Drawing pictures by numbers

Drawing pictures by numbers is not only an exciting experience, but also a great opportunity to get a beautiful interior element that can decorate any room. In addition, this type of activity can be so captivating that, having achieved excellence in work, you can safely make presentations to relatives and friends. Moreover, there are a great many plots of such pictures.

What it is?
Painting by numbers is a painting kit. At the same time, the sizes can be different - from very miniature canvases to very large ones. The choice of subjects is also very extensive, which makes it possible to choose a picture for any room, for a child and an adult, for a beginner and an experienced master.

The set usually includes the main components.
Canvas... It is on it that paints will be applied. It is a canvas on which certain areas are numbered.
The more areas and the smaller they are, the more difficult the work, the longer it will take to create a picture.

- Stretcher... In most cases, the canvas is immediately attached to it. Therefore, it is enough to unpack all the items, unfold them and you can start working.

- Brushes... The set may contain one brush or several at once. It is always more convenient to have different options, since only a very thin brush can be suitable for very narrow areas. While large areas are best painted with a large brush.
Even if there is only one brush in the set, it is better to purchase additional copies.

- Paints... The set includes paints that should be used to create the picture.But, again, additional paints can be purchased if desired.

- Color picture... You need to focus on it, and it gives an idea of what the final version will look like.

- Scheme... There are designations on it. Each color has its own number. It remains only to find the desired number on the canvas and paint with the required color.

How to choose a painting?
Drawing by numbers will captivate not only a child, it is suitable for absolutely all adults.
When choosing a painting, you should pay attention to many important nuances.
- For the first time, it would be more correct to purchase a small painting.... So you can understand whether this activity is to your liking or not. An option that is too large can immediately tire you, and the result of the work will not be seen very soon, the work will have to be divided into many stages. This is especially worth remembering when a painting is purchased for a child. If the main goal is to captivate him, you need to look for a small picture, but with big details.
- Pictures differ in the level of complexity... Again, the same principle applies. It is better if there are few or no very small details. Such canvases are difficult to paint. You need to be very careful, you will have to work with a very thin brush, and if you accidentally climb into a neighboring area with paint of the wrong color, you will have to look for ways to paint over the strokes that have come out. The work will turn out to be sloppy.
- It is worth focusing on the budget.... The better the product, the more components it has, the more expensive it will cost. The price also depends on the popularity of the brand, the size of the canvas. It is better to initially purchase high-quality products, since working with them is easier and more pleasant.
- Another important point is the choice of the plot.... Their number is so great that absolutely everyone can choose something to their liking. A separate niche is occupied by nature, and here you can find a variety of natural phenomena and landscapes: sunrise and sunset, sea and mountains, forest and river banks, autumn and winter, spring and summer. Pictures showing recognizable places of different countries (France, England, Holland, Russia, Germany) are very popular. All kinds of animals act as a separate camp: cats, dogs, tigers, bears, dolphins and others. The religious theme is also represented by a variety of saints and biblical stories. There are also all kinds of flowers, toys, cartoons, portraits of celebrities. Among such a variety, it is easy to get confused, so you have to navigate only according to your taste.
- When buying, you should definitely open the box and check the canvas... All numbers and areas must be clearly legible and clearly marked. If the images are too faded, and the numbers are poorly readable, it will complicate the work, ruin the mood, the result may not be what you expected.
- If the product is purchased through an online store, you must carefully read all the characteristics of the product., view the attached photos, and also pay attention to the reviews of those who have already purchased this product. This usually helps a lot to navigate.

In order to start creating a picture with acrylic paints (someone prefers to do this with felt-tip pens, but the effect is definitely not the same as from paints), you need to prepare your workplace. Indeed, the quality of future work directly depends on convenience and comfort.
- The table should be comfortable... It should accommodate the canvas itself, all the paints, brushes. The diagram must be kept in front of you, as well as the picture, in order to be able to periodically check with the original. It's even better if you have an easel at home. Then it will be even more convenient to draw.
- Special attention should be paid to lighting... Ideally, it is good to paint by the window during the day, so that natural light falls on the canvas. In the evening, in addition to overhead lighting, it is imperative to have a desk lamp on the table with a sufficiently bright light so that all small numbers are clearly visible.The slightest mistake can ruin the picture, and you have to fix it.
- Be sure to prepare clean wipes, which will come in handy if you need to remove excess paint, wipe the surface, blot the brushes.
- The paints themselves are also worth preparing, open those boxes that are to be used in the near future.
- And you will also need brushes, a glass of water to rinse them... You can also prepare a palette. It is possible that you will have to mix paints. If the picture is rich in various shades, some paints will have to be mixed in order to achieve the desired tone.

