Workaholic: definition, manifestations, methods of treatment

According to the Englishman Charles Darwin, labor made a man out of a monkey. Our famous compatriot Vissarion Belinsky argued that labor ennobles a person. Both of these have been taught to most of us since childhood. As well as the truth that patience and work will grind everything. And it's hard to disagree with this. It is almost impossible to achieve any significant results in any industry without hard work.
Unfortunately, for some, work becomes not a means to an end, but an end in itself. It's about workaholics. The consonance with "alcoholics" is not accidental. Both are at risk. Most often, they lose their health, their psyche is shattered, they have no friends, family, and, in principle, the joys of life are unknown to them. Who are workaholics, and how do they become?

What it is?
Workaholics are not born, they become. These are people who have allowed themselves to be completely absorbed in their work. In psychology and psychotherapy, this form of addictive behavior is considered nothing more than a disease. A person with this diagnosis is most often an insecure individual. This type of addiction is accompanied by inappropriate behavior and outlook on life, an altered state of consciousness. The main definition and characteristics of such a person is a strong, pathological craving for work, which is in the first place in his life.
He no longer remembers what is good, what is bad, he is all in work, calls himself a hard worker, considers himself a hero, but in fact he is a "client" of a psychiatrist.

Experts call the following prerequisites for turning a person into a workaholic:
- As a child, you left your problems at work, sat down to study, ran to collect waste paper, immersed yourself in the social life of the class.
- Your parents worked, as they say, conscientiously. They spent day and night at work, while earning little, but their photographs flaunted on the honor roll, their bedroom was decorated with certificates and awards for military work.
- As a child, you waited for praise from mom and dad so much that you were ready to spend hours cleaning, preparing breakfast for them, taking out the trash every day, working with your younger sister.
- You want to feel your own worth as a result of the work you have done.
- It is difficult for you to find a common language with people, you feel uncomfortable in the company.
- For your work, it is enough for you to receive praise from your superiors, money and other benefits are of much less interest to you.

If something like this has happened to you, you may have already taken the first step into the abyss of workaholism. So how can you recognize a workaholic in yourself or a loved one and stop the process of personality destruction in time?
Signs of workaholism
This disease, like most others, develops gradually. And in the initial stages, it manifests itself weakly. Therefore, it is very difficult to identify it immediately. Moreover, initially, such zeal is assessed by colleagues and superiors as a positive example. A workaholic works 20 hours a day, 30 days a month. Thus, it accumulates fatigue, but does not show its appearance.
Moreover, it does not matter at all whether it is a man or a woman. The disease spares no one.

Yesterday's lazy person can also turn into a workaholic. In different countries of the world, they are looking for methods to combat this disease. It is not for nothing that labor legislation is regularly changing, which stands for the protection of the "working class". We all have the right not only to work, but also to rest, and we are simply obliged to use it. Endless work will inevitably lead to exhaustion, both physical and mental.
But first, you will encounter the following phenomena:
- You don’t want to meet and talk to anyone, you simply don’t have the energy or the time for it.
- You dive into yourself, you become withdrawn.
- You find solace in gambling or alcohol.
- You are incapable of expressing feelings.
- You have forgotten how to have fun, as well as, in principle, the ability to rejoice.
- You are not even interested in what used to be the meaning of life.
- You swear a lot. You, in principle, become characterized by aggression and anger.
- You get tired quickly, and this infuriates you even more.

We are not clockwork bunnies, we cannot change the battery at any convenient moment. We ourselves must use our energy wisely.
Ultimately, it was not in vain that labor helped the ape to become a man, according to Darwin's theory.

If among the following you find a familiar wording for your behavior, it's time to think:
- You neglect rest.
- Outside of work, you become irritable.
- Without work, you feel dissatisfied.
- You are ready to shoulder the responsibilities of others.
- You feel a surge of energy, your own self-sufficiency and self-confidence only when you are at the workplace.
- Returning home, you immediately become gloomy, become vulnerable, you are not interested in anything.
- From your colleagues, as well as from yourself, you demand an incredible dedication.
- You hate criticism.
- Any failure at work drives you crazy.
- Apart from work, nothing pleases you.
- You take work home or come to the office even on your day off.
- All your conversations at home or at meetings with friends are only about work.
- When you go to bed, you think about work.
- You are not interested in how much you make; you only care how much you make.

