Keratin straightening

Hair after keratin straightening: consequences and positive effect

Hair after keratin straightening: consequences and positive effect
  1. The essence of the process
  2. Positive effect
  3. Effects
  4. How to protect keratin straightening?
  5. How can hair be restored?
  6. Duration of action
  7. Reviews
  8. Conclusion

In our century, many ways have been invented to ennoble the image, and therefore modern women of fashion often resort to various tricks to look irresistible. Today, technologies even allow a change in the structure of the hair, and we often resort to keratin straightening, considering it safe for the health of curls. Let's examine the possible consequences of a salon procedure, weighing its benefits and harms.

The essence of the process

Keratin hair straightening, in fact, is a salon procedure for saturating the strands with a special protein - keratin. The protein itself is of natural origin, it is in the body and helps to ensure that the tissues are elastic and smooth. Its composition is as close as possible to the composition of human hair protein; a product is produced from sheep wool.

The procedure is a cosmetic repair of the strands. The content of the mixture patches up the protein body of the hair, thereby improving its appearance. In this case, the technique itself involves the application of keratin at a high temperature.

    This happens according to the following scheme:

    • hair is washed, getting rid of the remnants of styling products and sebum;
    • open the window so as not to be poisoned by harmful vapors of the cosmetic;
    • after exposing all problem areas of the hair, it is treated with a keratin solution with thorough absorption;
    • the mixture is applied with a comb, retreating from the roots about 1 cm;
    • after applying and distributing the composition, each individual strand is dried with a hairdryer or iron at a temperature of 230 degrees C, which forces the protein to combine with human hair.

    With such a straightening of the hair, due to thermal action, it gets the shape that it is given when drying.

    Positive effect

    Keratin is believed to have the ability to heal hair. Indeed, the strands after the procedure look strong, smooth, they return to life radiance. They also become more obedient and less confused. They are easier to comb and do not feel dry or brittle.

    The procedure is indicated for hair of any type and structure. It is suitable for unruly strands, as well as hair with a porous structure.

    The use of keratin is effective in straightening curly hair.

    This technique is actively used by girls who believe that smooth curls are much better than wavy ones, and such a hairstyle looks more beautiful.

    According to those who have already tried this technique, keratin straightening makes styling easier. Due to the fact that the hair becomes obedient, it is easier to lay down as it should and less disheveled during the day. Girls note that this often eliminates the need to use an iron or hair dryer. There are no so-called combs or waves in the hairstyle.


    You should not take the procedure as curative: keratin does not heal hair, it only solders hair scales for a while. Thinking about the essence of the procedure, it becomes obvious that it is not so harmless. For example, changing the structure of naturally wavy curls cannot be called a harmless process. Keratin straightening will have a beautiful effect for a while, but this is a real burnout, albeit with a useful protein.

    It will glue the hair together for a while, due to which it will not seem porous and sore. However, few people know that in the composition of keratin there is formaldehyde. In addition, the home procedure spoils the hair, which is why it often falls out and splits. In some cases, the girl may notice that the strands have become naughty and look like a washcloth.

    It is also necessary to take into account the fact that returning the strands to their original state will no longer work. Therefore, you need to think several times before resorting to thermal straightening. It is useless to amuse yourself with the thought that, if you wish, you will then be able to return everything as it was. In addition, the procedure will have to be repeated, and possibly more than once.

    Keratin straightening is not cheap, and besides, it has to be repeated over and over again. And this can already lead to the fact that the strands, under the influence of heat treatment, will fall off along with the keratin. As a result, with constant application of the product, only hair fluff may remain on the head. In addition, one cannot ignore such a factor as an allergic reaction that can manifest itself on the drug.

    For example, due to the presence of formaldehyde in a cosmetic product, it can cause such negative consequences as:

    • blurred vision, eye inflammation;
    • skin rashes accompanied by itching;
    • respiratory tract irritation accompanied by a suffocating cough;
    • active baldness;
    • provoking the appearance and development of cancer;
    • disruption of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

    Pregnant and lactating women who resort to keratin hair straightening should take into account that this procedure affects not only their health, but is also harmful to their babies.

