Tiebacks for curtains using the kanzashi technique

Organizing a home or work space is important for many people, so the use of decorative elements for design is becoming a priority. In addition to the use of beautiful wallpapers, stylish furniture and other decorative elements, curtains with curtains are important. The choice of a cozy, eye-pleasing and simply beautiful canvas for decorating a window is an indispensable component of the design of any room, and additional decorative elements will serve this purpose. Ties for curtains, curtains and curtains made using the kanzashi technique are considered to be one of the most sophisticated and stylish.
The technique of kanzashi jewelry came to us from Japan, where craftsmen made flower arrangements using satin, organza and silk. A feature of this art is the need to collect items from individual fragments using a certain technique. In the process of creating compositions, the edges of the fabric are finished with fire from a lighter or candle. Flower petals are of different sizes and shapes, can be created using different fabrics, but when they come together, they form an excellent decorative element.

In the process of comprehending the art of kanzashi, you can learn how to make petals of a round, pointed, convex or concave shape, with smooth or wavy edges... The use of various materials allows you to make decorations for clothes, elastic bands on the head, decor for the room. Masters of the kanzashi technique successfully make hooks and holders for curtains and curtains, which not only help to organize the space of the room, but also significantly decorate it.
To create an interesting environment in an apartment, office or any other room, decorate it stylishly and beautifully, you can use tie-backs for curtains using the kanzashi technique. Due to the fact that this art has many facets, it is possible to purchase or independently make that product that is ideal for a particular room and for certain curtains.

Species overview
Tiebacks for curtains are used not only for decorative purposes, with their help you can carry out:
- adjusting the intensity of light entering the house from the street, from the sun or lanterns;
- distracting attention from the fabric of the curtains, if there are any flaws or problem areas on it;
- organizing the decor of the entire room using the correct colors and shapes of products;
- completion of the window composition, complementing the curtains and curtains with a stylish and functional accessory;
- visual expansion of the room - when installing grabs at the level of the window sill, the room and the window will look larger, if you install the suspensions higher, then the room is visually stretched upward.
Since the use of grabs has received not only a decorative, but also a practical purpose, the variety of options began to grow rapidly. Among the most popular types are:
- fabric products;
- hard;
- magnetic;
- cords supplemented with tassels;
- hooks in the form of hairpins.

The kanzashi technique is used successfully in most of these styles. The most famous are the following options:
- pick-up barrette, clip or clothespin, on which the flower arrangement is placed;
- strips of different widths, having a cardboard base and covered with silk, flowers of different sizes, colors and shapes are a decorative element, fastening is carried out using strings;
- the use of grabs with a kanzashi decor with fixation on magnets;
- a pick-up in the form of a plastic or cardboard ring and a bamboo stick, which together make up a decorative composition for silk and fine fabric curtains.

Using the art of kanzashi to decorate curtain hooks requires certain skills and abilities, but with a strong desire, you can quickly master the basics of this craft.
To understand the principle of creating flowers from various ribbons, it is best to watch a master class on creating a product of interest or several video tutorials on a selected topic.
Having basic knowledge, certain concepts of what to do, it is worth acquiring everything you need and getting to work.

Tools and materials
Many needlewomen prefer to create decor elements for the room on their own, based on their taste and preferences. To create tie-backs for curtains and curtains in kanzashi technology, you need not only desire and time, but also a number of materials and tools. Among the most important are the following.
- Satin ribbon 2-3 cm wide for making petals. Colors may vary. You can create jewelry from organza, silk, brocade and reps.
- A 5 cm wide ribbon, from which the flowers will be created. The color scheme is also selected individually.
- When creating round grabs, you will need 2 CDs.
- To decorate discs, a 1–2 cm wide ribbon is purchased in a discreet color that matches the overall composition.
- Soldering iron to remove the middle of the disc and create a round grip hoop.
- Tweezers, with which the tapes will be folded and fixed.
- Sharp scissors.
- Japanese sticks for fixing grabs on curtains.
- The threads allow you to fix the ribbons in the desired position, their color must match the shade of the main product.
- Needles with pins. You will need no more than 5 pieces, but it is important that the products are sharp and thin.
- Hot melt glue and glue gun.
- Thermal cutter, which allows you to cut the tape neatly and beautifully.

In the process of creating compositions in the style of kanzashi, craftswomen can use metal ruler or ready-made templates, to measure the required amount of material for the workpiece. To the edges of the ribbons did not unfold, they must be thermally processed, for which you can use a candle, lighter, soldering iron or burner - the choice of a specific option is individual. Depending on the idea, you may need beads or lace.
To create compositions, it is necessary to use various bases and the easiest way is to take hairpins, hoops, elastic bands or brooches for this and select the best options.

Cutting and assembly
To create grabs and any other decorative elements using the kanzashi technique, you need to learn cut out blanks and create leaves and petals for flowers with your own hands. To make foliage from ribbons, you need to purchase a satin ribbon 2-3 cm wide and cut off strips of 6-7 cm. To obtain a pointed leaf, you must:
- burn the edges of the slices with a candle;
- bend one side diagonally to the center;
- bend the second side diagonally, partially covering the first part;
- cut off the bottom of the tape, aligning it;
- fold the resulting workpiece in half;
- trim the lower part by cutting off all unnecessary;
- clamp the bottom of the workpiece with tweezers;
- scorch the lower part of the product;
- cut the corner at the bottom of the workpiece and singe it off individually to create a hollow piece.

If you want to try to make round-shaped leaves, then the sequence of actions will be slightly different:
- purchase a tape 5 cm wide and cut it into 5x5 squares;
- bend the workpiece, making a triangle out of it with a gap of 1 mm;
- bend the resulting triangle, connecting each edge with the middle and clamp the edges with tweezers;
- cut the bottom corner of the workpiece and burn with a candle;
- trim the lower part by cutting off the excess material diagonally;
- clamp one part of the petal with tweezers and singe it, then repeat the same for the other part.

By creating a certain composition, it is worth counting the required number of leavesto make the finished product look as attractive as possible. The resulting blanks must be fastened to each other and planted on some kind of base, depending on the desired result. In addition to foliage, it is necessary master the construction of petalsfrom which flower arrangements will be created. To make this element, you need:
- purchase a tape at least 5 cm wide and cut it into squares;
- bend the workpiece so that you get a triangle;
- repeat the procedure again;
- bend the edges of the triangle back to the center fold line;
- clamp the lower part, trim it if necessary;
- scorch the edges.

The result is a beautiful pointed petal.
When using several fabrics for the blank, you can make two-tone products or combine a number of shades in one flower, creating an original composition.
Each petal connects to the other with hot melt, and the final moment is the installation of a bead or other decoration in the middle of the flower.
Using blanks and templates, you can master the basics of kanzashi mastery and build any curtain hooks, guided by your own tastes and preferences.
A master class on creating a pickup using the kanzashi technique in the next video.