Sapphire ring

Beautiful jewelry is what every woman loves. Expensive stones, which are inlaid with jewelry, carry different symbols and different values. However, the most beloved and interesting is still sapphire, a stone of bright and deep blue color. A sapphire ring, a wonderful gift for yourself and your loved ones, can become a real crown of your jewelry collection.

Features and Benefits
Sapphire is a natural stone with a deep and rich blue color. Its name is translated from Greek as "blue stone". As with other stones, many beliefs are associated with sapphire. Europeans believe that such a pebble clears thoughts and brings harmony, and people living in the East believe that sapphire helps to improve memory and concentration. Also, wearing a sapphire every day will make your health stronger and save others from negative thoughts.

The purity and coldness of the blue hue soothes and relieves nervous tension and excitement. Sometimes the sapphire is even called "the stone of the nuns", so great is the calmness of the blue. Has a pebble and medicinal properties - primarily helps with neuroses and diseases of the nervous system. It is widely used in medicine for the treatment of the spine, joints and female diseases.

Exclusive sapphire rings will be an exquisite and valuable gift for a business woman. It is perfect for politicians, leaders and ladies in high positions. A majestic and calm ring will clarify the mind and help in choosing a solution to difficult problems.
The women's sapphire ring will look perfect on young girls, whose goal is to find a soul mate and demonstrate their own attractiveness.Sapphire, which is also a symbol of love and fidelity, can well increase charisma and give its owner a certain inner light.

Rings with sapphires are very different - from inlaid with tiny stones to real exclusive products with stones of large sizes.

With a big stone
These rings will look great on older women. The shape of the stone can be different - from standard oval, square and round to unusual original ones. A heart, a complex geometric shape, an interesting ornate pattern - every girl can choose a piece of jewelry to her liking. Among the female half of the population, rings are also very popular and not just with a large, but very large sapphire.

The walkway is a pretty attractive alternative to large rocks. The sparkling scattering of tiny sapphires on the ring looks very cute and delicate. The "track" is suitable for any age, but looks especially stunning on young girls and brides. Jewelers note that the most popular is the combination of sapphires and white gold.

With star sapphire
Star or star sapphire is a gem of stunning beauty. It has amazing optical properties and you can see a real star on it. Rings with such stones are extremely rare; it is almost impossible to find them in jewelry stores. If your goal is to purchase just such a ring, customization would be a smart decision.

With other stones
Sapphire goes well with emerald. Green and blue together create a calm and delicate range that will look beautiful in both gold and silver. You can choose a discreet ring, where a blue pebble will be framed with small splashes of emeralds. Larger rings look more solid, where both stones are large.
There are also unique designer rings in the form of butterflies and flowers, interestingly decorated with both types of stones.

A frog-shaped ring trimmed with sapphires and rubies looks interesting and unusual. The contrasting color combination allows the ring to look very bright and elegant. As a rule, such a product will not be small, so you cannot wear it every day.

For a casual alternative, go for something simpler with colored stones. In many models, sapphire is ideally combined with red, green, pinkish, lilac and yellow colors.

Princess Diana's famous decoration
Princess Diana's engagement ring has become a real legend in the world of jewelry. Made of white gold, it included a huge blue sapphire and about 14 diamonds.

It used to be considered unsuitable for the royal family due to its low cost. Despite this, the princess loved him very much and never took off.

Kate Middleton ring
When Lady Diana died tragically, her children were asked to take away some of their mother's belongings as a keepsake. Prince William chose this particular sapphire ring and presented it to his betrothed Kate Middleton. Today, Diana's ring is considered one of the most beautiful sapphire jewelry. Its copies are often made by jewelers to order, and such a ring can even be found in jewelry stores.

Choosing a sapphire ring for yourself, sometimes you should think about purchasing a whole set. For every day, such a headset will not work, but it will be quite appropriate for a secular party or holiday.
Young girls can choose an interesting set consisting of a small ring with a small sapphire or a scattering of stones and original earrings. A laconic bracelet with small pebble inserts will also be appropriate. Full ladies will need a slightly larger piece of jewelry - bracelets and earrings with large stones will look good.

Pendants and pendants look great in a set with a ring. However, you shouldn't go overboard with decorations.It is recommended to choose one thing - a ring and a pendant, a ring and earrings or a bracelet, then the ensemble will not look pretentious. Jewelers advise paying attention to the seasons as well. In winter, the cool blue color is beautifully combined with white gold, and in the summer, the set will be perfect in a frame of yellow metal.

As for the clothes that you will wear under the sapphire set, it is better to dwell on the classics. A set with classic dresses, trouser suits, pencil skirt will look good. At the same time, jewelry should not be very large, let it be elegant and delicate products.
But if you go to a party, theater or restaurant, it is absolutely not forbidden to wear massive rings, earrings or necklaces. Sapphire products are ideally combined with both long and short evening dresses.

