Which finger to wear the ring on?

From ancient times to this day, the ring has been a symbol of eternal love, power and power.

The Significance of Fingers in Chinese Philosophy
According to the norms of Chinese philosophy, the entire Universe, including people, consists of five primary elements: earth, fire, metal, wood and water. Their balance is responsible for the harmony of the physical, psychological and spiritual state of a person. The fingers on the hand symbolically represent these elements.

In psychospiritual and palmistry practices, the significance of the right and left parts of the body is distinguished. One hand is dominant in a person (right for a right-hander, left for a left-hander), and the other is passive. Even in battle, a warrior fights with one hand and carries a shield with the other. Therefore, the rings on the active hand will stimulate certain life processes, and on the inactive hand, they will protect against external negative influences and weaken their own energy flows.

Little finger
The first element is water. It is identified with the flow of blessed energy and prosperity. She is represented by her little finger.

He is responsible for the communicative gift: the ability to listen carefully and speak convincingly. Negotiating talent and intuition when making deals bring wealth that depends on his energy.And even such important aspects in human life as relationships with the opposite sex, sensuality, feelings of love and happiness are associated with the energy of the smallest of the "five brothers".

The ring of pure gold on the little finger of the right hand will enhance the beneficial flow. Silver with gilding and a small green stone will make this flow intermittent, and give the opportunity to alternate periods of business and leisure. And on the left hand, it is better to leave the little finger unadorned, otherwise there is a real possibility of narrowing the circle of contacts, limiting sources of income and problems on the personal front.

It symbolizes the primary element - a tree. It personifies vitality, vigor, growth and self-development.
The thumb serves as a source of replenishment of energy in the rest of the fingers of the hand and absorbs its excess, thus maintaining energy balance.

Associated with logic and decision making. To enhance pragmatism and the ability to reason reasonably, it is recommended to wear a gold ring with a yellow, orange or red stone on this finger. If you need to weaken the control of your mind, trust your intuition and use your spiritual potential, you should wear a silver ring with cold stones.

Corresponds to the fire element. It is a carrier of powerful energy. In esotericism, it is believed that it is better to communicate with the Universe by lifting this finger upwards without any adornments.

The pointing finger symbolizes pride and lust for power. Rings and seals made of gold on the dominant hand are a positive sign of a strong-willed person who strives to keep everything and always under control, who knows how to lead people. The "ring of power" on the passive hand may indicate pride, arrogance and megalomania of its owner.

According to the spiritual teachings of the East, putting on a strong metal jewelry on the index finger, a woman can activate qualities that contradict her natural principle. The strength of a woman lies in her weakness, therefore, in order to achieve happiness and harmony in her personal life, it is better to leave a proud disposition and leadership functions to men.

Represents the element of the earth. The middle finger is considered karmic. You should be very careful when choosing jewelry for him. Gold can strengthen, and silver - not only weaken, but also delay the effect of karma.

Graceful rings with stones of yellow, terracotta, cream colors on the right (active) hand of a person testify to his decency and reliability. On the left (inactive) - about excessive suspicion and suspiciousness. The pretentious, extravagant jewelry on the middle finger betrays a narcissistic personality who considers himself “irresistible”.

It symbolizes the fifth element in Chinese philosophy - metal, and the sixth chakra - ajna (third eye) - in Indian. The energy of metal brings prosperity, abundance and the power of the Universe to a person's life. And the third eye gives wisdom to abandon categorical assessments, and allows you to see a world in which the existence of "yes" and "no" is possible at the same time. In ancient Egypt, it was believed that in both men and women, the "artery of love" begins in the ring finger, going straight to the heart.

A gold wedding ring enhances mutual understanding and love of spouses and stimulates the energy of self-realization and success.
Recently, almost forgotten traditions of matchmaking and engagement have been revived. The young man presents his chosen one with a ring on his ring finger. And if she accepts it, then the engagement is considered valid. Only after that do young people become bride and groom.

It is not advisable to give jewelry made of silver and with a blue or green stone. Such a gift will become an energetic obstacle to the realization of the cherished desire to get married. The option of postponing the wedding celebration or canceling it is possible.

Before marriage, the engagement ring is worn on the right hand (regardless of which hand the girl has dominant). After the wedding, you can continue to wear it on one finger with the wedding one, put it on the ring finger of your left hand, or put it in a box.

How do widows and widowers wear rings?
There is a certain unspoken tradition of wearing a wedding ring after the death of a spouse on the ring finger of the left hand. But this rule is not a mandatory canon. The ring can be left on the right hand or removed completely.

In esotericism, it is believed that jewelry made of gold tends to accumulate the negative energy of its owner. In this regard, it is not advisable to give the deceased's ring to children or to pass it on by inheritance without preliminary energetic cleansing. Keeping the memory of deceased husbands, widows can wear their rings on the same hand as their own, or on the other, or hang them on their breasts like a pendant on a chain.

