Wedding rings with stones

Buying wedding rings is an important step in preparing for a wedding. Many couples looking to legitimize their relationship are wondering what to look for when choosing these pieces of jewelry.

What should be a woman's wedding ring?
The range of wedding rings is so wide that choosing becomes a daunting task. When buying, you can focus on the price category of jewelry and their design; for some people, folk signs, as well as the symbolism of stones and astrological correspondences that characterize precious metals, are of no small importance.

Classic wedding ring - yellow or red gold, smooth, without any inserts. In this regard, there is even a sign according to which such decorations portend a smooth, without conflicts and quarrels, married life. This design has its practical advantages: such a piece of jewelry is easy to clean, there is no need to fear that it will cling to clothing or any stone will fall out of it. All these are important details, considering the moment that a piece of jewelry will be worn every day and in a different setting.

However, this choice may seem too ordinary to some couples, because such rings do not distinguish them from the background of other newlyweds. Therefore, future spouses are often interested in whether it is possible to purchase jewelry of a more original design, for example, with precious stones. Naturally, there can be no strict restrictions on this score, moreover, another sign is known: precious stones - to prosperity in family life.

Small gemstones are usually used to decorate these pieces of jewelry, which are sunk into the metal to keep the surface as smooth as possible. Wedding rings with large stones are quite rare. Engagement rings are usually made with large inserts; such jewelry can often be purchased complete with a pair of wedding rings.

A bit of history
Currently, wedding rings are called rings that are exchanged at a wedding ceremony in the registry office. But, strictly speaking, such rings should be called wedding rings, since betrothal is a church rite, during which there is a threefold exchange of rings between the bride and groom.

According to tradition, the rings of the bride and groom for the engagement ceremony should be of different metals (gold and silver, respectively). The betrothal rite always preceded the wedding and at first was separated from it in time (the decree of Peter I established a period of six weeks), but from the end of the 18th century (from 1775) the betrothal began to be carried out immediately before the wedding.

With diamonds or cubic zirconia
The most common gemstone models include a combination of yellow, pink or white gold with diamonds or cubic zirkonia (synthetic stones, imitation diamonds).
The ring can be with one small stone, which is not fixed with the help of ordinary "paws" (claws), but is directly placed in the metal and therefore does not protrude noticeably above the surface of the jewelry. In the same way, a larger number of diamonds can be fixed in the decoration, for example, three or five, seven.

Diamonds or cubic zirkonia can be arranged in a circle along the entire outer surface of the jewelry. The so-called rail or channel setting is used, when gems of the same size are arranged in a row in a special channel, which is formed in the metal. The channel with diamonds can be closed in a circle, form a spiral, or occupy part of the jewelry surface.

In some models, a row of diamonds may be located on one of the end surfaces, as a result of which it appears completely in the stones. Rings of this design are made of white gold or a combination of white / red, they are quite wide, have a rectangular profile. The number of stones located at the end can be small.

With emeralds, sapphires and rubies
You can find on sale models with colored inserts: with blue sapphires, as well as rubies or emeralds. They are often paired with diamonds. Sapphires can have many different colors, but blue stones are considered the most suitable for a wedding ring, they are often combined with white gold. For rubies and emeralds, yellow or rose gold is usually chosen.

Blue and green gemstones are traditionally considered symbols of wisdom, poise, and harmony. Ruby red is associated with passion, activity, strength. When choosing jewelry with precious stones, you can be guided by the recommendations of astrologers or listen to your inner voice, which is considered a good advisor in such matters.

To decorate wedding rings, small gems of the same size and shape are most often used, which are placed in a row along the outer side of the jewelry or along its end. To fix them, channel or corner setting is often used, in which stones are inserted into holes formed in the metal of the jewelry, and are held there by small balls of the same metal.

A more unusual option is rings with black stones. These can be black sapphires or black cut diamonds, which were previously very rarely used in jewelry, were mainly used for industrial purposes, but now they are becoming more and more fashionable and in demand in jewelry.

With multicolored gold
Wedding rings in which gold of different colors are combined are becoming more and more widespread. There are a lot of options for combining different gold alloys in one piece. The simplest option is a double ring. Such a piece of jewelry looks like a combination of two different pieces of jewelry.

Rings with a combination of pink and white or white and yellow gold are widely presented in sets of a pair of jewelry, where the men's ring is combined in terms of material, without stones, and the women's ring has a similar design, but is decorated with different kinds of inserts. There are models that combine gold alloys in three different shades, they can look like a combination of three rings.

A pairing set is a very convenient solution for those who want their wedding rings to be made in the same style.

How to choose?
When choosing this kind of jewelry, it is very important, first of all, to pay attention to how comfortable it will be to wear it. There are a number of simple guidelines to guide you when purchasing.
Pay attention to the profile of the ring, that is, the shape in the section. Different types of profiles are suitable for different fingers.

If the fingers are straight and even, then you can purchase rings with a flat inner surface, including a rectangular cross-section. Jewelry with this profile can be of different widths. Thin rings are also made with this profile.
If the joint is much thicker than the base of the finger, then it is better to choose a ring, the inner surface of which is convex. This profile will make it easier to remove the jewelry. This option is also suitable for those whose fingers swell.

For fingers whose middle part is not very wide, but thicker than the base, rings with strongly rounded edges are suitable.

No matter how much you like this or that piece of jewelry, it is important to remember that it should be comfortable to wear and easy to remove. It is advisable to try on jewelry in the afternoon, especially if there is a tendency to swelling. Do not rush to make a choice, try to allocate as much time for this procedure as is necessary in order to acquire not only a very beautiful, but also a convenient thing.