out the shapes you want;
- a lighter or candle to burn the edges to prevent thread shedding;
- tweezers, necessary for handling the smallest parts.

Sliced pieces of satin or finished parts from them need subsequent fasteningto create a complete composition. Depending on the situation, for this purpose it is advised to use either good glue or good old thread.
In some places, you can even use ordinary pins.
In many cases, the finished craft needs some kind of frame, which will allow it to keep the shape specified by the author. The role of the framework can be played cardboard, felt or other blanks, which are pasted over with relatively flat kanzashi flowers outside.

Interesting ideas
In Japan, kanzashi arose as the art of creating hair ornaments from flowers and beautiful ribbons, but today's craftswomen decorate literally everything around in this way. Modern kanzashi technique is already finding much wider application., which means that the possession of it opens up unlimited opportunities for the girl to make the world around her even more beautiful.
If you are not yet familiar with the technique and do not really know how to apply it in many ways in practice, you will love the selection of sensible ideas that we have collected especially for you.

After all, you don't have to make crafts for yourself - you can decorate even the simplest postcard with your own hands in an original way to give it to mom, sister, friend, grandmother.

A postcard in this case can be purchased, but it would be more logical then to do it yourself. For this purpose, you need to take a sheet of thick paper, which you fill out and paint as you wish. Kanzashi will act as decoration, namely flowers and ribbon bows that surround the card.
For making, you need a plain satin ribbon of any color you like. The length of the segment strongly depends on the width, we need 6 squares. You should not choose a tape that is too narrow - it is inconvenient to work with it.

The resulting squares are folded diagonally in half, and then pulling opposite sharp corners together. Having folded the blank, we get a rounded petal. In the kanzashi technique, it is often advised to use glue to fix the elements, but here it is more reasonable to hem the tape - there is little work, but it will turn out to be neater and more durable.
Sewing a round petal, the excess (what is left behind the seam) is cut off. After that, sharp petals are made separately. This task is even easier - the square must be folded in half diagonally twice, then sew the free edges together, and then trim off the excess as shown in the illustration. Please note that the sections must be cauterized, otherwise threads will begin to pour out of the tape.

From ready-made petals arrange a flower, placing sharp and rounded petals alternately. Again, you can connect them with glue, but the seam will be more reliable and neat. The core will look empty, so you need to decorate it with some kind of bead or button on a long leg.
After that, the flower is attached to the same satin ribbon, and a postcard is tied with it. Thanks to such a novelty, a postcard with a satin tulip is sometimes perceived no less joyfully than the most expensive gift.

After studying this master class, you will learn how to create a festive mood literally out of nothing, and the room will be decorated in such a way that no one will have any doubts about what holiday will come in the coming days.
First you need to do frame blank for figure eight. It looks like two rings of different sizes, each of which is cut separately from thick cardboard. Both rings are wrapped with satin ribbons of the desired color (usually red); it is better to fix the ribbon itself with glue. When both rings are wrapped, they can be glued together.
By itself, such an eight still does not look festive enough - it needs to be additionally decorated with flowers.

Above, we examined how to make a flower for a postcard - according to the same logic, it can be made in this case. Over time, you will realize that you can freely experiment with the number of petals and their shape (sharp or rounded) and that you can use different ribbon colors to create a flower. Create at least three of these kanzashi-style flowers and artistically place them where the two rings join to create a figure eight. On this, the craft is ready!
Such a craft is already an order of magnitude more complicated, but it is three-dimensional and can be a completely independent gift for the holiday.
- First you have to make a few kanzashi flowers as it was described in the section on postcards, and also cut the leaves from the ribbons in the shape that seems appropriate to you. Usually the leaves in this technique are made thin and strongly elongated.

- The basis for the crown will be Styrofoam, therefore, you must first find a large piece of this material, and then carefully process it with a sharp tool, giving a shape close to a ball. The trunk is usually made from wire - it can be tinted green or carefully wrapped in green tape, gluing the wrapper.
Remember that a curved trunk will look more decorative than a perfectly straight trunk. After gluing the trunk to the foam blank, place the wood blank in an empty flower pot, fill with alabaster mixture and wait until it hardens.

- At the junction of the trunk and the ball, twine is glued onto the wire in circles, and on it, in turn, they form a rosette of leaves. After that, the foam ball is pasted over with whole flowers, individual petals, or all of this in combination with leaves. A tree can consist of only flowers - this is your creative decision.

- If you initially chose beautiful pot, then the craft can be considered finished on this - it will already be a magnet for all views. If the vessel is not very attractive, you can decorate it separately using the same method - wrapping it with a satin ribbon or even pasting it with separate petals.

If the person being gifted has quite a lot of jewelry and it makes no sense to give it to her, you can give it instead a box decorated in the style of kanzashi will be just where to store all this stuff.
- An ordinary reel of used scotch tape is taken as the basis for the frame of the box. In order for the design to be quite reliable, it is advisable to do with one bobbin, and not glue two to each other, but then the bobbin itself must be wide, because all the contents of the box will fit in it. Farther take a sheet of thick cardboard and cut two circles out of it, each of which will be equal in diameter to the diameter of the bobbin - this is the bottom and cover of the future gift.
The inside of the bobbin, as well as the cardboard circles, must be pasted over with colored paper for beauty. You choose the shade yourself, focusing on the tastes and preferences of the lady to whom the gift is intended. The bottom, decorated on all sides, is glued to the spool, making sure that it is held securely.

- After that, the outdoor decoration of the craft begins. To begin with, the outer side is pasted over with tape - it will become the basis for gluing everything else.A beautiful braid is also glued in the lower part, then they begin to paste over the entire frame of the box with sharp petals, previously made in the kanzashi style. They cover the entire wall to the very top, and only at the bottom a piece of braid will be visible, which does not spoil the picture either.

- The lid is decorated according to the same principle., only here the petals diverge in all directions from the middle. The very center will remain empty, therefore it is advisable to decorate it with a bead, a beautiful button, and so on. This completes the construction.

As in the case of the kanzashi tree, the creator of the craft is not forbidden to show his own imagination. Instead of individual petals, you can decorate the walls and especially the lid with whole kanzashi flowers. From the outside, the idea may seem too simple, at the level of children's crafts, but in skillful hands it can turn out to be a gift of stunning beauty.

A video tutorial on how to independently make a craft using the kanzashi technique on March 8, see below.