How to make a painting using the kanzashi technique?

Everyone wants their home to be cozy and beautiful. In order to create a warm, sincere atmosphere, all kinds of paintings or panels are often used. In our article, we will talk about how to make interior decor items in the kanzashi style.

What is required?
To make an interior panel depicting flowers using the kanzashi technique, you need to purchase a certain set of working tools and materials.
- Ribbons. They must be of several shades. When creating a picture, green colors are most often used - petals are made of them, and other colors are used to curl the flowers themselves - these can be bright contrasting shades (red, blue, purple) or more delicate colors (pink, white or lilac). But in terms of their texture, you can pick up. Satin ribbons are used by the vast majority of craftswomen. This popularity is explained very simply - the tapes are easy to use, they are easy to cut, they melt quickly. In addition, this material is not prone to shedding, it does not undergo deformation and at the same time keeps the desired shape for a long time. Crepe satin ribbons are more difficult to work with. Despite the fact that this material, like atlas, does not deform, nevertheless crepe satin is a rather fragile canvas - when singing, there is always a high risk of simply burning the ribbon. Also, if you are using a light shade for your painting, then keep in mind that over time, dark marks may appear on it. Nylon tapes are comfortable - they are pliable, soft and at the same time crease-free material. Organza ribbons cannot be called simple in any way, since the fabric crumbles heavily and is rather tough.Usually, only craftswomen with extensive experience in needlework work with this material, so think carefully before purchasing ribbons. Although organza flowers certainly come out really beautiful.
- Threads of different colors - here you will need special threads for embroidery (floss or the like).
- Tailor's needles.
- Measuring tape or ruler - in the course of work, measurements are inevitable, especially if you are just taking your first steps in the kanzashi technique.
- Scissors - they must be sharp and of high quality.
- Candle or lighter - the fact is that in the process of work you will have to repeatedly scorch the edges of the tape. This is necessary so that they do not crumble in the future, as well as for bonding several layers together. At this stage, you need to work as carefully as possible and keep the whole process under control in order to prevent the tissue from igniting. It is very important that when reflowing, the workpiece should be held at the base of the flame, and not above it, otherwise your leaf will take on a black tint. The lighter can be replaced with some other tools, such as a hairdresser's curling iron, a soldering iron, or a wood burner. In a word, the choice is huge - take the tool that is most preferable for you.
- Glue - it is best to purchase a special fabric adhesive, for example, "Moment-Kristall". It is most convenient to use it in work with a glue gun, this solution is very practical, since when applied, no stains remain on the hands.
- Tweezers - with the help of this tool, you can hold small details of future petals in case you cannot grab them with your hands.
- Decor elements - it can be all kinds of pebbles, beads, sequins, rhinestones and many other decorations.
- Some needlewomen also use strong hold hairspray to secure the desired petal shape.

Manufacturing technology
A master class on creating interior paintings using the kanzashi technique includes several main blocks. The first includes the work of making a frame and flowers. First, take the frame and remove the glass from it. On the material that you have prepared as the basis for your painting, you should transfer the contours, trace with a pencil and cut out. This completes the production of the base for the kanzashi panel. After that, you need to make any flowers in the kanzashi style and use several types of petals in your work at once - it is best to create a couple of options.
A simple technology is used to curl the petals. For the craft, you need to take a satin ribbon 5 cm wide and use scissors to cut a square out of it, respectively, 5x 5 cm.The place of the cut is scorched with a candle and the resulting workpiece is folded diagonally 3 times and the cut is scorched again to fix all the layers together and the structure does not fall apart.

The second block of work involves the creation of leaves. To twist the leaves, it is necessary to cut out the outline of the sheet according to a stencil from a green tape 5 cm wide, and then lightly burn the edges with a candle fire - this way you will give the workpiece a three-dimensional shape and prevent shedding. While the leaf is cooling, it must be gently bent by hand along the edge.
Leaves can be created according to a different scheme. - in this case, a trapezoid is cut out of the green tape so that its sides are 4 and 1 cm, and then bent in half, pressing the two corners to each other. In this case, the front side of the material must remain inside. The corners are scorching, while it is very important to pinch the scorched edge with your fingers with a strong movement.
When the material cools down, the formed leaf is carefully turned inside out - it turns out in the shape of a rounded arrow.

The third block of works involves the direct creation of the picture itself. When you have both flowers and leaves completely ready, all that remains is to arrange them on the base so that you get a beautiful picture.
Having laid out the picture, draw a wavy line with a soft pencil or chalk, depicting the stems to the flowers, and then embroider them with dense green threads - it is best to take several threads at once so that the stem is more visible.

After that, we move on to fixing the leaves and flowers.
We draw your attention to the fact that the glue should be applied only to the middle of the sheets - otherwise it will spread and give the picture an untidy look.
After all the manipulations are completed, you just have to glue the base of the picture around the perimeter to the back of the frame and place the finished panel in it. It can be hung on the most visible place in the room so that the picture will delight you, household members and guests of your house.
Beautiful examples
We offer you a small selection of the most beautiful paintings and panels in the kanzashi style.
These can be images of delicate bouquets of light shades.

Pictures of bright colors, which play the role of an accent object in the interior, look no less stylish.

A master class on creating a picture using the kazanshi technique in the video below.