Paintings by numbers on the theme "Flowers"

Paintings by numbers are now very popular among creative people. The most common schemes are with the image of different colors. The process of drawing them is a great pleasure for both children and adults.

There are many beautiful flowers all over the world. Therefore, the drawings with their image are different.
There are several items in the classic paint-by-number kit.
The foundation... It can be cardboard, stretched canvas or wood. A drawing is applied to the base. For a beginner artist, a set with a cardboard base is suitable, for a more experienced one, a diagram with a canvas. Wood paintings are not yet very popular, because they are quite heavy and massive. But products on a wooden basis always look spectacular and unusual. Together with such a blank, there is a small cheat sheet in the kit. It shows how the drawing will look after coloring.
Paints... Acrylic or oil paints can be used to create such paintings. All colors are numbered, so a novice artist will not have any problems in the process of creating a future painting. All paint cans close well. If used correctly, they will not dry out over time.
Brushes... In addition to paints, the set includes several different brushes. They all differ in size. Therefore, it is convenient for the artist both to paint over large areas of the drawing, and to draw small details.
Mountings... Some kits have small mounts. They are used for hanging paintings on the wall. In addition, the set may contain varnish, which is used to fix the finished drawing.

Paintings by numbers on the theme "Flowers" differ in the level of difficulty. There are simple drawings for children on sale. They look like regular coloring pages. As a rule, such pictures with flowers have a lot of greenery.

Paintings with a lot of detail look much more realistic and effective. As a rule, older people choose such schemes.

Pictures consist of a huge number of little things, therefore they are suitable for people with good eyesight.
Jobs can also consist of several parts. The most popular are ordinary paintings, consisting of only one base. In addition to them, the following work options can also be found on sale:
diptychs, consisting of two separate bases;
triptychs, which are three small paintings;
polyptychs consisting of more than three paintings.

Any of these paintings will look beautiful on the wall.

Thumbnail overview
It is very easy to choose a suitable sketch of a drawing for yourself. After all, there is a very large selection of paintings with flowers.
Still lifes... Such works look very gentle. A bouquet of flowers can be in a vase or basket. They are usually located on a window or on a table. Delicate flowers can be surrounded by some significant details.

- Meadow flowers... Volumetric paintings depicting wildflowers look no less interesting. Cornflowers, chamomiles and other similar plants can be combined in one picture.

Landscape. Spring or summer landscapes with flowers are also popular. Plants in such drawings always come to the fore. In such a work, both white and red roses or lilies and simpler flowers look spectacular.

When choosing a painting, you should take into account your interests, as well as think about how the finished work will look in the interior.
Dimensions (edit)
Modern paintings differ with colors and their sizes. The most popular works are 40x50 and 30x40 centimeters in size. It is convenient to paint them even for a novice artist.
Larger paintings are suitable for more experienced artists. They can choose products of 40x80 or 50x65 cm for themselves.
Manufacturers always indicate the size of the paintings directly on the package. The cost of the product also depends on this.

Painting techniques
There are several techniques for painting pictures by numbers.
By colors. This option is suitable for creating striking works. To begin with, light details are worked out, then dark shades are added.
From large to small parts. This is how they paint pictures with voluminous colors. First, they pay attention to the big details. After that, all the highlights are placed, and clear contours are drawn. Thanks to this approach, the picture looks neat.
Center to sides... Working on this principle, a person will definitely not be able to spoil the drawing or smear the paint. Coloring pictures using this technique is convenient even for young children.
Top down. This scheme is similar to the previous one. The artist initially paints the upper part of the canvas and only then goes down. Thanks to this approach, he manages not to erase the paint with his hands.

The brush is usually held in the process like a normal pen. It is very important to have support at hand. In this case, the artist will not get tired. The work will turn out beautiful and neat.
Recommendations and Tips
The following tips will help beginners to learn how to paint flowers beautifully by numbers.
During work, always have wet wipes on hand, thin toothpicks and a container of clean water. In this case, the person can easily correct any flaws.
So that colors do not mix during work, brushes after using dark or bright colors should be thoroughly rinsed... In this case, the picture will look neat and beautiful.
If the paint is temporarily not used, the container with it must be tightly closed. This is done so that it does not dry out.
Use wide flat-edged brushes to paint over large parts of the design. It is recommended to draw small details with thin round brushes.
Having finished the work, you need to look at the picture from the side... This will ensure that there are no empty elements or translucent numbers on the canvas.

The finished work must be thoroughly dried. If desired, the painting with flowers can be covered with a thin layer of varnish. This will help to extend its lifespan, as well as protect the drawing from dust.

A spectacular picture, created with your own hands, will be an excellent home decoration or a gift for a loved one.