As life shows, male widowers are rarely fetishistic. In addition, women's jewelry is unlikely to suit a man in style and size. A possible option to preserve the memory of the deceased spouse is to melt the wedding rings into a stylish signet with the initials of the once beloved woman.

If the life together did not work out, and parting ensued, then it is better to return the ring to the ex-spouse or to put it on the left hand. Even forgotten and abandoned in an old box, it stores the energy of an already dissolved marriage, and divorced people will have difficulty building new relationships.

Gold is a very strong metal, so that its power turns to suppress the energy of the disintegrated union, the ring must be on the left hand.

Phalanges of fingers
It would seem that, in addition to classic rings, jewelers can offer to decorate the fingers. Of course, you can experiment with the shape, with the combination of metals, with the color and size of the stones. But to come up with something new, different and at the same time convenient and beautiful is almost impossible. Often, fashion designers and designers turn to the past when creating their masterpieces. This is how the long-forgotten rings on the phalanges of the fingers came into fashion.

Even in the pre-Christian era, rings that covered almost the entire finger were popular in Egypt. Disguised as a decoration was a deadly surprise - a miniature container filled with poison.

In medieval Europe, gold wedding rings appeared and the tradition of wearing them on the wedding day. But the brides were then very young (12-15 years old). Over the years, skinny teenage girls turned into chic women with curvaceous forms, but the size of wedding rings did not change. Gold was expensive.
Married matrons were forced to wear a certificate of their loyalty on the phalanx of the finger where they could squeeze it. And, as often happens in history, a forced measure first became a common phenomenon, and then in the Renaissance, thanks to jewelers, it turned into a fashion trend - thin graceful gold jewelry on the middle phalanx of the finger.

In the 20th century, phalanx rings became widespread among punks and rockers. Like all stylistic paraphernalia of these informal subcultures, they were "heavy", made of shiny steel and silver in the form of a human skull, spider or animal head.
In the 21st century, unusual accessories first entered haute couture, receiving the name “midi rings”. It happened thanks to the extraordinary Jean-Paul Gaultier, a French fashion designer and "hooligan from fashion." He presented jewelry worn on the upper phalanges of the fingers and imitating the nail plate.

Nowadays, midi rings have become a real hit. Their assortment is great: gold, silver, made of various alloys, decorated with a relief stamped pattern, decorated with precious, semi-precious stones or rhinestones.
Most of the midi jewelry rings can be called rather conditionally.Most often they do not have a closed shape.

Flat strips of metal, narrow or wide, tightly wrapping one of the phalanges of the finger. They have an undeniable dignity - they do not need to be sized. The open-ended shape allows you to put this jewelry on almost any finger, which makes it possible to combine several headbands on different phalanges of all five fingers.

Spring rings
Outwardly, they resemble a spring, they wrap the phalanges of the fingers with several turns (from two or more). A favorite form of many designers is an adornment in the form of a golden or silver snake.

They are put on only on the upper phalanges and are decorated with overlays in the form of nail plates. Zirconium metal rings in silver color with a white or golden hue look great. The onlays can be finished with zircon, a semi-precious artificial stone, which because of its beauty and brilliance is called "the younger brother of diamond". Such an accessory costs less than a gold and diamond jewelry, but it looks just as flawless and gorgeous.

Rings for two phalanges
They consist of two links (for example, two bands or a band and a spring) connected by a chain. The links can be of the same type (for example, made of the same metal and without stones), or they can be dissimilar (from different metals, or one link is made of metal, and the second is decorated with stones).
The style of wearing this accessory depends on the length of the connecting chain. If the chain is short, then both links are put on one finger: a wide one on the phalanx from below, and a narrow one - from above. If the length of the chain allows, then the links can be put on different fingers (more often these are middle-ring or ring-pinky pairs).

Long ring
Covers the entire finger like a small armor. Consists of several links that make up a single ensemble and create the illusion of integrity. In reality, they are connected by inconspicuous hinges to give the finger movement.

The tradition of decorating feet came from hot India, where the feet have been an object of cult since ancient times: they are washed as a sign of respect, they are sung as a symbol of sexuality and eroticism, and many rituals are associated with them. Even Indian women wear a wedding ring on the second toe of their left foot.
In countries with cold climates, there is not much time to wear open shoes. Summer is the best time to demonstrate the beauty of your feet.

The types of rings on the legs are not so diverse, but no less beautiful and original.
- Classic thin rings. Difficulties can arise when putting on such jewelry, because the top of the finger is usually wider than the base.
- Open rings and snake rings (in one incomplete turn). The best and most convenient option for accessories for your feet, especially if they are made of non-oxidizing metal: gold, silver or zirconium.
- Silicone rings. The polymer rim can have a spectacular top with a pattern of small stones to hide the less delicate silicone base. In addition to decorative, they perform a hygienic function, protecting the interdigital space from chafing.
- Rings with chain. The most unusual and elegant piece of jewelry that makes a woman's leg more graceful. A chain connects the middle finger ring to the ankle bracelet. It is important that both accessories are made in the same style.

