Features of paintings by numbers for children

While drawing, a person is distracted from worries, he relaxes, enjoying the creative process. Starting from early childhood, the child learns the basics of drawing, gradually improving in this. Drawing is one of the ways of self-expression, cognition by the kid of the world around him. This fascinating process allows you to unleash your creative potential, instill a love of beauty, learn to understand painting and appreciate it.

Pictures with small numbered segments will help you make your own masterpiece on your own. In this case, the artist's task is to fill in the fragments with paint corresponding to the number indicated in a certain area.

What it is?
Paintings by numbers is a canvas with numbered elements applied to it. The technique of work consists in applying the necessary shades of paint to the elements of the picture with the same number. Painting them with paints of the appropriate color will allow you to get an original picture with an interesting plot.
Initially, the painting itself is usually applied to a prepared canvas, which is stretched over a stretcher. There are options for applying to cardboard coated with primer. This option is perfect for kids who decide to master this technique.

Kits for children are usually supplied with safe, environmentally friendly, odorless acrylic paints. For convenience in the process of work, each container for paint has its own number corresponding to the number in the picture presented. The set includes several brushes of different thickness, which directly depends on the complexity of the sketch.
The use of acrylic paints allows you to paint with them without diluting with water.
In some cases, they can be thinned to make them less viscous. Paints give a rich shade, while they dry very quickly. To achieve a deeper shade will allow painting in several layers.

In the process of work, the child may need:
- a container with clean water for diluting excessively thick paints;
- a napkin for wiping dirt from hands;
- toothpicks or a box of matches to stir the paints.

After finishing work, you should wash the brushes and close the paint boxes well. If the brushes are not cleaned immediately, they will dry out and will no longer be possible to rinse them.

There are different types of such pictures.
- Coloring pages (classic), which are presented in the form of standard sets with a canvas and segments with numbers drawn on the surface. The set includes brushes and paints in different shades.
- The paintings are luminescent. The difference from the previous version is in the presence of luminescent paints. It is customary to apply them on the finished canvas, giving it a glowing effect.
- Clock on canvas. This is an interesting and practical option that allows you to get not only a picture, but also a built-in working clockwork on the canvas.
- Mandala. This option is a painting with a marking scheme with or without numbering, which allows you to choose colors and patterns on your own, subject to the artist's imagination, his imagination.

Pictures for toddlers are usually presented in the form of classic coloring pages. Nevertheless, having mastered the basics, young artists can proceed to more complex models using luminescent shades or other options.
Thumbnail overview
Initially, coloring drawings by numbers was intended for kids, however, adults were able to join this exciting activity. Anyone, even without the ability to draw, can, if desired, create their own masterpiece.

In addition to the images of cartoon characters or fairy-tale characters, any image in different genres can be performed on the paintings.
It can be:
- landscapes - they can depict city or sea views, seasonal sketches;
- still lifes - this option is very popular, because it includes images of flower arrangements, sketches with fruits, berries, vegetables, kitchen utensils;
- portraits;
- animalistic paintings depicting animals.

Also popular are paintings in the form of copies of famous masters, geographical places, outer spaces.
It is included in the kit?
Such kits for drawing pictures by numbers consist of:
- basics;
- brushes;
- checklist-tips;
- paints.
A set usually includes numbered acrylic paints in different colors. The number of shades depends on the plot of the drawing itself, the variety of colors used for it.

In addition, the kit may include other elements in the form of fasteners, instructions, a packing box.
Features of choice
Color by number have their own differences depending on their size, the size of the segments, the number of shades used, as well as the level of difficulty.
- Children aged 3-4 years I will prefer small pictures, for example, 10 * 15 cm or 20 * 30 cm, which have a minimum set of bright colors and a small number of large-sized segments. Kids will love sketches with funny and funny characters from their favorite cartoons or fairy tales. For little children, it is better to choose canvases with the image of a bun, hare, chanterelle or other characters, the drawing of which does not require the use of a large number of tones. A child aged 3-4 years old will enjoy working on creating his own masterpiece in the form of a coloring book he has drawn. Such an activity will be exciting not only for children, but also for adults.

- Similar options are suitable for kids 5 or 6 years old. Fairy tale characters or images of cartoon characters will help them master the basics of drawing with acrylic paints by numbers. For girls, it is better to choose models depicting princesses or fairies, while boys will prefer options with cars, robots or fairy knights.

- Schoolchildren 7, 8 years old you can try your hand at 30 * 30 cm canvases with a more varied palette and smaller segments. Images of characters from the cartoon "The Little Mermaid" or "Frozen" will be a great option for children of this age.

- Children over 10 years old, as well as adolescents canvases with sizes of 30 * 40 and even 60 * 80 cm are suitable. Such paintings will be presented in the form of more complex subjects, using a wide color palette and the presence of smaller elements.

Small size coloring pages with large elements should be chosen for children. Children's drawings should not have many elements, it is desirable that they be small. Working on the future picture, kids will be able to develop perseverance, accuracy, get acquainted with various shades and colors. This pastime will contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

Large canvases, with numerous elements provided, are suitable for adults. Pictures for adults are distinguished by great versatility in the choice of colors and subjects. This is a great option that can be given as a gift, and the picture can also serve as an element of decor in any room.