    In these cases, nausea and vomiting may occur. As for the frequent use of keratin, it can lead to the appearance of systematic headache, tremors of the limbs, general weakness and increased fatigue. These symptoms indicate poisoning, which is especially characteristic when the procedure is not performed for the first time.

      Rare symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning include loss of appetite, a sore throat, and a chemical taste in the mouth. According to some reports, the allergic reaction that occurs when straightening is problematic to remove. It is noted that not every anti-allergenic or anti-inflammatory agent is effective here. At the same time, it is interesting that both the client and the master can get poisoned with a cosmetic preparation.

      And therefore, not every stylist takes on its implementation. Arriving at the salon, you can not expect that a specialist will discourage a girl from straightening. This is especially true for wavy and thick curls, since after the procedure they can thin out. At the same time, it is not known for certain when the hair loss will stop. The fact remains: the procedure has a harmful cumulative effect.

      How to protect keratin straightening?

      If a woman is not afraid of the possible consequences and still decides to straighten her hair with keratin, she must take into account a few simple rules that will help her to maximize the safety of her health.

      • The Internet will never compare with the work of a professional master, and therefore the first time you need to contact the salon. Here it will be easier to understand the sequence of actions and the correctness of the straightening.
      • If possible, for straightening, you need to use harmless formulations, although their price is higher than typical means. This will protect you from possible side complications.
      • Ideally, there should be ventilation close to the chair where the procedure is being performed. The less harmful vapors there are, the better.
      • In no case should you dilute keratin with water, since this negates the procedure (keratin is destroyed when diluted with water).
      • Do not allow keratin to get on the scalp and root zone. This leads to an allergic reaction and skin irritation.
      • Do not do the procedure too often - this is harmful for the hair itself and for the health of its owner.

      It is worth paying attention to the exposure time of the ironing: a qualified specialist will not overexpose the iron or hair dryer, so as not to burn the hair. The principle "longer is better" here will only harm your hair. You can resort to alternative straightening, taking as a basis the permanent technique.

      The lamination procedure will be more useful for the hair.

        As for the composition of the product, you can ask the stylist about it. It is important to be aware that, even if there is no formaldehyde in the list of ingredients, but formalin or methylene glycol is present, this is practically equal to formaldehyde. The fact is that when heated, these substances turn into it. Other agents can also enter into various chemical compounds during heat treatment, which will lead to the formation of formaldehyde.

        To protect your health, it is necessary to use a quality hair straightening product. It is worth noting for myself here: cheap funds are distinguished by a more aggressive principle of influence. They are capable of causing serious damage to the condition of the curls. If you plan to perform keratinization yourself at home, it is better to seek the advice of a professional stylist.

        After assessing the condition of the hair, the master will help you choose the best cosmetics option, tell you which manufacturer's products are worth buying and pay attention to the possible consequences. When buying keratin for straightening, it will be useful to read reviews about a particular brand. This will provide reliable information about its effect on the hair. You need to buy a professional drug in a specialized store, paying attention to the composition and expiration date.

        How can hair be restored?

        To improve the result of straightening and not harm your hair, you need to know the rules for caring for curls, which will allow you to restore your hair in a shorter time.As a rule, if straightening is done in a salon, you can get advice from a specialist. They are quite simple and do not require much effort to complete.

        In order for keratin to be better absorbed, do not wash your hair in the first few days after the procedure. Of course, this will not keep keratin on the strands all your life, but the effect can be noticeably enhanced. After the procedure, you need to handle the strands with care, providing them with proper care. During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to change the detergent preparations to shampoo with a gentle effect, sulfate-free.

        Especially in the early days, you should not constantly pull your hair with your hands, it is undesirable to collect them in a tight ponytail, braid them or pin them with metal hairpins. Do not dye hair that has already been coated with keratin. If you want to change the color of the strands, you need to do this before the procedure.