Types of disease
Workaholics are different. Depending on social status, mental state, education in the end.
The "active" life position of such a workaholic does not give him time to rest. He cares about everything that happens in the work collective and about each colleague.... Colleagues, in turn, laugh at him at best, hate him at worst.

This workaholic curry favor with his superiors and himself, every now and then he takes work home. For example, this is an accountant who takes papers home for the weekend to finish reporting.
A talented person is talented in everything. So workaholics from creative personalities turn out to be extraordinary. They do not sleep for days to finish a book, play, stage a play, or make a film. As soon as they finished with one project, they immediately take on another.

This workaholic "lives" in the gym. And he optional professional athlete... Among fitness fans, there are also such. They are not afraid of heavy loads and, as a result, numerous injuries. But unfortunately, this is just an illusion, which often not only throws such a workaholic off Olympus, but also leads to a wheelchair.
Such workaholics are more common among the beautiful half of humanity. They forget that they are the weaker sex and go, as it seems to them, to protect even more unprotected children. They forget to do a manicure or tint up the gray hair, but they know exactly the schedule of their child's lessons, the time of the next parent meeting, they organize field trips, holidays for the whole class. And all of this is definitely good but such ladies literally spit on themselves. Does a child need such a mother?

"For yourself"
These workaholics can still be quickly helped. Despite the fact that they spend most of their time and energy at work, sometimes a thought arises in their bright head, and am I too zealous? Moreover, sometimes they try to find the joys of life outside of work.
"For others"
Helping such workaholics is difficult or almost impossible. Everything suits him, but he does not notice that his absence is causing suffering to his relatives. As he does not notice practically nothing around, except for work, of course. That is why there is no problem for him, which means that he will refuse help.

Perhaps the most common type of workaholic. It seems to him that everything is working out for him, which means that there are no problems. He goes to his goal, destroying everything in his path, his own health, relationships with loved ones and even his savings, which often do not return to him.
This type is treatable in some cases. Such a workaholic literally beats against the wall. He only pretends to work hard. As a result, his efforts lead nowhere. His actions are irrational. He simply has nothing else to do. And sometimes he admits it.

Companion is difficult, but curable. He constantly complains that he is tired. He says that he is forced to do more than he is able to accomplish. Such a workaholic supposedly always overwhelmed... In fact, he rushes to work, as only there he feels his need. The fear of loneliness and underestimation makes a person that way.
How to get rid of?
A workaholic, like other addicts, is difficult to cure. But the sooner you start doing this, the better. Without the help of a specialist, treatment is unlikely to be effective. Your best bet is to see a qualified psychologist who can help you stop being a workaholic and learn how to relax.
In some cases, you cannot do without the help of a psychotherapist. Cognitive techniques in psychotherapy are helpful in most cases.

A workaholic is dangerous primarily to himself. He sooner or later develops insomnia, he becomes forgetful, irritable, he is characterized by sudden mood swings. As a result - frequent headaches, nervous tics, dizziness and other "delights". There is even an opinion that excessive work dependence leads to dementia.
More often, workaholics become susceptible to other more common misfortunes and harm their body through alcohol or even drugs.

Expert advice
If you feel that such a disease is only approaching you, then try to stop it at the "threshold".
To do this, experts recommend giving yourself honest answers to the following questions:
- What are you saving yourself from at work? Are you afraid to be alone or, on the contrary, are you afraid of companies?
- What scares you more - the failure that will befall you at work, or the punishment that you will incur for it?
- What makes you go to work after hours? The desire to feel significant or needed, or perhaps you just do not know what else to do with yourself?
- Do you like the role of the savior of everyone and everything? But do the “saved” need your help?
- Do you like to be praised and said "thank you"?
- You feel more confident when everything is under your control.

Only by understanding the reasons for your addiction to workaholism, you can get away from this addiction. Often, the roots of the problem are buried in childhood. You weeded the garden all day, but mom didn’t notice, you got an A, and dad didn’t buy a chocolate bar. So you are waiting for the missing gratitude. But believe me, this will not lead to anything good. You will drive yourself. Chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion, painful condition - workaholics have no time to go to the doctor.
Therefore, you have only two ways - either to go the other way and stop putting work in the first or even the only place in your life, or to burn out at work in the literal and figurative sense of the word.