How to draw correctly?
It is not difficult to paint a picture with your own hands, but beginners will have to experiment a little to learn how to paint quickly and beautifully before they can create their own masterpiece. It is more convenient to draw on canvas with a stretcher.
And if the set is without a stretcher, then it is better to pull the canvas on the stretcher yourself and fix it so that the work really turns out to be of high quality.

Each kit contains instructions that will tell you how to use the kit to get it right. But there are some tricks that are best known in advance.
- There is a way to paint from large to smaller items. In this case, at first, only large objects are painted, and only then they move on to small ones. This method will simplify the work of beginners.
- And for some, on the contrary, it will be easier to first arrange small details, and then move on to large ones. This option is especially relevant when small areas go to large ones.
- Another option is to start painting from above and gradually work your way down. It is more convenient for one to start from the right corner, to the other from the left. The advantage of this type of coloring is that the paints are not smeared, but dry quietly. But at the same time, it must be taken into account that there is also a minus. A lot of paints will be used at once, the brushes will have to be washed more often.
- A laborious option, but justified for very complex work, this is when they select areas with one number and paint over only them, then move on to areas with a different number. It takes more time to search for individual small areas. But in the end, the quality and beauty of the work is important, so time is not worth sparing.
- Another way, when you first select the elements to be painted with light paint, and then move on to objects with dark colors.

These are basic principles, but everyone can invent their own, convenient for him personally. Someone may want to draw the foreground first and then move to the back objects, or vice versa. Someone, on the other hand, will first want to draw the edges, and then pay attention to the center of the composition.

Using different styles
Of course, every artist has their own style. But when painting pictures by numbers, it is also quite possible to use different styles to make the picture look more holistic, complete. After all, it is often necessary to convey, for example, threads of rain, a swollen cloud, the rays of the sun gliding over the surface of the water. All this can be done using different strokes, paint consistency. You can make large confident strokes or light feathery ones.
Let's take a look at some styles to help diversify your painting.
- Pointillism - this is a technique when many small dots are applied to one area, this gives the object a glowing effect.
- Color transition can be done if you rinse the brush, dip it in clean water and remove the sharp transition between colors with gentle movements.
- Cirrus transition it is possible to do if you produce light and quick strokes, and then retouch the border, where one color passes into another.
- Light coverage it will turn out to be carried out if you dilute the paint with water, and then apply a thin layer on another dried shade. This will provide a transparent effect.
- Decorating need to be done after the painting is completed.It can be some small details (dots, lines) that will add completeness to the picture.

Useful Tips
Those who have already got their hands on this creativity, willingly share their experience with beginners and give advice that is worth listening to.
- When preparing for this lesson, it is better to have additional items with you that can facilitate the work.... For example, a magnifying glass will help you see small details and numbers, apply paint to the correct areas. The water container should have two compartments. In one they wash the brushes, in the other they dilute the paints. It is best to always have extra brushes on hand. It is more convenient to remove accidentally painted areas or smears with a clean brush dipped in water. A corrector or white acrylic paint will also help clear up mistakes.
- When painting, it is better to use 2-3 layers.... This will most likely be able to paint over all the numbers, and the picture will look full.
- The final design of the picture plays a big role.... Most often it can be hung on the wall directly on the stretcher. But sometimes you can pick up a beautiful frame that matches the style of the general interior.
- Some people prefer to cover the picture with varnish after the paints are completely dry.... This will give it extra shine and protect the paint from fading.
- If the set is purchased as a gift, be sure to take into account the skill level of the person to whom the painting is intended.and also inquire about its tastes. If he does not accept religious themes, he is unlikely to like painting angels and icons. But a lover of flora and fauna will definitely like paintings with tigers, panthers or gorgeous roses and lilies.