        The minimum period of time before painting from the moment of keratin straightening is two weeks.

        The impossibility of painting is explained by the fact that for the penetration of the pigment it is necessary to forcibly open the sealed hair scales. This will harm the condition of the hair, making it porous, brittle and dry. This is especially contraindicated for brunettes who resort to highlighting strands before painting. It is necessary to moderate the ardor, having waited the necessary time.

        After keratin straightening, you will have to style your hair differently. Considering that in the process of smoothing they were exposed to high temperatures, now it is necessary to reduce the degree so that the hair does not begin to fall out. Lovers of baths and saunas will have to forget about them for a while: keratin is destroyed under the influence of hot and humid air. In addition, it is undesirable to do such a procedure if you are going to go to the sea. Sea water very quickly flushes the keratin out of the hair, regardless of how well it is soldered into the strands.

        The complex of care usually ranges from a month to several. It depends on the type of hair and its condition after straightening. You can make cosmetic masks, use complex care with oils and herbal decoctions with a regenerating effect. However, this is undesirable in the first days after application of the composition. In addition, frequent masks will quickly wash the keratin out of the hair.

        Duration of action

        In general, the procedure is considered to last for several months. However, as practice shows, curly hair begins to curl earlier than others, although not as much as before. This is explained by the fact that they gain access to oxygen, free from chemistry. On average, it lasts for three months. Other clients note that the interval between procedures is 8.5 months. During this time, the hair does not fade, does not lose its vital radiance.

        Someone thinks that a half-year break is enough between procedures, thereby giving the strands the opportunity to recover naturally. Others argue that you need to re-apply to the salon as soon as the curls begin to fade and worse fit into the hair. However, there can be no question of any secondary application of keratin to the strands, say, a month after the first procedure. This is harmful to the hair, and it does not give the body an opportunity to recover.

        As for the structure of the strands, thin and sparse curls lose their attractiveness faster after keratin straightening. In addition, it is these strands that sometimes look untidy after the procedure, or even completely sloppy. In rare cases, thin hairs fall out even in the process of straightening and sealing keratin.

        Speaking of a home straightening session, it is worth noting: it almost always has a short effect.


        Keratin hair straightening is considered an unexplored procedure. If some clients like it, then the bulk notes that such straightening is more harm than good.A lot of reviews left on information portals note: the negative effect manifests itself either immediately after the procedure, or a few hours after it.

        The girls, describing their condition, note that they woke up at night from lack of air, difficulty breathing and impossible itching, which was very difficult to cope with. In most cases, when negative reactions are identified, coping with them is problematic. For some, it is urticaria, for others - itching, for others - incredible headaches, which cannot be relieved immediately.

        Among the negative reviews, the girls note that they not only lost most of their hair after carrying out keratin burning of curls, but they also had to undergo a course of treatment with injections of antiallergenic drugs. In some cases, the result of straightening was the appearance of a strong allergy to any washing chemistry, which made it difficult to care for the body and hair. Food allergies also appeared, as well as a feeling of a lump in the throat.

        The girls who, after the first successful procedure, resorted to straightening the strands with keratin again, leaving reviews on the forums dedicated to this topic, write that after the second application of keratin, their hair growth slowed down. In doing so, the master used the same tool.

        It is also curious that immediately after the procedure it is undesirable to be, and even more so, to sleep near small children. According to reviews, signs of poisoning can appear in children, manifesting itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, severe headache.

        The mothers themselves even had swelling of both the throat and the skin.


        Keratin straightening is a procedure that requires a more detailed approach. In striving to be irresistible and flawless, one cannot be irresponsible, because here it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. It is important to be aware of whether it is worth doing, how it can turn out, whether other methods with a more gentle type of influence are possible. If you are already firmly convinced that this is necessary, contact a professional with a good reputation.

        Please note: the longer the interval between treatments, the better. If the first session is successful, this does not mean that the second will not have negative consequences.

        For information on how to do keratin hair straightening at home, see the next video.

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