How to survive being fired from your job?

Firing is a lot of stress for any person. For some, work is a guarantee of stability, an opportunity to provide for themselves and their families. And for some it is a favorite thing, an opportunity to express oneself, to realize one's abilities and skills. In any case, such an event negatively affects the human condition. Hands drop, self-esteem decreases, resentment, anger, despair captures. Our article will tell you about how to survive the dismissal from work with dignity and turn the situation to your advantage.
The first wave of emotions
If the loss of a job did not occur of their own free will, this inevitably leads to a stressful state. It is especially offensive if a lot of effort and effort has been applied. Emotions vary depending on the situation. Someone's pride is hurt first of all. The person is captured by anger and resentment.
It seems that the boss underestimated and humiliated him. In this case it is important to pull yourself together and leave the workplace with dignity, no matter how much you want to express all your thoughts to the management. Insults will still not correct the situation, but will only expose the brawler himself in an unfavorable light.
For some, the main thing in such a situation is the loss of a source of income. Panic begins, it seems that it will be very difficult or even impossible to find another job. People who are close to retirement age (40 years or more) are especially affected by layoffs. It is also important here to try to calm down and understand that the labor market is large, there are many opportunities, and even people of mature age may be in demand. Many executives value experienced employees.
Anyway, if you got fired, you need to leave the worries for later and try to get the maximum benefit from the last place of work. Ask your boss to write to you testimonial or letter of recommendation.
Make sure your employment record or employment contract indicates an acceptable reason for leaving. Claim compensation for unused vacation.

Looking at the problem from a different angle
So, all the formalities are settled, and you are left alone with the situation. From the point of view of psychology, it is obvious that it is difficult to rejoice in such a situation. But you can look at the problem from the other side. When one door closes, another opens. If you lose one job, you can find another. However, it may turn out to be better than the previous one. Perhaps you will earn more or, in general, change the type of activity to a more interesting one for you.
If financial isn't your main issue, getting fired can be an opportunity to get some rest, take time for your family, do self-improvement, learn new things, or improve your qualifications. Anyway this situation can be an impetus for positive changes in your life, which you would not have dared to do yourself.
Cause analysis
In the event of a job loss, it is important to determine why it happened. An analysis of the reasons will help restore peace of mind and understand what needs to be worked on so that the situation does not repeat itself in the future.
So, the most common reasons for dismissal:
- a person performs his duties poorly - one should learn to concentrate on business, strive to improve skills, gain new knowledge, adequately perceive constructive criticism and correct one's mistakes;
- problems with discipline - you need to develop responsibility, punctuality;
- bad relations in the team - it is worth learning to be more polite, benevolent, sociable, weaning from gossip and intrigue.
If the reason for this situation is a banal staff reduction or the need to free up space for a relative of the boss, you shouldn't even think about it. If the reason is unclear, and at the same time you are refused to pay compensation, you can contact a lawyer for advice. So you will be sure that everything is happening in accordance with the law and that they are not trying to deceive you.

We use our free time to good use
The free time before starting a new job can be spent pleasantly and even benefit from it.
Physical activity
You shouldn't lie on the couch and be sad. Be sure to do exercises, go for walks, you can sign up for a gym or start jogging in the morning.... It will strengthen your health and energize you.
Healthy eating
Office workers often eat irregularly and not very useful. At home you can adjust your diet, learn how to cook new healthy dishes.
If you can, give yourself a good rest. It can be hiking or just visiting other countries. Unity with nature, new impressions, vivid positive emotions - all this will benefit you.

Tidying up your home and life
Perhaps lately you have accumulated a lot of unfinished business, for which there was not enough time due to work. Fix what's broken, get rid of unnecessary things, complete repairs.
Education, hobby
If time permits, sign up for refresher courses or learn something new. This can be the acquisition of skills useful for future work (for example, computer courses, language learning) or some kind of activity for the soul.
Finding a new job
You should not rest for more than a month. The fact is that any skills are lost over time. In addition, employers are reluctant to accept those who have been inactive for a long time. And the very desire to work can disappear. A person gets used to sitting at home and relaxing, and the enthusiasm for work decreases.
Having calmed down and having gathered strength, you should start looking for a new job. Consider whether you want to stay in the same field or do something new. If you choose the second option, you should soberly assess your capabilities, knowledge, level of training. Think about what is required for the desired position and decide what gaps are worth filling.
Create a resume, send it to firms offering vacancies, register at the labor exchange.

Part-time job
When looking for a new job, you shouldn't ignore every opportunity. If the financial issue is acute, you can take a temporary part-time job for a couple of hours a day. This will keep you “afloat” and will not interfere with serious interviews.
Psychologist's advice
Experts advise do not keep negative emotions in yourself. Of course, throwing a tantrum in the boss's office is not worth it, but throwing out emotions later (for example, through punching a punching bag) is possible and even necessary. Do not isolate yourself from loved ones, share your thoughts and fears with them. You will definitely feel better.
Nevertheless, it is also not worth "swimming" in depression for months. Allow yourself to be a little sad, and then (after a couple of weeks) get yourself together, analyze the mistakes, find positive sides in the situation, think over ways to solve the problem.