How to wear a charm ring?
A circle is a figure that has been attributed with magical properties since ancient times. A closed line without beginning or end is a sign of eternity. It provides protection on the physical and astral levels. The space inside this line is closed for the penetration of foreign negative energy. Perhaps that is why magic items were often made in the form of a ring.

The functions of the amulet are clear from the name, it keeps and protects its owner from evil forces and negative external influences.Each amulet is created to fulfill a specific task: from the evil eye, from poverty, from disease. For the action of a protective object to be effective, it must be in contact with the human body.
The ring is the optimal shape for maintaining well-being and harmony in life. It is advised to wear a talisman ring on the finger to those who may be threatened with the evil envy of ill-wishers, which can destroy not only material well-being and psychological comfort, but also physical health.

The appeal to the Almighty "Save and preserve", applied to the rim, is a powerful protection for a true Christian believer. In terms of the power of the energy impact, the consecrated ring is comparable to an icon or a pectoral cross. It is recommended to wear such a charm on one of the three fingers of the three-fingered right hand.

It is put on the ring finger of the right hand and only after the wedding ceremony. Other jewelry should be removed from this finger. A wedding ring is a more powerful guardian of family happiness than an engagement ring.

Orthodox ring
With a relief image of Christian shrines, guardian angels or saints. Prayer is engraved on the wide rim. Despite the jewelry beauty, you should not wear a security ring as a simple piece of jewelry.

With runes and esoteric signs
Putting on any accessory with an unknown pattern, you can not only ward off luck, but also attract all sorts of misfortunes into your life. It is better to acquire such amulets in specialized esoteric shops, where you can get expert advice. And before putting it on, you should carry out an energetic cleansing with four elements: hold candles (fire) over the fire, brush with salt (earth), rinse in running water (water) and smoke with incense (air).

With stone
It is known that stones have a certain energy, which, entering into resonance with a person's bioenergetics, can affect his physical and mental state. The stone in the amulet enhances its protective qualities, acting as a lightning rod for a person, taking on the blows of negative energy from the outside. You just need to know what power is hidden in the stone. For example, carnelian will help from adultery, and emerald - from grief and sadness, ruby - from unrequited love, sardonyx - from infidelity and lies, and amber and agate - from the evil eye and disease.

How do Muslims wear rings?
Each nation has traditions, including those related to jewelry. The Muslim sacred tradition (Sunnah) tells about the Islamic prophet Muhammad, who is an example and guide in the life of any Muslim.
Muhammad himself had four rings for different occasions. The most famous of them is silver with an engraved inscription "Muhammad Rasullah", which means the Messenger of Allah Muhammad. The Prophet wore it on his little finger and signed letters with them.

The sunnah indicates the prohibitions and recommendations regarding jewelry for Muslim men:
- Any jewelry made of gold is prohibited. So that a man financially supports his family, and does not adorn himself, and does not shine in the sun like a doll.
- Iron rings are prohibited. For Allah will not be able to cleanse the hand that wore such an ornament. It is only allowed to decorate the rings with these and similar metals. According to the testimony of the imams, Chinese iron adorned one of Muhammad's rings.
- It is allowed to wear jewelry only on two fingers (ring and little fingers) and preferably on the right hand. It was forbidden to decorate the rest of the fingers, so as not to become like the "people of Lut", the prophet who allowed the copulation of men.
- Before visiting the toilet, the ring with the name of Allah inscribed on it should be removed. And it is allowed to put it on only after a small and large ablution.
- If you choose a ring with a stone, then it can be a ruby to prevent poverty, agate - from grief and sadness, as well as from sudden death and undeserved punishment.Yahont, topaz, emerald and crystal were considered useful for men.

These prohibitions do not apply to women. They are allowed to wear many rings, of any metal and on any fingers. Moreover, the wealth of the family and the ability of a man to provide for his wife is measured by the amount of gold jewelry on her. The more gold a wife has, the more respect a man deserves.

Fashionable ring combinations
The motto “the more - the better, the brighter - the more beautiful” is suitable for today's fashion. To create an image, designers use every possible combination of rings.
Jewelry made of precious metals can be combined with costume jewelry. For example, a bronze or copper ring will perfectly coexist with a gold one.

A combination of previously incompatible metals, gold and silver is allowed. But it should not look like a messy mess, but an aesthetic splash of silver in a riot of gold, or vice versa.

In the trend, accessories are not just with large, but with huge stones, which effectively emphasize the grace of a woman's hand. A massive ring with a bright stone surrounded by phalanx rings looks very elegant. Several rings of different shapes and colors on one hand will emphasize the originality of the image. And (attention!) The hit of the season - two or three rings with different stones on one finger.

For fans of phalanx jewelry, it is better to purchase a ready-made set of midi rings. Wide and thin headbands, springs and chains made of the same metal and in the same style can be combined independently, following your taste and mood.
The only requirement for all this anarchy is to wear jewelry correctly. They must match the style of clothing and harmoniously fit into the created image.