Stone colors
Many girls mistakenly believe that sapphire can only be blue. Yes, the classic version of this stone is a deep blue color, but there are several other variations. Thanks to the iron oxide, the sapphire gets a yellow color and departs from the traditional classics. Rings with such a stone are recommended to be worn by purposeful girls and careerists who want to take a good place in society.

Chromium gives sapphire rings a hue that ranges from pale pink to deep purple. Products with such a stone are very expensive and you can rarely find them. For girls who want to bring tender feelings into their lives, we recommend wearing just this shade of sapphire. Kindness and compassion for people can awaken a white stone in its owner. It is extremely rare in nature, but most jewelers lighten it artificially.

Black sapphires look very beautiful in any metal. Their real shade is dark gray. Rings with a black stone are very reminiscent of pearls, so beautifully they shine and shimmer. Rarely, green sapphires are also found, which have the ability to release tension and soothe.

Materials (edit)
As with any rings, a wide variety of materials are used to make sapphire products.

The golden ring is the most classic option that jewelry salons can offer today. Most often, girls choose white gold, which frames the blue stone very beautifully, creating a unique ensemble.

In this case, the product can be additionally decorated with diamonds, which only enhances its brilliance. White gold is a popular material not only for blue but also green, pink and black sapphires.

Silver models of rings are jewelry that will never cease to be fashionable. This metal is graceful and refined, silverware looks light and fresh. Silver rings with blue and light blue sapphires, framed by small diamonds or cubic zirkonia, look very beautiful. Such models are especially suitable for young girls as wedding rings.

Platinum is one of the most expensive and heavy metals. Platinum rings will look very sophisticated and luxurious, but you will always feel them on your finger. Such a ring will cost a decent amount. As for the color of the sapphire, any shade of the stone is suitable for such a material.

One of the best Russian brands for jewelry products. In the collections of this brand, you can always pick up original and bright jewelry. The brand is ready to offer all kinds of sapphire rings.
Very popular are beautiful gold models with a bizarre look of a stone that has not only the shape of a square or an oval, but also a flower, an interesting pattern, a curl. And to increase the attractiveness of the stone, you can choose a model additionally decorated with transparent diamonds.

Another well-known and fairly democratic Russian manufacturer.In its assortment, you can find models with both tiny stones and rich finishes. Products of the Sokolov brand are distinguished by the excellent quality of materials and interesting decor. Among the many rings, girls can choose their only one, be it classic or unusual with sapphires of an ornate and original shape.

Alexander Laut
WITHan equally young brand that is famous for its unusual and original decor. Jewelers use large stones in almost all their products, framing them with diamonds. OM-Jeweler adheres to the same trend, striving to present stones in their collections as gifts given to us by nature itself. The incredibly beautiful products presented in his collections truly delight the eye.

Sapphire rings from Cartier, Tiffany, Ouvri are among the most expensive and exquisite brands. All these brands have long established themselves as the best manufacturers, and their fame is ahead of them. The designs created by the jewelers of these brands are usually very expensive and worth a fortune.

The cost of sapphire rings can be completely different. It all depends on the purity and size of the stone itself. The larger the stone, the more you will have to pay for the purchase. The good news for lovers of beautiful jewelry is that very often fashion houses offer discounts and jewelry can be purchased at a reduced price.

The average price of sapphire rings among Russian brands varies greatly among themselves. Silver rings with cubic zirconia and glass inserts and a tiny, almost invisible sapphire, start from about 1600r. Gold models can also be different - starting from 12000r. and ending 40,000r. This difference in price is explained by the fact that products can contain stones and diamonds of different sizes. When purchasing a ring, it is worth remembering that setting with diamonds will cost an order of magnitude more.

In the best jewelry houses of the most famous brands, the price of jewelry can reach several thousand dollars. For example, a Tiffany engagement ring with sapphires and diamonds will cost you more than $ 7,000, jewelry from Cartier - from $ 3,000 and up. The Ouvri house also produces excellent products. Here, for magnificent sapphire rings, the price is slightly lower - from $ 1000.

How to choose?
When buying a sapphire ring, do not forget that this stone never has a uniform purity of color. It is enough to consider it in the sunlight and it will be immediately visible. Tiny cracks, mini-blotches are necessarily one of the constituent parts of a pebble.

Despite the rather high price, the risk of acquiring a fake is always great. Real stone is very hard and cannot be scratched or damaged. Therefore, if you held something sharp on the surface, and a trace appeared, then you have in front of you a one hundred percent fake.

Speaking about the color of the sapphire, it can be different. After all, it is mined in many parts of the world. The real homeland of the material you like can only be determined by a very experienced master. The price of the stone also directly depends on the origin of the stone; there are models that are so rare that they are almost never found.

When choosing a ring, it is recommended to take into account the shape of your own fingers. Elegant jewelry with a small pebble looks great on long and thin ones, massive rings on short and puffy ones. When choosing jewelry, you should never rush, you need to try on several models in order to determine exactly which ring fits best.